Monday, November 30, 2009

v8.70.0000 - 2009-11-30 12:00

Main changes since last release:

  • +++ Metadata Search. Now you can search for files by all available metadata, e.g. version, owner, date taken, image dimensions, artist, duration and so on. Wildcards, Boolean Logic, and Regular Expressions are supported.
  • +++ Tags & Comments 2.0. Now you can search for files by their tags or comments. Wildcards, Boolean Logic, and Regular Expressions are supported.
  • +++ Find Files. Now you can search for files by the length of their names. You can for example find all files with names larger than 260 characters.
  • +++ Find Files. The Name field now supports comparison operators.
  • +++ Backup. Backup operations enhanced by making the behavior on name collision configurable.
  • +++ Help. Now the help comes in Windows 7 compatible CHM (Compiled HTML Help) format.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

v8.60.0119 - 2009-11-29 12:33

BETA versions are now only available for registered users.
Find the download link at the bottom of the License Lounge.

  • ! List: In view mode "List" horizontal scrolling into view did not work when a single column was wider than the whole list. Fixed.

v8.60.0118 - 2009-11-29 12:12

BETA versions are now only available for registered users.
Find the download link at the bottom of the License Lounge.

  • * Configuration | General | Disallow dragging from tree and list: Renamed to "Disallow left-dragging from tree and list" because that's what it does.
  • ! The default PFA/POM "Append modified date" that's coming with a fresh install as example was buggy. It did not give the expected results when more than one file was selected because double quotes were used instead of single quotes around the date variable. Fixed.
  • ! Menu File | Settings: Changes in a User Button were not registered. An asterisk (*) should be prefixed to the "Save Configuration" item to mark it dirty, and the color of the "Save All Settings" TB button should change from green to brown. Fixed.
  • * Updated the help file.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

v8.60.0117 - 2009-11-26 09:18

BETA versions are now only available for registered users.
Find the download link at the bottom of the License Lounge.

  • ! Find Files: Searching for a string that coincided with one of the supported field prefixes (e.g.: tag) did not work as expected anymore because it was falsely interpreted as a field prefix. Fixed.
  • ! Find Files | Name & Location: Clicking the Mode label to cycle the mode prefixes did not work alright when the search term had a field prefix. Fixed.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

v8.60.0116 - 2009-11-25 14:44

BETA versions are now only available for registered users.
Find the download link at the bottom of the License Lounge.

  • * Command Line Switches: Now the order of switches is not relevant
    anymore. Only the startup path must be last.
    So both orders work now:
    XYplorer.exe[ /win=minmaxnormal][ /ini=myini][ mystartpath]
    XYplorer.exe[ /ini=myini][ /win=minmaxnormal][ mystartpath]
  • ! Batch Rename: When applied to files in different locations (in a recursive Search Results listing), numbers were suffixed where it was not really necessary -- while a file of the same name already existed it was in a different location so no collision was to be avoided. Fixed.
  • ! Menu File | Restart without Saving: Didn't restart XYplorer with the appropriate command line switches. Fixed.
  • ! Backup Operation: Preserving item dates did not work as expected on all systems when items were read-only. Fixed.
  • ! Rename Preview: The last lines of the lists only partially displayed under certain font / DPI settings. Fixed.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

v8.60.0113 - 2009-11-24 15:17

BETA versions are now only available for registered users.
Find the download link at the bottom of the License Lounge.

  • * File Info Tips: Now with "Show custom file info tips" OFF the Name of the hovered item is added to the top of the tip.
  • ! SC setkey: Did not take care that spaces in the value are not lost when the value is read back using getkey. Fixed.
  • ! Auto-Refresh on Cut and Paste between panes: Cut items were not removed from source pane. Fixed.
  • ! Tabs: Dragging over a tab header with an X-close button let to a display glitch in visual style XYplorer Classic. Fixed.
  • ! Action Log: Error on writing the Action Log to disk when a single action needed more than 32767 bytes in the database (action.dat), which can easily happen e.g. on large copy jobs with several thousands files. Fixed.
  • ! Undo: Undoing a copy of many items (> 1000) with "Delete to recycle bin" enabled was very slow. Now it's fast.

