- +++ Added History per Tab (HPT). To enable it check "History per tab" in Configuration General. In a nutshell, HPT means that Back and Forward move within each tab's individual history, as opposed to the global history over all tabs.
If HPT is enabled then:
- Back and Forward (TB buttons and KS) are confined to each tab's
individual history.
- Back and Forward will cycle through the current tab's history
(contrary to global history, where the move halts at both ends).
Seemed more natural to me. So, if there's more than one history
item pertaining to the current tab, then both buttons (Back and
Forward) are enabled, else none is enabled.
- The Back and Forward buttons's "arrow dropdowns" will each show
one whole cycle in the repective back or forward order.
- In the all-history popup menu (triggered via right-click
"Back"/"Forward" TB buttons, or via KS) those history items
belonging to the current tab are shown bold.
- If "History without duplicates" (Config General) is enabled
then duplicates on different tabs are tolerated.
- The per-tab-data are saved between sessions. They are even
maintained and saved if you untick HPT. So you can enable it at
any time and get the desired functionality right away.
* History now can hold up to 64 items. Before it was 32.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
v7.70.0012 - 2008-10-28 15:00
Entry Type: Beta Update Posted by XYplorer user : J_C_Hallgren at 9:59 AM