- * Menu File | To Clipboard: Added command "Image". If the current file is an image file this command will copy the image directly to the clipboard.
- * Release Package: Now, a default catalog file called "CatalogDefault.dat" is installed in (copied to) the application path (AP).
If on application startup no "catalog.dat" file is found in the application data path (ADP), then "[AP]\CatalogDefault.dat" is copied to "[ADP]\catalog.dat".
Note that the installer will copy "CatalogDefault.dat" only if it does not exist. It will never overwrite any already existing "CatalogDefault.dat" even if it is older. This means:
(1) The installation, even if using the non-install package, and
even if your ADP is identical to your AP, will never overwrite
your current "catalog.dat".
(2) You can use "[AP]\CatalogDefault.dat" for your own purpose as
a backup for "[ADP]\catalog.dat". But note that when you use
the *non*-install package, "CatalogDefault.dat" might be
overwritten on extracting the archive.
Sunday, August 31, 2008
v7.50.0005 - 2008-08-31 13:38
Entry Type: Beta Update Posted by XYplorer user : J_C_Hallgren at 7:38 AM
Friday, August 29, 2008
v7.50.0003 - 2008-08-29 21:00
- + Catalog Properties Dialog: The edit boxes now support UNICODE.
- ! Scripting: Fixed two glitches with variable processing.
- + New variable: <xyver> = current XYplorer version.
- + Scripting got a new command:
- Self
Action: get info about the currently running script
resp. script file
Syntax: self output, info
output: required, variable
info: required, any of the following:
file = current script file (empty if none)
path = current script file's path (app data if none)
base = current script file's base (empty if none)
script = current script
::self $a, path; msg $a;
::self $a, script; msg $a;
Of course, the info types file, path, and base only make sense
when the script is running from a script file.
Entry Type: Beta Update Posted by XYplorer user : J_C_Hallgren at 3:02 PM
v7.50.0002 - 2008-08-29 09:50
- * Scripting command enhanced:
- set
Now it can be used to resolve any environment and XY-native
variables found inside the 'value' argument. It's like a second
processing, since all arguments get already resolved one time
when they are passed to the function.
New Syntax: set output, value, [r]
output: required, variable
value: required, anything goes
r: optional, resolve any env and xy vars found in value
::copytext '%tmp%'; set $a, <clipboard>; msg $a
> %tmp%
::copytext '%tmp%'; set $a, <clipboard>, r; msg $a
> C:\Temp
::copytext '<date>'; set $a, <clipboard>; msg $a;
> <date>
::copytext '<date>'; set $a, <clipboard>, r; msg $a;
> 29.08.2008 08:34:37
::set $a, '<date>'; set $b, $a; msg $b;
> <date>
::set $a, '<date>'; set $b, $a, r; msg $b;
> 29.08.2008 08:34:37 - ! Scripting: Fixed further issues with repeated processing.
These examples now work as expected:
::copytext '%tmp%'; msg <clipboard> + %windir%;
> %Tmp% + C:\WINDOWS
::copytext '<date>'; set $cb, <clipboard>; msg $cb;
> <date>
::copytext 'The <clipboard> is exploding!';
set $a, <clipboard>; msg $a
> The <clipboard> is exploding!
::set $c, 'ROAAR!!!'; copytext '$c'; msg <clipboard>
> $c - * Release Package: From now on a sample catalog.dat file is distributed and will be installed by the installer if no catalog.dat file already exists.
Entry Type: Beta Update Posted by XYplorer user : J_C_Hallgren at 3:49 AM
Monday, August 25, 2008
v7.50.0000 - 2008-08-25 15:01
Main changes since last release:
- +++ Folder View Settings: Now you can save and auto-restore folder-specific view settings.
- +++ The thumbnails view mode has been redesigned.
- +++ Scripting. A new "timestamp" command gives you programmatic control over all three file dates of any file or folder on your system.
- +++ Start Up. Now you can select the Application Data Path using a command line switch. This means you can have any number of totally independent configurations for one single executable. Choose your preferred work environment via a simple Windows shortcut!
- +++ Tabs. List Style (line numbers, auto-size, grid...) and Column visibility are now tab-wise.
- +++ Now the Catalog can be moved above the Tree.
