- ! Cut (Ctrl+X) refused to work when Tree was focused. Fixed.
- ! Find Files: if you had OR-combined patterns by ";" and at the same time blanks in the search term, you would not get the expected results. Fixed.
- ! Drop-down lists: Fixed some issues with the auto-complete list, including a crash under certain circumstances.
Saturday, December 29, 2007
v6.70.0007 - 2007-12-29 10:12
Entry Type: Beta Update Posted by XYplorer user : J_C_Hallgren at 4:10 AM
Saturday, December 22, 2007
v6.70.0005 - 2007-12-22 20:36
- + List: added functionality to jump to the target of *.LNK files (aka Shortcuts). You find it in the context menu of List items (if the focused item is a shortcut). The target is displayed in the status bar when hovering the menu command. You also find a new command in CKS | Miscellaneous | Go To: Go to Shortcut Target.
- + Configuration | File Info Tips: added yet another extra field to the bottom of the list: "Target". Shows the target of *.LNK files (aka Shortcuts).
- + Catalog: now when expanding a Category node, the Catalog is auto-scrolled to a position where as many childs as possible of that Category are visible.
- ! Info Panel | Find Files | Excluded Folders: the Excluded Folders list was not fully displayed on startup under certain circumstances since a couple of weeks. Fixed.
Entry Type: Beta Update Posted by XYplorer user : J_C_Hallgren at 2:34 PM
Friday, December 21, 2007
v6.70.0003 - 2007-12-21 10:10
- +++ Now you can drag-drop items onto *.LNK files (aka Shortcuts) in List and Catalog. A drop is allowed if the LNK target is a folder or a file that accepts dropping (EXE, BAT, CMD, ZIP, etc.).
Entry Type: Beta Update Posted by XYplorer user : J_C_Hallgren at 4:10 AM
Thursday, December 20, 2007
v6.70.0002 - 2007-12-20 10:26
- + Menu File | To Clipboard: added command "Item Base(s)". If focus is on List, it copies the base names (name without extension) of all selected items to clipboard. If focus is on Tree, it works identical to Copy Name(s).
- + Toolbar: added button "Go to Previous Location". Has a context menu.
- ! If you chose "Configure Thumbnails" from the context menu of the Views toolbar button, the configuration window opened with the wrong category - "File Info Tips" instead of "Thumbnails". Fixed.
- * Tree and List, item selection by keyboard: raised the max interval to interpret two consecutive keystrokes as belonging to one string from 750 to 1000 msec.
- * UDC | New: exchanged the term "Clone" with "Source".
- + UDC interface: now you can duplicate the current command by holding CTRL when pressing "New" or by pressing Ctrl+Ins. If the current command has a caption, then the new command's caption will have "(Copy)" suffixed.
Entry Type: Beta Update Posted by XYplorer user : J_C_Hallgren at 4:25 AM
Monday, December 17, 2007
v6.70.0001 - 2007-12-17 09:55
- * CKS | Miscellaneous | Select Info Panel Tab: now the 6 commands are toggles. If the respective tab is already visible then the commands will hide the Info Panel.
- + Toolbar: added button "Properties" (icon: "i" in blue circle). Toggles the Info Panel | Properties tab. Identical to CKS | Miscellaneous | Select Info Panel Tab | Properties (Ctrl+1).
- + Toolbar: added context menu to the following buttons:
- Show Navigation Panel
- Show Catalog
- Show Info Panel
- Wide Info Panel
- Last Size/Minimize Info Panel
- Maximize/Minimize Info Panel - ! Image Preview: when previewing a PSD file without an embedded thumbnail, the wrong message was given. Now is says correctly: "No embedded thumbnail found."
- ! Catalog: Mousepointer was not reset after dropping on Catalog Items from other applications. Fixed.
Entry Type: Beta Update Posted by XYplorer user : J_C_Hallgren at 3:55 AM
Friday, December 14, 2007
v6.70.0000 - 2007-12-14 10:00
Main changes since last release:
- +++ User-Defined Commands (UDC): The new command category "New" gives you unprecedented one-click control over creating new files and folders (blank or cloned from existing ones). This includes the invaluable "Copy Here" functionality by which you can recreate duplicates of any existing file or folder in your current location.
- +++ Now all UDC submenu items have icons.
- +++ Added preview and thumbnails for DNG (Digital Negative) and NEF (Nikon Electronic Format) files.
- +++ Network: Finally, there's the logon dialog!
- +++ Network: Enhanced support for hidden shares.
Entry Type: Official Release Posted by XYplorer user : J_C_Hallgren at 5:57 AM
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
v6.60.0060 - 2007-12-11 11:56
- + Catalog | Context Menu | Insert As New Category Here: added command "Clipboard Contents" by which you can add any files or folders on the clipboard to the Catalog as a new Category.
- + Catalog | Context Menu | Insert As New Item(s) Here: added command "Clipboard Contents" by which you can add any files or folders on the clipboard to the current Catalog Category.
