- *** Ux theme borders are now applied to the biggies: Tree, List, and Catalog. At least by default. If you don't like it you can turn it off. There's a new option in Configuration Interface Colors called "Beveled border". Check it to return to the classic 3D-bevel effect.
- ! An empty list could not be scrolled horizontally. Fixed.
- ! Rename Special: extensions of folders were treated like extensions of files (i.e. they were preserved). Fixed: folders do not have extensions, of course.
- * List: Now, when CTRL is held, the focus is set *immediately* to the clicked item on MouseDown. As before, on releasing the mouse button (MouseUp), the selection state is toggled. Note that this works also if the List itself receives the focus through this click.
Saturday, September 29, 2007
v6.30.0034 - 2007-09-29 14:55
Entry Type:
Beta Update
Posted by
XYplorer user : J_C_Hallgren
8:56 AM
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
v6.30.0033 - 2007-09-26 20:05
- ! Little display glitches due to recent changes. Fixed.
Entry Type:
Beta Update
Posted by
XYplorer user : J_C_Hallgren
2:06 PM
v6.30.0032 - 2007-09-26 15:00
- + Configuration | Colors | Color Filters: added color coding by file attribute FILE_ATTRIBUTE_REPARSE_POINT (= NTFS junction). Use this pattern: /junction (or /j)
matches all items with FILE_ATTRIBUTE_REPARSE_POINT set - + Added "junction" to the attributes on the Properties tab and on the Attributes tab (Find Files), and to the Attributes column (as "J") in the list.
- ! Calculate Folder Sizes: did follow NTFS junctions, which it should not. Fixed.
- ! Using "." (dot; note that on some system the dot must be quoted else Windows does not pass it on) as command line start path to open the app (resp. a new tab) at the current directory did not work as expected. Fixed.
- ! List Management: crashed when Editor Font was not existing. Fixed.
- + Toolbar: added buttons for "Show Hidden Items" and "Show System Items".
- % Lots of display code rewritten. GUI rendering should be even smoother now.
Entry Type:
Beta Update
Posted by
XYplorer user : J_C_Hallgren
9:02 AM
Monday, September 24, 2007
v6.30.0028 - 2007-09-24 14:06
- + Menu Tools | List Management: added "Highlighted Folders..." and "Boxed Branches...". Up to now there was no way to manage these lists so you'll likely find some orphaned entries in them. You now can edit the color values directly in the List Management interface - it is a little hardcore since you have to know Hex color coding (as in HTML: RRGGBB). Some day I might add a more luxury interface.
NOTE: 000000 means "default color" (and NOT color "black"). So you cannot use black as a highlight color. While doing this I also rewrote the storage format for these two lists. I took care for backward compatibility, so everything should look and work as before. Nice side-effect: more speed, less memory. But you'll will not note any difference -- it's just a couple of micro-seconds and a handful of bytes. - ! Floppy drive type was displayed as "FloInch Floppy Drive" in list view. Also other drives' type labels did not match exactly what Explorer would show. Fixed: now you even get the drive types in the local system language.
- ! Opening a command line start path in a new tab did not work anymore if an instance of XYplorer was already running. Fixed.
- ! The Configuration dialog's new GUI did not work in 120 DPI. Fixed.
- ! Tree and List: Didn't set the new focus correctly when leaving rename mode by clicking another item. Fixed.
- + Tip of the Day: added Random button.
- * Tip of the Day: If shown on startup then only if startup is not minimized.
Entry Type:
Beta Update
Posted by
XYplorer user : J_C_Hallgren
8:02 AM
Thursday, September 20, 2007
v6.30.0021 - 2007-09-20 08:21
- ! Backup file operation: did not preserve Created and Accessed dates for files. Fixed.
- ! Tip of the Day: If shown on startup the tip window was still modal. Fixed.
