Sunday, December 6, 2009

v8.70.0009 - 2009-12-06 14:57

BETA versions are now only available for registered users.
Find the download link at the bottom of the License Lounge.

  • * Configuration | Tabs: Rewrote the customization of the tab captions. Now you have a dropdown "Tab captions" with 3 choices:
      - Full path
      - Folder only
      - Custom
    The last one can be further defined by using the Custom button.
    While the factory default is
      <drive>: <folder>
    you can do anything that crosses your mind, e.g.
      <folder> (<drive>)
      <folder> on <drive>:
  • * Configuration | File Info Tips: The list below "Show custom file info tips" is now always enabled. Makes it easier to see what's available even when the checkbox is not ticked.
  • ! Configuration | Tag | Database Clean-Up: When you chose "Check fixed drives only", it only left the drive letter and tag number for the other drives (bug since v8.70.0005). Fixed.
  • ! List: Opening files with the shell-associated application still failed in some instances. Fixed #4.