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- * File Info Tips: Now with "Show custom file info tips" OFF the Name of the hovered item is added to the top of the tip.
- ! SC setkey: Did not take care that spaces in the value are not lost when the value is read back using getkey. Fixed.
- ! Auto-Refresh on Cut and Paste between panes: Cut items were not removed from source pane. Fixed.
- ! Tabs: Dragging over a tab header with an X-close button let to a display glitch in visual style XYplorer Classic. Fixed.
- ! Action Log: Error on writing the Action Log to disk when a single action needed more than 32767 bytes in the database (action.dat), which can easily happen e.g. on large copy jobs with several thousands files. Fixed.
- ! Undo: Undoing a copy of many items (> 1000) with "Delete to recycle bin" enabled was very slow. Now it's fast.