Entry Type:
Beta Update
Posted by
XYplorer user : J_C_Hallgren
2:23 AM
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
v6.30.0020 - 2007-09-19 12:17
- *** Ux theme borders are now applied to all list controls. Still missing are the biggies: Tree, List, and Catalog.
- *** The Backup file operation now preserves all three dates (modified, created, accessed) in copied files and folders.
- + Search Templates: added option "Load excluded folders". Check to overwrite the current excluded folders listing by the one stored in the template. The default is unchecked because it is assumed that the excluded folders are usually a global affair.
Nice side effect: you can now (ab)use Search Templates to store and load new sets of excluded folders (without actually doing a search). - * Search Templates: changed the "Search stored location" option group (aka "radio buttons") into one checkbox named "Load search location" to keep some style consistency.
- * List: vertically re-shrinked the column headers by 1 pixel. See v6.30.0002 - 2007-09-06 12:16, where I had added 1 pixel.
Entry Type:
Beta Update
Posted by
XYplorer user : J_C_Hallgren
6:19 AM
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
v6.30.0019 - 2007-09-18 13:05
- + In a near idiotic effort I finally managed what I wanted to do since a long time: paint my custom control borders the way it's done since Windows XP -- flat and blue (depending on your color theme). You can see my results in 2 lists where I turned the new look on as an example: the Configuration navigation list, and the first list on Configuration | Previewed Formats.
Note: You won't see anything if you use "classic design" or an OS < XP.- Two questions: - Does it work? - Is it good?
- ! Window did not restore to maximized after closed minimized. Fixed.
- ! Find Files: Excluded Folders where not remembered -- neither tab- wise, nor with Search Templates. Fixed.
- ! TitlebarTemplate: did lose leading and trailing spaces between sessions. Fixed.
- * TitlebarTemplate: now it is allowed to being and/or end the template with <app>, without attaching an additional space.
Entry Type:
Beta Update
Posted by
XYplorer user : J_C_Hallgren
7:06 AM
Monday, September 17, 2007
v6.30.0018 - 2007-09-17 14:12
- + Menu Edit | New Items: Now, date variables are supported.
For example:
1. Create a file named "Log {yyyy-mm-dd}.txt" in the NewItems folder in app path.
2. Go to some other folder.
3. Open menu Edit New Items and select the new item (which has been auto-added here magically)
4. A file called "Log 2007-09-17.txt" will be created! (If today is 2007-09-17.) - + Configuration | General: added option "Show tips on startup" to
this interface as well. - + Tip of the Day: some additional keyboard tricks. Overview:
PageDown: next tip.
PageUp: previous tip.
Home: first tip.
End: last tip.
R: random tip. - + Configuration | Report: Now displays the current memory usage at the bottom. To update the value close and re-open Configuration. The values are identical to those shown in Task Manager.
- + Configuration | Interface Colors: now you can control "Highlight focused item" also from here.
- * TitlebarTemplate: in concordance with usage elsewhere in XY, I changed the brackets:
Old: {path} - {app} @ {ini} - {ver}
New: <path> - <app> @ <ini> - <ver>
Forgot to mention what they mean:
<path> = current path
<app> = application's exe name
<ini> = current INI file
<ver> = exe version - ! RegExp Rename: RegExp inline comments containing the character ">" would not work. Fixed.
- ! RegExp Rename: The preview button would disappear after a RegExp error message. Fixed.
- ! Optimize Tree: did not refresh the tree display reliably. Fixed.
Entry Type:
Beta Update
Posted by
XYplorer user : J_C_Hallgren
8:14 AM
Saturday, September 15, 2007
v6.30.0012 - 2007-09-15 12:00
- *** Configuration: Redesigned the interface. Instead of tabs (that typically run into out-of-space problems) the category selection now is done via a (scrollable, if longer) list.
Tip: You can nonstop-cycle the list by up/down arrows.
As you see, I'm still not done/happy with creating some icons.
And, more importantly, the mountain of configuration options has still to be reorganized into subchapters. Which, sadly, will make rewriting of some parts of the documenation necessary.