Monday, November 23, 2009

v8.60.0112 - 2009-11-23 10:10

BETA versions are now only available for registered users.
Find the download link at the bottom of the License Lounge.

  • ! Scripting: Possible hickup on extremely malformed scripts. Fixed.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

v8.60.0111 - 2009-11-22 20:59

BETA versions are now only available for registered users.
Find the download link at the bottom of the License Lounge.

  • * Updated the help file.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

v8.60.0110 - 2009-11-21 11:59

BETA versions are now only available for registered users.
Find the download link at the bottom of the License Lounge.

  • * Improved the Help file. Everything should be alright now. (Apart from updating to the latest features.)

Friday, November 20, 2009

v8.60.0109 - 2009-11-20 15:23

BETA versions are now only available for registered users.
Find the download link at the bottom of the License Lounge.

  • + Toolbar | Auto-Refresh button: The context menu now features a new setting "Include Removable Drives". The factory default is OFF. Enable it to have Auto-Refresh on USB sticks etc.
  • * Toolbar | Auto-Refresh button: Inverted the setting "Suspend Refresh During File Operations". It's now called "Refresh During File Operations". The value is now saved between sessions.
  • * SC setting and settingp: The parameter "NoWatchDuringFileOp" has been replaced by the inverted "WatchDuringFileOp".
  • ! Help: CHM help did not work on 64-bit systems with WOW64-Redirection disabled. Fixed.
  • ! Help: CHM help opened modally. Fixed.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

v8.60.0108 - 2009-11-19 11:13

BETA versions are now only available for registered users.
Find the download link at the bottom of the License Lounge.

  • *** Help: Now in CHM (Compiled HTML Help) format.
  • * Find Files: Instead of "comment:" you can now alternatively prefix "cmt:" to your comment-searching search term. Save the atmosphere.
  • + Support for horizontal mouse wheel. Part 2.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

v8.60.0107 - 2009-11-17 10:34

BETA versions are now only available for registered users.
Find the download link at the bottom of the License Lounge.

  • +++ Find Files: The Name field now supports comparison operators! This means you can e.g. list all files from A to M.
        <  Less than
        >  Greater than
        <= Less than or equal to
        >= Greater than or equal to
    The operators must be surrounded by spaces and are prefixed to the patterns.
    When strings are compared it's about alphabetical order:
    - Find all files before "m":
      Name: < m
    - Find all files from "d.txt" and before "m.txt"
      Name: : >= d.txt AND < m.txt
      Watch the double space after AND: " AND " must be surrounded by
      spaces as well! The leading ":" is the inline Boolean marker.
    When numbers are compared it's about numerical values.
    - Find all items whose full name is longer than 100 characters:
      Name: len: > 100
        (see next paragraph)

    - Patterns with comparison operators should not contain wildcards;
      they make no sense here anyway and will just be treated as
      characters "*" and "?" in the comparison.
    - The settings "Whole words" and "Fuzzy" are ignored with patterns
      using comparison operators.
      But, of course, the settings are applied with non-comparison-
      patterns. E.g., with "Whole words" enabled, the following term
      will match "a d.txt" but not "ad.txt", and not "d a.txt"
      (because it's > c.txt):
        Name: :a AND < c.txt
      In words: Find all items, that contain "a" as a whole word, and
      are alphabetically sorted before "c.txt".
      - It does not make sense to combine comparison operators with
      RegExp patterns; the RegExp will not be analyzed but simply be
      used as a string in the comparison.
  • + Find Files: Now you can search by the length of an item name. Simply prefix "len:" to the search term in the name field.
    - Find all items whose full name is longer than 260 characters:
      Name: len: > 260

Monday, November 16, 2009

v8.60.0106 - 2009-11-16 21:07

BETA versions are now only available for registered users.
Find the download link at the bottom of the License Lounge.

