Wednesday, July 2, 2008

v7.30.0004 - 2008-07-02 09:37

  • + Menu Scripting: Added command "Load Selected Script File". Allows you to directly load a script resource from the file list.
  • + Scripting commands enhanced:
      - GetKey, SetKey
        New logic in resolving a non-absolute INIfile parameter:
        (1) If GetKey/SetKey are called from a script file (*.xys) the
            INIfile parameter now is resolved relatively to that
            script file's path. (New behavior)
        (2) If the INIfile parameter is left empty then it is always
            resolved to the current INI file of XYplorer.
            (Old behavior)
        (3) To reference an XYplorer INI file that's not the currently
            loaded one, you now have to state as its path, e.g.
            "\MySettings.ini". (New behavior)

      - Create a file test.xys in E:\Test\ with these contents:
        "set key" setkey "55", Key1, Section1, ScriptSettings.ini;
        "get key" getkey $a, Key1, Section1, ScriptSettings.ini; msg $a;
      - Load the file, using e.g. this in the address bar:
        ::load E:\Test\test.xys
      - Select "set key"
      - Now the file ScriptSettings.ini will be created in E:\Test\
      - Select "get key"
      - Now E:\Test\ScriptSettings.ini will be read.
  • - Configuration | General: Removed setting "Report the disk space
    used" (key FolderSizeReportDiskSpaceUsed). Reason: It had become obsolete since a quite while ago. Menu View | Size Column Format | Show Space Used does the job well enough, and is easily reachable in the Size Column header's context menu (Details View).