I also plan to add a "find-the-setting"-tool in form of a find-as-you-type technology. - * Configuration | Preview: renamed "Audio preview with panel down" to "Play with panel down" (just to save space).
- + Configuration | Tabs: The delay before a dragged over tab is automatically selected is now configurable. You find this new option on the new Tabs tab. It is called: "Delay before a dragged over tab is auto-selected (in milliseconds)" Allowed values are from 0 to 9999.
*** NOTE ***: I did not write backward-compatibility code, so this Value will be initialized to 0 (zero) on a non-fresh installation. If you want to have it as it was before then go to Configuration Tabs and set the value to 1000 (= 1 second)! - + The main window's titlebar now displays the app version.
The form is: {path} - {app} @ {ini} - {ver}
But read on... - + ... now you can tweak what's displayed in the titlebar.
In the INI you'll find a new key:
A full-blown example (and the new default!) would be:
TitlebarTemplate={path} - {app} @ {ini} - {ver}
There are two rules:
- The presence of the field {app} is obligatory, AND it must be surrounded by spaces. This is necessary to correctly identify previous instances of the app with a good chance.
- This feature is only available in a licensed copy. Else the default is used and "### 30-day Trial Version ###" is inserted into {ver}. - + From now on, fresh installations will come with some Default Color Filters. Works as a visual appetizer and as a practical example for how to do it. These are the pre-installed filters:
They do not come activated though. I'm still unsure whether that might be a shock for newbies... ;) - + Highlight Focused Row now happens not only in Details view but in all other views as well. It actually should be called "Highlight Focused Item" because it's not only rows anymore. So:
Renamed: "Highlight Focused Row" to "Highlight Focused Item"
I recommend using this Highlighting because it tells you which item is focused even if the List is not the focused control (and hence has no focus rect). - + Added "Fully Collapse Drive" (Ctrl+Numpad Divide) to the Tree folders' context menu, inside the new submenu "Expansion". Also moved "Fully Expand" to the top position.
- ! The tip for file Info did not appear if one of the 9 first fields (from "Name" to "Owner") was not checked. Fixed.
- + Enhanced compatibility with Kontrast#1 (etc.) color schemes for visually impaired.
- * Subtle changes in focus rect coloring...
- ! Leading and trailing spaces were lost between sessions in Search & Replace (and a lot of other lists) because they were not passed quoted to INI file. Fixed.
Entry Type:
Beta Update
Posted by
XYplorer user : J_C_Hallgren
12:00 PM
Thursday, September 13, 2007
v6.30.0009 - 2007-09-13 11:59
- + Dbl-click on empty space goes up (or down when holding Shift) one level: now implemented for the tree's empty space, too.
- + CKS: added new command to "Miscellaneous":
- Optimize Tree
Only expand the current path, collapse all other paths.
Default KS: Shift+Numpad Divide - + Added "Optimize Tree" to the Tree folders' context menu, inside a new submenu "Expansion".
- + Now holding Shift while selecting a menu item will open a location in a new tab in Breadcrumb, Hotlist, Drives, Favorite Folders, and Favorite Files menus.
- + Configuration | File Info Tips: added yet another (super-)field to the bottom of the list: "Version Information". Shows the following six fields (if they exist) from the so-called "String Version Info", for example for XYplorer.exe:
FileDescription: XYplorer
CompanyName: www.xyplorer.com
FileVersion: 6.30.0008
OriginalFilename: XYplorer.exe
LegalCopyright: Copyright © 2000-07 by Donald Lessau
Comments: A portable multi-tabbed file manager... (etc.) - * Hot scrolling (auto-scrolling when drag-hovering the upper or lower margins of a long list) now happens only when over the left third of the list. Before, it was the left half, but that was still too hot for me.
- ! Raw View: Incorrect line parsing with ASCII-Mac/DOS files. Fixed.