- * Catalog | Context Menu: "Current Address Bar Contents" is now "Current Address Bar Text". No, I'm not pedantic.
- % Smoother painting on location changes, view changes, and tab switches. There was some superfluous action going on. I stripped it down to the essential.
- + CKS | Miscellaneous | 64-bit: Added command "Toggle Wow64 File System Redirection" which allows you to disable/re-enable Wow64 File Redirection on 64-bit Windows. The current state of the setting is reflected in the main window titlebar: if Redirection is disabled you'll see a "- [64]" appended to the window title. Note that, of course, the command is only effective on 64-bit platforms. Note further that this setting is NOT saved between sessions, since XY depends on the redirection to load correctly.
Background: On a 64-bit platform, a 32bit app can't access the 64bit system directory Windows\System32 (sic!). Instead Windows redirects all file system calls to Windows\SysWow64. Consequently, XYplorer shows in fact the contents of Windows\SysWow64 when you browse to Windows\System32. If you want to see the "real" Windows\System32, you have to disable Wow64 Redirection.
Entry Type: Beta Update Posted by XYplorer user : J_C_Hallgren at 5:57 AM
Monday, December 10, 2007
v6.60.0054 - 2007-12-10 12:07
- + Added preview of *.nef files (Nikon Electronic Format). NEF is a RAW image format designed by Nikon, and is based on the TIFF/EP format. The preview (preview tab and thumbnails in file list) makes use of any embedded TIFF thumbnails in your NEF files.
- * UDC New: the following variables refer to the Clone source if there is one given, and not to the currently focused item:
The variable name "cur..." might be confusing here, but the behavior is expected and the logic is clear. If you create a new file that's a clone of a certain other file, it would be total nonsense to name that new file based on the name, date, or version of the currently selected file! Of course, you would want to resolve these variables with reference to the cloned file!
BTW, a neat little thing is now possible. The following setting will create a versioned copy (e.g. "XYplorer_6.60.0053.exe") of *this* instance of XYplorer in the current path:
Name: <curbase>_<curver>.<curext>
Clone: XYplorer.exe
Because of the portability of the Clone field XYplorer.exe is always resolved to this instance of XYplorer. Back me up! - % Faster startup time if you make use of the NewItems folder.
- + Configuration | Thumbnails: added option "Show file icon on thumbnail". Check it to show the small file icon in the top-left corner of the thumbnail.
Entry Type: Beta Update Posted by XYplorer user : J_C_Hallgren at 6:06 AM
Sunday, December 9, 2007
v6.60.0053 - 2007-12-09 17:42
- +++ Added preview of *.dng files (Digital Negative). DNG is a RAW image format designed by Adobe Systems, and is based on the TIFF/EP format. The preview (preview tab and thumbnails in file list) makes use of any embedded TIFF thumbnails in your DNG files.
- + CKS | Miscellaneous | Go To: added new command "Open Folder in New Tab". Exact behavior depends on circumstances:
- Focus on List folder: open that folder in new tab.
- Focus on List file: open file's folder, then focus file.
- Focus on List no item: open current folder in new tab.
- Focus on Tree: open current folder in new tab.
Note that the focused item must be selected, too. Works in Browse and Find mode (i.e. on Search Results). - +++ UDC | New: added support for some very useful (and partly new!) variables in the Name field. Examples:
- If the currently focused file is E:\Pics\ChristinaAguilera.jpg, dated 20070602:
Name field: New empty file created:
<curfolder>.txt Pics.txt
<curtitle>.txt ChristinaAguilera.jpg.txt
<curbase>.txt ChristinaAguilera.txt
<curbase>-<curext>.txt ChristinaAguilera-jpg.txt
<curbase>-<myyyymmdd>.txt ChristinaAguilera-20070602.txt
<curbase>-<dyyyymmdd>.txt ChristinaAguilera-20071209.txt
- The new variablewill extract the version number of the current file (if it has one). If the currently focused file is E:\XYplorer.exe, v6.60.0053:
<curbase>_<curver>.txt XYplorer_6.60.0053.txt
- If you set the Clone field to <curitem>, you can emulate the behavior of "Copy Here With Suffix Date Modified" (see below). You can also do something new now: "Copy Here With Suffix Version" -- very useful if you ask me!
Name field: New clone created:
<curbase>_<myyyymmdd>.<curext> XYplorer_20071207.exe
<curbase>_<curver>.<curext> XYplorer_6.60.0045.exe
============================================================== - + UDC | New: now the Clone source supports portability, i.e. it can be stated relative to app path and drive. See Portable File Associations for syntax.
Entry Type: Beta Update Posted by XYplorer user : J_C_Hallgren at 11:42 AM
Saturday, December 8, 2007
v6.60.0052 - 2007-12-08 15:31
- * Catalog: reorganized the context menu of Categories and Items. Now, all commands concerning the real files and folders are located in the top section of the menu, and all commands concerning the Catalog and its pointers to those items are located in the bottom section.
