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- +++ Recycle Bin Deluxe. Finally, after only 5 years of waiting, you get the interpreted version of the Recycle Bin. But it's not the spartan kind of bin you know from other file managers like e.g. Explorer. XYplorer's Recycle Bin gives you more:
- The real path/name for each item is displayed in a separate
column "Recycled Name". Ctrl+P will copy that info
to the clipboard.
- The context menu's custom command "Go to Real Location" will
beam you to the real location of the item and select it in
XYplorer's raw recycle bin view.
- The context menu's custom command "Go to Original Location" will
beam you to the original location of the item.
- You can open (Enter, Dbl-Click) a deleted folder to browse its contents.
- You can show the recursive folder sizes of deleted folders right
in the list (as usual in the Size column).
- You can see the Space Used or Real Size of deleted items
(Explorer shows only Space Used).
- Apply Visual Filters to the Recycle Bin.
- Sort folders separately from files.
- Color code deleted items.
- Spot and jump to items
- Compare deleted items.
- Preview deleted items.
- Open deleted items.
- And, last not least, it's faster.
- The Shell default action (Enter, Dbl-Click) for Recycle Bin
items is to show the item's Properties dialog. This will happen
in XY as well, unless you have a PFA defined for the file type
in question.
- The Recycle Bin is a pretty singular construct superimposed onto
the regular file system and comes with a couple of pecularities:
- It is slower than "normal" folders.
- No drag'n'drop to or from the Recycle Bin.
- No renaming or cutting or moving or duplicating.
- No pasting.
- No custom File Info Tips, just the default ones.
- The Len column refers to the original Path/Name, not to the
Recycled Name.
- The Info Panel refers to the Recycled Name because this is the
file that exists, has properties, and can be previewed.
- XYplorer's raw recycle bin view is still available on each drive,
of course.
- + Configuration | General: Added option "Show Recycle Bin" to Show/Hide the Recycle Bin in the Tree. Changing this option will force a rebuild of the Tree (unless you are in Mini Tree mode).
- + SC Report(): Added special field {Basename}. Return the base (file name without extension) of each file. Folder names are returned unchanged.
- + Environment Variables: New XY only environment variable:
%recycler% = Name of the Recycle Bin special folder
Typically on English systems it will return "Recycle Bin". - - Menu View | Show Items: Removed option "Show My Network Places". Reason: This just duplicated the identical option in Configuration | General, and it's a typical Set & Forget setting.
- * Quick File View: Now the same KS that opened the dialog will also close it. So, by factory default, F11 will open and close the dialog.