- +++ Rename Preview. The size of the preview window now automatically adjusts to best fit the info.
- +++ Batch Rename. New "Increment On Collision" switch (/i). Automatically avoids collisions with existing files.
Entry Type: Official Release Posted by XYplorer user : J_C_Hallgren at 8:12 AM
Sunday, August 24, 2008
v7.40.0030 - 2008-08-24 16:42
- ! Color Filters: Due to a temporary glitch, patterns like "D:\*readme*" did not work anymore. Fixed.
Entry Type: Beta Update Posted by XYplorer user : J_C_Hallgren at 10:43 AM
Saturday, August 23, 2008
v7.40.0029 - 2008-08-23 20:54
- + CKS: Added the FVS commands.
Entry Type: Beta Update Posted by XYplorer user : J_C_Hallgren at 2:54 PM
Friday, August 22, 2008
v7.40.0028 - 2008-08-22 13:26
- * CKS dialog: In the Scope field you now find additional info on when exactly the action is triggered, either "Triggered on KeyDown" or "Triggered on KeyUp".
This property is hard-coded for native functions, and the rule behind it is easy: KeyUp for all popup menus (reason: else accelerators in the popped up menu might be triggered when releasing the key), KeyDown for all other functions.
The property is user-configurable, however, for UDCs (you can set it in the UDC dialog). - * Scripting commands inputfile and inputfolder modified:
- Now, when the path argument is left empty the initial path in
the select file/folder dialog defaults to <xypath>.
- Now, when the path argument contains a non-existent path, the
initial path in the select file/folder dialog defaults to
<xypath>. You are prompted whether to continue the script. - * Scripting commands enhanced:
- text
Added argument to set the initial wordwrap.
Syntax: text text, [width=600], [height=400], [caption], [wrap]
wrap: [optional] w = wordwrap
- input
Modified argument to set the initial wordwrap.
Syntax: input outputvar, [caption], [default value], [style]
style: [optional] [empty] = single-line
m = multiline non-wrapped
w = multiline wrapped - * POM: Now you can define accelerators in the caption of POM items. It's done by prefixing the "&" (ampersand) character to the desired character. For example, make U the accelerator like this:
|"Transmogrify &Umlauts" *[äöü]*>::#131;
Entry Type: Beta Update Posted by XYplorer user : J_C_Hallgren at 7:28 AM
Thursday, August 21, 2008
v7.40.0027 - 2008-08-21 15:21
- + INI-Tweak to define the default rename mode when calling Rename on multiple files. This for example would default to RegExp Rename:
Possible values:
b: Batch Rename [Default]
r: RegExp Rename
s: Search & Replace
k: Keep Particular Chars
e: Set Extension - * Scripting command inputfile. You now get a message and are offered auto-correction (default to MyDocuments) when you pass a non-existent path. Before, the script was terminated at that point.
You passed a non-existent path to scripting command inputfile:
Press OK to use the following path instead:
C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\Donald\Eigene Dateien\
OK Cancel
--------------------------- - * Menu View | Columns: Renamed the following captions:
Define Current Column Setup as Default
Restore Column Setup from Default
Define Current Column Layout as Default
Restore Column Layout from Default - * CKS: Non-number numpad keys (+-/*,), alone and combined with Shift, will now not work as shortcuts when the focus is in an edit box. For example, if you have Numpad Add assigned to a function (with global scope), the function will not be called if you press Numpad Add inside an edit box. It is assumed that you rather want to write the "+" sign.
- ! Menu User: Did not always show the expected icons. Fixed.
- ! Menu File | Restart without Saving: Did not work more than 2 times in a row. Funny bug, Fixed.
Entry Type: Beta Update Posted by XYplorer user : J_C_Hallgren at 9:22 AM
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
v7.40.0026 - 2008-08-19 12:43
- * FVS | Save Folder View As...: Now the backslashedness of the patterns is ignored when checking for any existing patterns. So saving "D:\Folder\" as "D:\Folder" will now overwrite "D:\Folder\" and rename the pattern to "D:\Folder" without asking. Avoids creating (pseudo-)duplicates.
