BETA versions are now only available for registered users.
Find the download link at the bottom of the License Lounge.
- * Configuration | Tag | Database Clean-Up: Now also the capitalization of the item names is checked and corrected if necessary.
- * Find Files: Now found items are displayed at once in the search results list. Before, they were displayed in packets of at least 64 items, which meant that you would not see any results for a while even if there were results already.
- ! List: Opening media files associated with Media Player by dbl-click did not work anymore since last version. Fixed.
- ! List: Opening various types of executable files (e.g. *.vbs) by dbl-click did not work anymore since last version. Fixed.
- * Find Files: Now the capitalization of the path spec in the Location field is internally auto-corrected (you won't see this in the GUI) when a search is triggered.