  • +++ Find Files: Now you can directly search for Tags and Comments!
    Simply prefix "tag:" or "comment:" (case does not matter) to the search term in the name field, and the whole term is matched against the tag respectively comment of each file instead of against the name. All other things work as usual, including Boolean and RegExp search.
      - tag:"red"             //find all items with tag "red"
      - tag:!"red"            //find all items with no tag "red"
      - tag::"red" or "green" //with tag "red" or "green"
        the second ":" after "tag:" is the inline Boolean search marker
      - tag:"red";"green"     //same using "Loose Boolean Match" syntax
      - tag:r                 //find all items with "r" in the tag
      - comment:2009;2008     //with 2008 or 2009 in the comment field
        employing the "Loose Boolean Match" syntax with ";" separator
    Note that also Quick Name Search supports the new syntax, for example:
  • +++ Find Files: Now you can directly search for the extended properties of file items, as also known from the File Info Tips.
    Their names and indices vary strongly between different Windows versions. A list is available in Configuration | File Info Tips.
    The syntax is like above with "tag:" or "comment:", only with yet another field for the actual property. To identify properties by their index prefix "#" to the number.
      - prop:fileversion:8.60   //find all items with version *8.60*
      - prop:fileversion:"8.60" // with version 8.60
      - prop:#8:Donald          // with owner *Donald*
      - prop:#26:"1024 x 768"   // with dimensions "1024 x 768"
    NOTE: While this new feature adds enormous power to XY's file search, it is not extremely fast because retrieving extended properties via the shell is rather slow.
  • + Support for horizontal mouse wheel.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

v8.60.0105 - 2009-11-14 12:43

BETA versions are now only available for registered users.
Find the download link at the bottom of the License Lounge.

  • + SC backupto enhanced:
      Syntax: backupto location, [source], [on_collision], _
              [preserve_dates], [create_log]
          (only applied if the file itself is copied)
          Empty = Use global setting from Configuration.
          0 = Whether/which dates are copied depends on OS.
          1 = All three dates are copied.
          Empty = Use global setting from Configuration.
          0 = Don't.
          1 = Do.
        // backup selected items; on collision suffix date now;
        // preserve dates; create log
        backupto "E:\Test", , 5, 1, 1;
  • * Configuration | Backup & Report: Changed order of items.
  • ! Configuration | Backup & Report | Preserve item dates: The setting was not yet actually implemented, whoops. Fixed.
  • * Tabs: Now wheeling the tabs, either scroll thru tabs (Wheel) or move tabs (Shift+Wheel), will not wrap around the edges anymore.

Friday, November 13, 2009

v8.60.0104 - 2009-11-13 13:00

BETA versions are now only available for registered users.
Find the download link at the bottom of the License Lounge.

  • + Configuration | Backup & Report | On name collision: Added a further option called "Overwrite never". Copies only files that don't exist in the destination, otherwise does nothing.
  • + SC backupto enhanced: Now you can set the behavior on collision right in the call.
      Syntax: backupto location, [source], [on_collision]
          0 = [Default] Use global setting from Configuration | Backup
              & Report | On name collision
          1 = Overwrite only older files
          2 = Overwrite always
          3 = Overwrite never
          4 = Suffix number
          5 = Suffix date now
          6 = Suffix date modified
        // backup selected items; on collision suffix date now
        backupto "E:\Test", , 5;
        // backup selected items; on collision do what's stated in
        // Configuration Backup & Report On name collision
        backupto "E:\Test";
  • ! Wheel: Several wheel driven operations had reversed the expected direction after adding support for high-resolution mouse wheel recently. Fixed.
  • ! Enhanced drag'n'drop crashed on any OS <>

Thursday, November 12, 2009

v8.60.0102 - 2009-11-12 20:05

BETA versions are now only available for registered users.
Find the download link at the bottom of the License Lounge.