Note that backslashedness of a pattern is irrelevant anyway, but changing the capitalization can be relevant in wildcarded patterns when Match Case is enabled. So you are allowed to create a dupe when you save "D:\Folder" as "d:\folder" because there may be a good reason behind it. You may e.g. rename "D:\Folder" later to "*\Folder". - * Quick File View: Added checkbox "Word wrap" for dynamically toggling word wrap. The caret position and any selection is preserved when switching the mode (but not the scroll position). The setting is retained between dialogs and between sessions.
- * Configuration | Advanced: Renamed "Assume that servers exist" to "Assume that servers are available". Remarks: Skipping the check for availability might speed up browsing. However, password protected servers won't pop up a logon dialog!
The factory default for this setting was changed from 1 to 0. - * Backup operations: Now any open Raw View is closed when you trigger a Backup operation. Also you cannot do a Raw View while backup is in progress. This is because raw-viewed files may be locked, and locked files are blocked from backup.
Entry Type: Beta Update Posted by XYplorer user : J_C_Hallgren at 6:46 AM
Monday, August 18, 2008
v7.40.0025 - 2008-08-18 15:19
- * Quick File View: Now the horizontal scrollbar is dropped in favor of wordwrap. You see one more line (where the scrollbar was) and there's no need to scroll anymore to see the end of long lines.
- ! Folder Icons in List did not honour the "Cache Specific Icons" setting. They always used the cached icons. Fixed.
- ! Menu File | Restart without Saving: Failed when Allow Multiple Instances was OFF (plus some other conditions). Fixed.
Entry Type: Beta Update Posted by XYplorer user : J_C_Hallgren at 9:19 AM
Sunday, August 17, 2008
v7.40.0022 - 2008-08-17 12:23
- * FVS: Now, for all non-applied settings the default FV's settings are used instead. If there is a saved Default FV then it has preference over the automatic default. If however the settings in question are also disabled in the Default FV then the settings are simply inherited from the previous view.
- Example: Your saved Default Folder View has Details as
view mode. You currently are in a folder with pictures
that you have defined a FV for showing thumbnails. You
now go to your mp3 archive for which you have saved a
FV with sort order Name ascending. You have unticked
"View mode" in the applied settings of this FV. Which
view mode will your mp3s be shown in? In Details mode!
If however you have unticked "View mode" in the applied
settings of your Default VF then it would be Thumbnails.
Note: While all this might sound complicated and confusing it all serves the goal of making FVS as easy as possible. The relations between applied settings, specific FVs, and default FV are background decisions designed to meet your foreground expectations. In other words: You don't have to care about this as
a user. Just press the F-button and go on working. - ! FVS: After editing the Default FV it was deleted. Fixed.
- ! FVS: The automatic default FV was not applied when coming from a non-Browse list mode, i.e. from Search Results (Find mode), MyComputer (Drives mode), or Nethood.
- ! Menu File Restart without Saving: Did not use the full command line switches as had been passed to the current instance. Fixed.
Entry Type: Beta Update Posted by XYplorer user : J_C_Hallgren at 6:31 AM
Friday, August 15, 2008
v7.40.0021 - 2008-08-15 10:35
- * FVS: Change the Applied Settings listing as offered in the Edit dialog:
- View mode (details, thumbnails...)
- Sort order (column, direction)
- Column layout (positions, widths, visibility)
- List style (line numbers, auto-size, grid...)
The last one, List style, includes the Line Number column and lots of other style settings (all in menu View List Style). - + FVS | Edit dialog | Applied Settings: Added button "Make Default". Make the current selections the default for new Folder Views. Note that the "Auto-save changes" setting is also part of this default. The factory default is: All options ON, but "Auto-save changes" OFF.
Entry Type: Beta Update Posted by XYplorer user : J_C_Hallgren at 4:41 AM
Thursday, August 14, 2008
v7.40.0020 - 2008-08-14 15:52
Note from XY Developer/Author: !!! N-O-T-E !!! There are some pretty dramatic changes in this BETA version, so glitches may happen. Make sure you backup your previous version and config files!
- *** Tabs: Now the List Column Visibility (menu View Columns)is handled per-tab! Before, it was global.
To show/hide a column in all tabs at once, hold Shift while selecting the command. Of course, List Column Visibility is now also part of a Tab's Home definition. - *** Tabs: Now the List Style (menu View List Style) is handled per-tab! Before, it was global.