- * Rename Special: now, the default button is the "OK" button and it is triggered by Enter, as expected. To open the Rename Preview press Ctrl+Enter (Think: "Control"). In the Rename Preview, pressing Ctrl+Enter will bring you back to the edit pattern interface. In other words: while you hold Ctrl, no actual rename will happen via keyboard, but you jump back and forth between preview and edit interface.
- * Catalog's Context Menu |Import as New Category Here|Current List:
now this item is auto-renamed to "Selected List Item(s)" if there are any selections. Only if there are no items selected the whole list is imported and the item is aptly called "Current List".
Entry Type:
Beta Update
Posted by
XYplorer user : J_C_Hallgren
11:59 AM
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
v6.30.0008 - 2007-09-11 09:47
- + Configuration | File Info Tips: made the showing of the two Extra fields configurable, and renamed one of them:
Len (Full Path) (before named "Full Name Length")
Path (Search Results)
You find them at the bottom of the "File info tips fields" list.
Also, the now called "Len (Full Path)" field now shows the length of the filename and the length of the full path/file (in parentheses). - * Tip of the Day: now the window is non-modal, the startup-position is better (aim: don't cover the most important interface areas), and the headline (DID YOU KNOW...) is easier readable.
Entry Type:
Beta Update
Posted by
XYplorer user : J_C_Hallgren
3:49 AM
Monday, September 10, 2007
v6.30.0007 - 2007-09-10 12:36
- + The distribution package now includes the file "tipoftheday.htm",
which contains the layout (HTML) and the tip data (proprietary
format) for the "Tip of the Day" dialog. This file will be
continuously updated. Do not change it manually. - * Tip of the Day: Slightly changed the tip syntax. There might be
more changes coming in the next days, so it's too early for you to
write your own tip collection (see below!). Later you can do so
and try to sell it on the web... :) - + Menu Help | Tip of the Day...: You now can have another file
called "tipoftheday_user.htm" along side "tipoftheday.htm". The
idea is that you can collect and keep your own private custom tips
in that file, without having them overwritten when the official
file "tipoftheday.htm" is updated. When XYplorer finds and loads
your custom tip file, the custom tips will be simply appended to
the official tips (or, optionally, replace them... see below!).
You may also design a custom layout for the tips using that file:
If a file "tipoftheday_user.htm" exists in the application path,
then it can (see below!) be used as HTML template for the Tips of
the Day. Note, that you have to know and understand the basic
format of "tipoftheday.htm" to create a working user tip file.
Inside this user tip file you can make two decisions by placing
certain keywords into the header section (anything before ###):
(1) write "user only" (without quotes) in a separate line to use
only the user tips in this file for the Tips of the Day
(2) write "html" (without quotes) in a separate line to use this
file as HTML template for the Tips of the Day
If you do not use the "html" option, the user tip file can be
stripped of all the HTML code and look very simple. Here's a mini-
example of a working "tipoftheday_user.htm" which will *replace*
the official tips (remove "user only" and it will be *added* to
the official tips):
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
user only
Stop a Search
You can stop an ongoing search at any time by pressing ESC.
Show/Hide the Info Panel
Left-click on the {:Statusbar}.
:Statusbar:The information bar right below the file list.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ! Menu File | Copy Here As: did not work in Tree inside Special
folders (eg "Desktop"). Also the Tree was not always refreshed.
Entry Type:
Beta Update
Posted by
XYplorer user : J_C_Hallgren
12:36 PM
Sunday, September 9, 2007
v6.30.0004 - 2007-09-09 11:00
- +++ Menu Help: Added "Tip of the Day" functionality (Shift+F1). Shows a random tip, usually a little usage hint or trick, ideally something you would not look for because you never thought it existed, or something you always tend to forget about. The aim is also to open up the richness of XYplorer to newbies.
Optionally the tips can be auto-shown at startup. You may scroll through the tips by PageUp/PageDown keys. (This is actually one of the tips!) Right now there are only few Tips... there will be more soon, many more!