  • + Configuration | Backup & Report: Backup operations enhanced by adding two configuration options:
    - Preserve item dates: Here you can decide whether the three item
      dates (created, modified, accessed) are preserved with the copy.
      Before, it was hard-coded to YES (preserve).
    - On name collision: Here you can configure what happens on a name
      collision. Before, there was only one hard-coded option:
      overwrite if target is older than source. Now you have the
      choice between five options:
        * Overwrite only older files [factory default]
          (do nothing if the target file is same age or younger)
        * Overwrite always
        * Suffix number
        * Suffix date now
        * Suffix date modified
      This means you now have the popular copy-avec-rename-on-
      collision in XYplorer!
  • * Configuration: Renamed page "Reporting" to "Backup & Report".

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

v8.60.0100 - 2009-11-11 12:00


  • +++ Bug fixes related to Undo/Redo.
  • +++ Enhanced File Info Tips.
  • +++ Improved drag'n'drop to other applications.

v8.60.0008 - 2009-11-11 10:14

BETA versions are now only available for registered users.
Find the download link at the bottom of the License Lounge.

  • + Info Panel | Preview: Added "Zoom smaller originals to fit preview area" to the preview panel's orange-icon-menu for video files.
  • * List: Now auto-refresh is suspended while you are drawing a selection box on the list.
  • * Menu Go | Go to from Here: Now supports relative paths. They are resolved relative to the current path (whereas in the normal "Go to" and Address Bar they are resolved relative to app path).
  • ! Tree: Glitch when drag-moving the current folder into a non-expanded folder. Fixed.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

v8.60.0007 - 2009-11-10 15:19

BETA versions are now only available for registered users.
Find the download link at the bottom of the License Lounge.

  • + Tree: Now also supports the better dragging (see v8.60.0006).
  • * Undo/Redo: Improved refreshing of Tree within special folders.
  • ! Action Log, Toolbar Undo Menu: Misleading captions when an action was triggered off the current path, e.g. by using a script. Fixed.

Monday, November 9, 2009

v8.60.0006 - 2009-11-09 22:17

BETA versions are now only available for registered users.
Find the download link at the bottom of the License Lounge.

  • + Now you can right-drag items to the outside and get the context menu you expect to see, including "Create Shortcut(s) Here" and other stuff depending on the dragged items. The probably biggest and oldest mystery in the history of XY development looks like solved. Holy Dragon Drop!

Sunday, November 8, 2009

v8.60.0005 - 2009-11-08 12:54

BETA versions are now only available for registered users.
Find the download link at the bottom of the License Lounge.

  • + Configuration | File Info Tips: Added option "Show custom file info tips". Before, this option was implicitly ON always. Now it's by factory default OFF. Having it OFF will show the default file info tips, which are exactly the ones you would see if you used Windows Explorer. This has a couple of advantages:
    - You can see specific 3rd party extensions of the file info tips
      (e.g. by MediaInfo) which are not shown in XYplorer when you
      turn "Show custom file info tips" ON.
    - Using the default tip (and with "Show MP3 info tips" OFF), you
      can now see the ID3v2 (XY internally only supports ID3v1) info
      of mp3 files in the file info tip if your shell/OS supports it.
  • * Configuration | File Info Tips: Increased the number of items in the "custom file info tips" list, depending on OS: Under Vista/Win7 you will have 267 different fields now, and under XP or lower 41 different fields.
    Also the indices, starting with 0 (zero), are now shown in the list. You can use these indices with SC property() in scripts like:
      msg property("#2"); //type of current item
  • * Configuration | File Info Tips: The XYplorer-only "extra fields" are now listed in a separate list.
  • ! Toolbar | Undo, Action Log: Could crash on certain filenames because of a buggy ellipse routine working on trimming the captions. Fixed.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

v8.60.0003 - 2009-11-07 11:19

BETA versions are now only available for registered users.
Find the download link at the bottom of the License Lounge.

