Note: BETA versions are a work in progress and might contain fresh bugs.
You have been warned.
- +++ Configuration | General: Added option "Remember state of tree".
Tick it to remember which nodes are expanded in the Maxi Tree (the Mini Tree state is remembered anyway ever since).
The tree state is retained across sessions and also when switching between Maxi and Mini Tree. It also works with a Locked Tree. Also the scroll position is remembered. So now you have a pretty good chance that you find your tree exactly as you left it last time (unless another app changed the folder structure). Of course, recreating the tree does involve additional browsing, so the startup time will be slightly longer depending on the complexity of the tree.
Cool feature, not every file manager can do this. - + Configuration | Preview: Added option "Keep playing when info panel is hidden". Tick it to keep a running audio/video preview busy when you close the Info Panel.
Note that "keep playing" was the hard-coded default before, but now it's optional and defaults to unticked (= stop preview on panel down).