Publication of this update was unfortunately skipped due to complex editing required. Doing now for documentation purposes. Sorry about that!
- + Scripting got a new function.
Name: URLEncode
Action: URL-encodes string.
Syntax: urlencode(string, raw=0)
0: URL-encode according to RFC 1738, except space => +
1: URL-encode according to RFC 1738 (space => %20)
::echo urlencode("ä ö ü"); //%E4%20%F6%20%FC
::echo urlencode("ä ö ü", 1); //%E4+%F6+%FC
POM Example:
|"Search IMDB for '<curbase>'" *> _
::$a=URLEncode("<curbase>"); _
// Mad Max => Mad+Max - + Scripting got a new function.
Name: URLDecode
Action: Decodes URL-encoded string.
Syntax: urldecode(string, raw=0)
0: URL-decode according to RFC 1738, except + => space
But it also converts %20 => space
1: URL-decode according to RFC 1738 (%20 => space)
It will NOT convert + => space
::echo urldecode("%E4%20%F6%20%FC"); //ä ö ü
::echo urldecode("%E4%20%F6%20%FC, 1"); //ä ö ü !
::echo urldecode("%E4+%F6+%FC"); //ä ö ü
::echo urldecode("%E4+%F6+%FC", 1); //ä+ö+ü !!! - + Scripting got a new function.
Name: md5
Action: Calculate the md5 hash of a string.
Syntax: md5(string)
::echo md5(""); //d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e - + Scripting: Now the captions of scripts in multi-script resources may contain XY variables. They are resolved in the moment the menu is popped up. For example, paste this into the Try Script box:
"Go to <xypath>"
goto <xypath>;
"Is it <date hh:nn:ss>?"
msg "It's <date hh:nn:ss>!";
The 2nd script will show two different times if you wait longer than a second before you click the menu item.