To (un)set a certain style in all tabs at once, hold Shift while selecting the command. Of course, List Style is now also part of a Tab's Home definition. - + FVS: Folder specifications now support portability, however in a slightly restricted way since wildcarded patterns are allowed as well, so ambiguities have to be avoided.
If XYplorer is at C:\Programs\XY\XYplorer.exe then
Pattern is resolved to
- MyFolder C:\Programs\XY\MyFolder\
- .\MyFolder C:\Programs\XY\MyFolder\
- ..\MyFolder C:\Programs\MyFolder\
- ..\..\MyFolder C:\MyFolder\
- ..\MyFolder* C:\Programs\MyFolder*\
- ?:\MyFolder C:\MyFolder\
- D: ... [unchanged: not relative]
- \\ ... [unchanged: not relative]
- *MyFolder* [unchanged: is pattern]
Note that "..\MyFolder*" is resolved because the initial "." (dot) is interpreted as "Please, resolve this relative path!". - * FVS: You don't need to add a trailing "\" to your patterns. XY knows that this is about folders and cares for it. So now pattern "C:" will match Folder C:\.
- * FVS: If you "Save Folder View" when the active FV is non-specific to the current folder (i.e. a pattern, or incl. subfolders) you now will be asked whether to update the active FV or create a new specific one.
- * FVS: If a different FV (or no FV) is loaded after editing/removing the active FV then the list view is updated to the newly active FV (or to default).
- ! FVS: FVs were not applied to folders opened in a background tab. Fixed. Note that the FV is applied in the moment the tab is created. When you then edit FVs while the tab is still in the background it will have no effect on that tab's view settings.
- ! Opening multiple instances did not work since v7.40.0018. Fixed.
Entry Type: Beta Update Posted by XYplorer user : J_C_Hallgren at 9:54 AM
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
v7.40.0018 - 2008-08-12 12:05
- + Command Line Switches: XYplorer's default "Application Data Path" (ADP) (that's where all configuration files are located) is where XYplorer.exe resides. Up to now this path could only be set to another location via an entry in "startup.ini". Now you can pass an alternate ADP via command line! Simply use the /ini switch and pass a full path with it.
For example:
- XYplorer.exe /ini=C:\XYdata\XY.ini
Sets the ADP to C:\XYdata\, and loads XY.ini as main
configuration file from there, as well as all other data files
like cks.dat, udc.dat etc.
Note that portable syntax is supported:
- XYplorer.exe /ini=?:\XYdata\XY.ini
? will be set to the drive XY is running from.
- XYplorer.exe /ini=XYdata\XY.ini
Sets the ADP to [XY app path]\XYdata\
Note that you can also pass the path alone without stating the INI file. Simply end the argument with a backslash:
- XYplorer.exe /ini=C:\XYdata\
Sets the ADP to C:\XYdata\, and loads XYplorer.ini (the default
INI file).
This new support for passing the ADP via command lines means that you now can run completely independent configurations simply using Windows shortcuts. - * Command Line Switches: Now you may pass the extension of an ini file with the /ini switch.
These are identical:
XYplorer.exe /ini=XYhome.ini
XYplorer.exe /ini=XYhome
These are identical as well:
XYplorer.exe /ini=C:\XYdata\XYhome.ini
XYplorer.exe /ini=C:\XYdata\XYhome
Note that the extension must be .ini however. You cannot load files with other extensions this way. - * Configuration dialog: The current "Application Data Path" (ADP) is now displayed in the window title bar.
Entry Type: Beta Update Posted by XYplorer user : J_C_Hallgren at 6:05 AM
Monday, August 11, 2008
v7.40.0017 - 2008-08-11 21:26
- * List: Automatic horizontal scrolling now with 150 ms delay and a smaller hot zone (area where scrolling is triggered).
- ! FVS: Fixed a couple of glitches and polished some GUI pixels.
Entry Type: Beta Update Posted by XYplorer user : J_C_Hallgren at 3:29 PM
v7.40.0016 - 2008-08-11 15:06
- + Menu View | Folder View Settings: Added command "Manage Folder Views...". Opens the usual List Management interface where you can see a list of all stored Folder Views. You can Edit them (= change the folder match pattern), and you can delete them.
