- +++ New top menu "Scripting", with the following commands:
- Step Through Scripts
Toggle executing scripts stepwise. Stepping is recommended
for debugging scripts.
Default KS: Ctrl+Alt+S
- Enable Extended Scripting
Enable entering scripts through location interfaces (Address
Bar, Go To, Catalog, Favorites). Such scripts must be
additionally prefixed with a double-colon (::) to distinguish
them from normal locations.
Script items in Catalog show special icons only when Enable
Extended Scripting is ON.
- Enter Script...
Enter and execute a script directly. The script can be multi-
line, and you can enter more than one script (in which case a
menu will pop up).
The last entered script is remembered during the current
XYplorer session. This memory is shared with the scripting
command try. - * Configuration | Advanced | Enable Scripting: Now,
if ON then
- Menu "Scripting" is shown
- Scripting related controls in CKS and UDC are shown
if OFF then
- Scripts are not processed unless you YES a yes/no prompt.
- Menu "Scripting" is hidden
- Scripting related controls in CKS and UDC are hidden
Thursday, February 28, 2008
v6.80.0087 - 2008-02-28 11:35
Entry Type:
Beta Update
Posted by
XYplorer user : J_C_Hallgren
5:35 AM