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- * Configuration | Undo & Action Log: Added option "Prompt before delete". If checked then you are prompted before undoing Copy or New, which both involve deletions. This prompting in accordance with Explorer behavior and the factory default is ON.
Also, from now on, prompts before deletions show the "warning" icon as opposed to the normal "information" icon. - * Undo: Now also partially aborted (= partially successful) actions are logged. Before, only actions without any abortions (user pressed "cancel" or "no" at some point during progress) were logged.
Note that on undoing a partial action you might get a message about actions that cannot be undone because they never were done in the first place.
Note also that on redoing a partial action you will not in any case get the same prompts as on the original action because redo uses its own routines for better performance. This can mean that redoing an action that was partially aborted the first time might now run through without any prompts or abortions. - * Undo Move: Now when the original path of the moved item does not exist anymore, undoing the move will attempt to recreate it before moving the item back to it.
- ! Variable <get username> was imperfect. Fixed.
- ! Menu File | Move/Copy/Backup To: The MRU submenus would not recognize any portable paths (e.g. "?:\") or XY variables (e.g. <date yyyy>) or environment variables. Fixed.