All tips, and the HTML template used to display them, are contained in one file called "tipoftheday.htm". A new version of this file will be provided irregularly and can be downloaded from the website. If you don't have it now you *must* download it because it's not yet in the distribution package:
You may edit this file to add your own tips. The syntax for the data is explained inside the file. Inside each tip all HTML tags are allowed (including links and references to remote resources). This, of course, means you can have the tips in your language! Simply translate them or have them translated.
Entry Type:
Beta Update
Posted by
XYplorer user : J_C_Hallgren
11:00 AM
Friday, September 7, 2007
v6.30.0004 - 2007-09-07 13:46
- * Improved column sizing by mouse. It was a little shaky when you downed the mouse some pixels off the column separator. Now it's rock-solid.
- + Added the "Sort By" submenu to the List's context menu. It's highly expected there, as I learned from user communication.
- - Removed the Go commands (Up, Back, Forward) from the top of the List's context menu. Reason: the menu got too high, and these commands are not very useful there for a majority of users (including myself). After the coming redesign of the Configuration dialog, you'll get an option to have them back.
Entry Type:
Beta Update
Posted by
XYplorer user : J_C_Hallgren
7:47 AM
Thursday, September 6, 2007
v6.30.0003 - 2007-09-06 12:56
- ! Column headers did not work alright in "Windows Classic Design" mode. Fixed.
Entry Type:
Beta Update
Posted by
XYplorer user : J_C_Hallgren
12:56 PM
v6.30.0002 - 2007-09-06 12:16
- *** Rewrote the List's column headers. Now they are "XP/Vista styled" (of course, only if you have one of those OSs plus themes enabled), as well as with hover effect. I had to increase the headers height by one pixel to make it look good. That's still 2 pixels less than Explorer. :)
- * Rewrote tooltips for the toolbar. Now they throw a shadow and position correctly in a dual monitors setup.
- ! Menu File | Rename Special | Preview All: unchecking had no effect after a preview had been shown. Fixed.
- ! Menu Go | Goto: Canceling that dialog did not Cancel any action but pass am empty path to the browsing routines. Fixed.
- ! Menu Go | Goto: Dialog crashed when canceling it by pressing Alt+F4. Fixed.
Entry Type:
Beta Update
Posted by
XYplorer user : J_C_Hallgren
12:16 PM
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
v6.30.0001 - 2007-09-05 09:35
- + Media Preview: added support for the file extension DIVX (DivX Movie). Note that the files are exactly the same as those with the AVI extension.
- * Rewrote tooltips for the tab headers. Now they throw a shadow and should position correctly in a dual monitors setup.
- * Address Bar: pressing ESC now always resets the content to the current path.
- + Address Bar: now, pressing Enter on an empty Address Bar will reset any Visual Filter or Quick Search and re-browse the current folder. Just a little service. Before, pressing Enter on an empty Address Bar did do nothing at all. You may also add an empty (destination) item to the Catalog to re- browse the current folder without any VF or QS.
- + Menu Help | XYplorer on the Web: added two commands, renamed one (Web Site -> Homepage).
Entry Type:
Beta Update
Posted by
XYplorer user : J_C_Hallgren
3:37 AM
Sunday, September 2, 2007
v6.30.0000 - 2007-09-02 14:00
Main changes since last release:
- +++ Rename Special: all bulk rename operations now come with a detailed preview, including detection of possible conflicts.
- +++ Added option "Minimize to tray on X close".
- +++ Smoother tab cycling through delayed browsing.
- +++ RegExp Rename: now you may use inline comments of format (?#comment) within your Regular Expressions.
- +++ File Info Tips completely rewritten. No more freezing effect when hovering AVIs or PDFs.
- +++ Network browsing did not work as expected under Vista in version 6.20. Now it works again, and much faster than before.
Entry Type:
Official Release
Posted by
XYplorer user : J_C_Hallgren
2:00 PM