Best Match Algorithm
Why didn't I provide the ability to sort them? Because I designed a decision algorithm (to decide which match is the best if the current folder matches more than folder match patterns) that does not depend on the order of the stored Folder Views. Otherwise you would have gain a little more control, but the price would have been too high IMO: You would have been forced to do manual sorting whenever you added a new FV.
This is how it works:
(1) Match ranking from best to worst in 4 groups: Full Match >
Pattern Match > Full Match Including Subs > Pattern Match
Including Subs.
(2) If more than one pattern matches within one group, then the
longest pattern (character count) wins. - + FVS: Now you can state a |-separated list of patterns within one FV, e.g.: *\images\|*\pics\|*\fotos\
- + FVS: Now when changing from a FV to a non-FV folder and no default FV is defined, the non-FV folder will inherit the view settings of the last non-FV folder. In other words: You do not have to define a Default Folder View anymore (and set its props to "Auto-save changes") to get the fall-back-to-previous-view functionality. It's there right out of the box! Works even across sessions.
- * Toolbar: You have to re-show your "Folder View Settings" button because I changed its internal key from "fss" to "fvs".
- * FVS Edit Dialog: slightly re-arranged the elements.
- ! FVS: When you used a wildcard pattern as folder specification the Include Subfolders flag was ignored. Fixed.
- + List: Added automatic horizontal scrolling when dragging over the "List" view. I inserted a 100 ms break between each column scroll else would be too fast to handle.
- * List | Thumbnails View: Improved (IMO) the looks of thumbs! Now they are framed by 3 pixel wide margin.
- * List | Thumbnails View: From now on, dimensions are only shown for thumbnails of 54x30 pixels or larger. Otherwise the label would cover to much of the thumbnail or its contents would not be readable.
Entry Type: Beta Update Posted by XYplorer user : J_C_Hallgren at 9:07 AM
Friday, August 8, 2008
v7.40.0015 - 2008-08-08 09:55
- * Renamed "Folder Specific Settings" to "Folder View Settings" (FVS)! GUI stuff adjusted.
- * FVS submenu reorganized.
- ! Files | Context Menu | Move/Copy/Backup To Browse for Move/Copy/Backup Destination: Did not do anything. Fixed.
- * Info Panel | Preview Tab: New "LOADING..." message design.
Entry Type: Beta Update Posted by XYplorer user : J_C_Hallgren at 3:52 AM
Thursday, August 7, 2008
v7.40.0013 - 2008-08-07 08:03
- ! FSS: Fixed a couple of things. More to follow later...
- ! TB button "Save Settings" did not work since some days. Fixed.
Entry Type: Beta Update Posted by XYplorer user : J_C_Hallgren at 1:58 AM
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
v7.40.0012 - 2008-08-06 21:16
This update was delayed in posting here due to amount of indent editing needed.
- + Folder Specific Settings (FSS):
- Completely redesigned the Folder Specific Settings submenu.
- Added interface to customize some properties. Here you can
decide which of the saved settings are actually applied. And
you can specify patterns (using wildcards *?#) as "folder" and
thus create FSSs that are applied to various folders.
- Added Toolbar button with context menu. The button will toggle
the FSS state of the current folder, and being a toggle it will
also show you the FSS state of the current folder. The button's
tooltip shows which FSS pattern has been matched to the folder.
If the "default" settings are applied the button is not in
pressed state.
- Fixed some glitches.
(1) To enjoy fixed default settings which are applied whenever
there are no matching specific settings, simply select the
command "Save Settings as Default".
To change the default settings use the command again.
To remove any default settings use command "Remove Current
Settings" while the default settings are active.
(2) To always return to the previous settings after coming back
from an FSS folder you simply define a "default" scheme
(using "Save Settings as Default") with option
"Auto-save changes" checked.
Note that FSS is only implemented for browsing folders. Not for the drives listing, and not for search results listings. This might be added in a later version. - + Toolbar: Added button for FSS. The button will toggle the FSS state of the current folder, and being a toggle it will also show you the FSS state of the current folder. The tooltip also shows which FSS pattern has been matched to the folder.