See http://www.xyplorer.com/images/catalog-context-menu.png - ! List: evil dbl-click resonance crash. Fixed again.
Entry Type: Beta Update Posted by XYplorer user : J_C_Hallgren at 9:30 AM
Friday, December 7, 2007
v6.60.0051 - 2007-12-07 21:24
- +++ Menu User: now all the UDC submenus have icons. Note: not all menu items can be assigned an icon, for various and mostly obvious reasons depending on the nature of the UDC category and the format of the actual command.
- + Info Panel | Find Files: the "..." (Browse) button now has a tiny context menu with one command "Search All Tabs". Click it to enter the paths of all tabs in the Find Files Location field. Search Results tabs are excluded.
- ! Menu Tools Emtpy Recycle Bin...: Free-space display in statusbar was not refreshed after executing the command. Fixed.
- + Toolbar | Manage User-Defined Commands | Context Menu: now, when holding CTRL on "New...", the Clone field is preset to the currently selected item.
- ! List: app could crash after some repetitive alternate dbl-clicking on items and white space in a certain evil rhythmic pattern that resounded with the system dbl-click time and some other settings. Quite difficult to do. And now even more difficult since it's fixed.
- ! Network: did not always act as expected with shutdown servers. Fixed. Also improved speed.
Entry Type: Beta Update Posted by XYplorer user : J_C_Hallgren at 3:24 PM
Thursday, December 6, 2007
v6.60.0044 - 2007-12-06 14:00
- +++ UDC: added new command category "New". XYplorer in a nutshell is: less clicks. And this new UDC category will spare you a bunch of clicks! It will inject unseen powers into the creation of new file and folder items. Welcome to the Uber-New! The rules are easy (see Tips button in UDC dialog) and the possibilities are many.
- For example "Copy Here": A particularly interesting combination is to leave the Name field empty and define a Clone source. This will effectively result in a "Copy [item] Here" functionality, which can be very useful! E.g., as a web designer you always need a certain button graphics. You know where it is, but isn't it a pain to always browse there and get it. The "Copy Here" will simply fetch it for you at a single keystroke! It's like: Beam me down, Scotty!
- Or state "<curitem>" (w/o quotes) as clone source. The currently selected List item will be duplicated in the current folder and named as you order. - * Configuration | Interface Colors. Instead of the "Reset Colors" button, whose function was unclear to many users, you now have an "Reset Colors..." button, which pops up a little menu that gives more and clearer options:
- Reset Colors to Currently Active Values
- Reset Colors to Factory Defaults - ! Drag'n'Drop from other app: mouse cursor was "Create Shortcut" rather than "Copy Here". Fixed.
Entry Type: Beta Update Posted by XYplorer user : J_C_Hallgren at 8:00 AM
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
v6.60.0042 - 2007-12-04 11:11
- + Toolbar | Manage User-Defined Commands: the button's right-click menu now enables you to directly create a new UDC with the argument preset to some current context value. How? Simply hold CTRL while clicking one of the menu items! The preset values adjust to the command category:
"goto", "open", "openwith" -> current file (if any selected)
"rename" -> "[pattern]"
else -> current path
Entry Type: Beta Update Posted by XYplorer user : J_C_Hallgren at 5:13 AM
Sunday, December 2, 2007
v6.60.0041 - 2007-12-02 15:38
- + Network: now you can browse UNC paths like "\\computer\share\path" successfully even when "\\computer" is password protected but not yet connected.
- ! Network: the logon dialog would always pop on the primary display regardless where XY is located. Might be fixed.
Entry Type: Beta Update Posted by XYplorer user : J_C_Hallgren at 9:41 AM
v6.60.0040 - 2007-12-02 10:34
- +++ If you browse to password protected but yet unconnected servers you now get the expected logon dialog. Credits go to Alex Zhuk for showing me the way!
- + Network: You may now add servers more easily through the Address Bar (Favorites, Catalog, Goto). More easily means: even if the servers currently are not accessible for whatever reason, they will be added to the Tree.
- + List: Hold CTRL while double-clicking an item to force opening the item with the OS associated application, i.e. to bypass XY's Portable File Associations.
- + Configuration | Thumbnails: added option "Pop up image in original size on mouse down (Mouse Down Blow Up)". Before, this was hard-coded to TRUE. Now you have an option to turn it off. If it's off, you can drag'n'drop thumbnails easier because you can use the whole thumbnail area for grabbing, not just the caption.
- % Configuration | Thumbnails | Super-fast thumbnail creation: now, also GIF images are created super-fast. The INI tweak "SuperFastThumbsGif" (v6.10.0075 - 2007-08-05 10:14) is hence obsolete and has been removed.
Entry Type: Beta Update Posted by XYplorer user : J_C_Hallgren at 4:35 AM