Saturday, November 14, 2009

v8.60.0105 - 2009-11-14 12:43

BETA versions are now only available for registered users.
Find the download link at the bottom of the License Lounge.

  • + SC backupto enhanced:
      Syntax: backupto location, [source], [on_collision], _
              [preserve_dates], [create_log]
          (only applied if the file itself is copied)
          Empty = Use global setting from Configuration.
          0 = Whether/which dates are copied depends on OS.
          1 = All three dates are copied.
          Empty = Use global setting from Configuration.
          0 = Don't.
          1 = Do.
        // backup selected items; on collision suffix date now;
        // preserve dates; create log
        backupto "E:\Test", , 5, 1, 1;
  • * Configuration | Backup & Report: Changed order of items.
  • ! Configuration | Backup & Report | Preserve item dates: The setting was not yet actually implemented, whoops. Fixed.
  • * Tabs: Now wheeling the tabs, either scroll thru tabs (Wheel) or move tabs (Shift+Wheel), will not wrap around the edges anymore.