Entry Type: Beta Update Posted by XYplorer user : J_C_Hallgren at 3:16 AM
Monday, August 4, 2008
v7.40.0010 - 2008-08-04 15:04
- +++ Folder Specific Settings (FSS): Now you can save the settings of any particular folder and have them automatically restored whenever you come back to this folder.
What is saved
The saved settings currently are the following:
- View (Details, List, Thumbnails, ...)
- Sort Order (sorted column and direction)
- Column Positions and Widths
- Column Visibility
What is restored
You will see later that you can further configure which of these settings are actually restored on a per-folder basis!
When it is restored
If FSS is enabled and you go to a folder for which you have previously saved the settings, then those settings are restored -- with two exceptions:
(1) As you know, XYplorer's tabs do remember those settings as
well (apart from Column Visibility, which is global).
I decided to give the tabs' memory higher priority: If you
go back to a folder via tab switch then Folder Specific
Settings are not applied.
(2) On startup the last settings are remembered. Any saved Folder
Specific Settings are not applied. Folders are identified
by their full name, or by a wild-carded pattern (!), the
latter of which deems me to be another revolutionary
feature of XYplorer! Later you will see how you can have
FSS for all folders named e.g. "Images"...
How it is done
Similar to other user-configurable settings like UDC and CKS, FSS is remembered between sessions using a little *.dat file (fss.dat) with a proprietary format. That way even large amounts of folders (contrary to Explorer there's no limit for the number of stored settings -- unless you think 2GB is a limit) can be handled in a quick and practical fashion.
Of course, FSS is also portable -- although portability here is naturally restricted since you are likely to have different folder names in a different environment.
Under menu View you find a new submenu "Folder Specific Settings" containing a couple of commands.
- Enable Folder Specific Settings [toggle]
Check [default]/Uncheck to enable/disable the whole feature.
- Remember Settings [toggle]
Check to save and remember the current folder's settings. From
now on when you go to that folder all the saved and remembered
settings (see above for the list of settings) will be
automatically applied.
Uncheck to forget the saved settings for the current folder.
If the current folder is identified via a wildcard pattern, then
unchecking the settings will remove that pattern from fss.dat.
Since this might also affect other folders that also match that
pattern, you will be prompted before this happens.
- Update Settings
Click this command to update the saved settings for the current
folder. E.g. you decide that the Name column should be a bit
wider than the currently saved width. Simply make it as wide
as you wish and select "Update Settings". From now on the new
width will be applied if you browse to that folder. Again, if
the current folder is identified via a wildcard pattern, then
updating the settings might also affect other folders that also
match that pattern; you will be prompted before this happens.
- Customize...
Opens a dialog where you can individually fine-tune FSS for each
folder or wildcard pattern. See "Customize FSS" below.
Customize FSS
Here you can decide which of the saved settings are actually restored, whether all subfolders of the current folder shall be included into the FSS service, and you can define a wildcard pattern that will be used instead of the folder's full path to be compared against the folders you are browsing to.
Not yet implemented. Tomorrow... - + Configuration: Now, the Fonts settings are done in the Configuration dialog.
- - Menu View: Removed the submenu "Font". See here above ...
- ! Rename Preview Window: Now current and new names lists adjust independently to the needed size. If the adjusted lists taken together are too narrow or too wide they are scaled proportionally.
Entry Type: Beta Update Posted by XYplorer user : J_C_Hallgren at 9:07 AM
Friday, August 1, 2008
v7.40.0008 - 2008-08-01 15:41
- * Backup Log Files:
- Now they support UNICODE (if the file system does). They begin
with the UTF-16 LE BOM (2 bytes: FF FE) to be correctly
recognized as UNICODE files.
- Now they are written to the target folder by default. Before,
the default folder was the current path (obviously quite useless
in the era of scripting).
FYI, Backup Logging can be activated in Configuration Report. - + On a fresh installation there will be some predefined PFAs for the POM:
|"Append modified date" \;*>::rename b, *-<datem yyyymmdd> - + Menu Window: Added toggle "Catalog Above Tree" (default OFF). If checked then the Catalog is shown at the top, and the Tree at the bottom.
- ! Rename Preview Window: Flexible width algo was still buggy. Fixed.
Entry Type: Beta Update Posted by XYplorer user : J_C_Hallgren at 9:38 AM