Tuesday, December 30, 2008

v7.90.0022 - 2008-12-30 12:15

  • * SC run experimentally enhanced:
      Syntax: run command, [wait=0]
        command: module name plus (optionally) arguments
                 module names containing blanks must be quoted
          0 = return immediately and continue the script
          1 = only continue when the shelled process has finished
        ::run '"C:\Programme\WinZip\WINZIP32.EXE" -min', 1;
          msg "Done!"; //shows "Done!" when WinZip is closed
        ::run "notepad C:\Programme\XYplorer\ReadmeXY.txt", 1;
          msg "Done!" //shows "Done!" when notepad is closed

    Contrary to using "run" with wait=0, wait=1 is not fully identical
    to the Windows Run command: Not all sorts of commands work, there
    is less smartness built in.
    For example, you cannot call documents that will be opened by the
    associated application. This will NOT work:
      ::run "C:\Programme\XYplorer\ReadmeXY.txt", 1; //NO JOY
    You also canNOT use short forms like this:
      ::run winzip, 1; //NO JOY
    However this works (don't know why, maybe because it's in the path):
      ::run notepad, 1; //OKAY
  • ! Catalog: Drag'n'Drop got a bit confused when you stated paths with wrong capitalization (which under Windows should not matter). Fixed.
  • ! Scripting: Parsing multiline scripts went wrong when lines began with a mix of TABs and spaces. Fixed.