  • + Color Filters: Added "Junction" to the factory default color filters.
  • ! Action Log: Captions had empty strings when actions were done on search results. Fixed.
  • ! Undo/Redo: Tree was not always correctly updated in the special folders section. Fixed.
  • ! Tabs: Selecting a Search Results tab so that the mouse pointer ended up right on the X close button could under certain conditions lead to closing that tab when releasing the mouse button. Fixed.
  • ! Scripting: Things like ::html(""); did not work anymore since v8.60.0002. Fixed.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

v8.60.0002 - 2009-11-05 12:04

BETA versions are now only available for registered users.
Find the download link at the bottom of the License Lounge.

  • + List Context Menu: Added special functionality to the context menu of Junctions. You now have these extra commands:
      Go to Junction Target
      Copy Junction Target Name
  • * Menu File | Settings | Save All Settings: Now this command, besides saving all your settings, also writes the current Action Log from memory to disk (to file "action.dat") if "Remember the logged actions between sessions" is ON.
    Note that the Action Log is always saved on exit if (and only if) "Remember the logged actions between sessions" is ON (even if "Save settings on exit" is off).
  • * Search Results: Now right-clicking multiple items in a recursive (= include subfolders) search results listing will pop the Shell context menu only if those items are located in the same folder. Otherwise a shorter replacement menu is shown. Reason: The Shell commands simply do not work correctly for multiple items in different locations.
  • ! Crash when the Edit Text font defined in configuration was not existing on the system. Fixed.
  • ! List: After dragging a subfolder of the current folder Tree-to-Tree the List was not updated (the subfolder did not disappear from the list). Fixed.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

v8.60.0000 - 2009-11-03 12:00

Main changes since last release:

  • +++ Multi-Level Undo/Redo. Now you can undo/redo the file operations Move, Copy, Rename, Delete, and New.
  • +++ Action Log. Now you get a detailed log about what you have done and when, optionally remembered across sessions so you can finally find out what you did yesterday.
  • +++ Wheel. Support for high-resolution mouse wheel.
  • +++ Memory. Further reduced memory usage.

Monday, November 2, 2009

v8.50.0039 - 2009-11-02 22:26

BETA versions are now only available for registered users.
Find the download link at the bottom of the License Lounge.

  • ! Crash when dismounting TrueCrypt drives. Fixed.

v8.50.0037 - 2009-11-02 12:56

BETA versions are now only available for registered users.
Find the download link at the bottom of the License Lounge.

  • + SC getinfo "username" now supports Unicode names.
  • * Updated the help file.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

v8.50.0036 - 2009-11-01 13:51

BETA versions are now only available for registered users.
Find the download link at the bottom of the License Lounge.

  • % Tree, Catalog, List: Improved smoothness of high resolution mouse wheel scrolling, part #2.
  • * User Buttons: Increased number from 10 to 16.

v8.50.0035 - 2009-11-01 11:24

BETA versions are now only available for registered users.
Find the download link at the bottom of the License Lounge.

  • % Tree, Catalog, List: Improved smoothness of high resolution mouse wheel scrolling.
  • * Preview | MDBU: Now the blow up does not over- or underlap the taskbar anymore.
  • * Preview | MDBU: Improved the panning of large blow ups that don't fit the view port.
  • ! Statusbar: Tooltips did not always appear over the expected section. Fixed.
  • ! Refresh Tree added floppies even if Show Floppies was OFF since a couple of weeks ago. Fixed.
  • ! Rename Special | Batch Rename: A file called ".txt" was treated as having no extension. Fixed: Now it's treated as TXT file with an empty base name.
    This means when you rename ".txt" with pattern "new" you'll get "new.txt".