Friday, February 8, 2008

v6.80.0063 - 2008-02-08 14:25

  • +++ Now you can control the application data path used by XYplorer. Up to now this path was hard-coded to be identical to the application path. Now you can set it to any location you like by manually creating and editing a file called "startup.ini" which has to be located in the application path.
    The format of startup.ini is that of INI files, and it has only one section and one key. Here's an example with a hard-coded app data path on drive E:
    Here's an example with a soft-coded app data path using an environment variable. It is resolved depending on the current user account:
    Note that you do not have to use this new option. If you do not manually create a file "startup.ini" nothing will change for you! If you do use this new option then these are the only files located in app path...
    ... and these are the files and folders located in app data path:
      XYplorer.ini (and alternative INIs)
    Naturally, if you change the app data path you will have to copy your current app data to the new path if you want to continue working in the same state as you left the app before changing the app data path.

  • + Menu Go: added command "Go to Application Data". It will beam you to the app data path. If you haven't set this path using startup.ini it will be identical to app path, so the command will be identical to the one above it. In that latter case I opted to hide the command in order to keep a clean interface. In other words, to see this new command you have to go the startup.ini way... :)

  • * Menu Go | Go to Application Folder: renamed it to "Go to Application Path", simply because it's the more common term.

  • + Scripting commands enhanced: added an optional argument "source" to the following commands:
      - moveto location, [source]
      - copyto location, [source]
      - backupto location, [source]
        Source: If missing then the currently selected items in Tree,
          List, or Catalog (depending on current focus) are taken as
          source. If given then the source is the source. :)
        ::copyto D:\Archives\<dyyyy-mm-dd>, <xypath>\XYplorer.exe
          Copies the currently running XYplorer.exe to a folder
          created on the fly based on the current date.
        ::backupto D:\Archives\<dyyyy-mm-dd>, <xydata>
          Backups the complete app data folder to a folder
            created on the fly based on the current date.
      Example to use in a XYS (XYplorer Script File):
        Copy From
          // yes, you can wrap the caption like this :)
          ::inputfolder $source, , Choose source folder to copy
            into current location
          ::copyto <curpath>, $source
    Thanks to "jacky" for the wonderful "source" idea!

  • + New variable: <xydata> = app data path (unslashed).

  • * Scripting: Any tab characters in script files are now interpreted as if they were two space characters each.

  • * Scripting command "inputfolder" now returns all folders including drives/root paths unslashed. This ensure predictable returns and thus makes further processing easier.

  • ! Scripting: The recursion checker could be tricked out. Should be fixed now.

  • ! Reconnecting Mapped Network Drives did not work under Vista.
    Fixed #2.
    + The Browse-For-Folder dialog did not support UNICODE. Now it does! E.g., you now can select and return items with Chinese characters.