This update was delayed in posting here due to amount of indent editing needed.
- + Folder Specific Settings (FSS):
- Completely redesigned the Folder Specific Settings submenu.
- Added interface to customize some properties. Here you can
decide which of the saved settings are actually applied. And
you can specify patterns (using wildcards *?#) as "folder" and
thus create FSSs that are applied to various folders.
- Added Toolbar button with context menu. The button will toggle
the FSS state of the current folder, and being a toggle it will
also show you the FSS state of the current folder. The button's
tooltip shows which FSS pattern has been matched to the folder.
If the "default" settings are applied the button is not in
pressed state.
- Fixed some glitches.
(1) To enjoy fixed default settings which are applied whenever
there are no matching specific settings, simply select the
command "Save Settings as Default".
To change the default settings use the command again.
To remove any default settings use command "Remove Current
Settings" while the default settings are active.
(2) To always return to the previous settings after coming back
from an FSS folder you simply define a "default" scheme
(using "Save Settings as Default") with option
"Auto-save changes" checked.
Note that FSS is only implemented for browsing folders. Not for the drives listing, and not for search results listings. This might be added in a later version. - + Toolbar: Added button for FSS. The button will toggle the FSS state of the current folder, and being a toggle it will also show you the FSS state of the current folder. The tooltip also shows which FSS pattern has been matched to the folder.