Wednesday, February 20, 2008

v6.80.0084 - 2008-02-20 11:46

  • + New variable: <xyexe> = XYplorer executable name. This useful because you can rename the executable to whatever you want and still run XYplorer without problems.
    For example, this script now will backup the current XYplorer no matter how it is called:
      backupto D:\Archives\XY\<srcver>_<dyyyy-mm-dd>,
  • * Scripting command "write" now is called "try"! The alternative "push" is dropped.
  • + Scripting commands enhanced:
      - Load
        Now you can load a script directly using the new parameter
          "resource type".
        Syntax: load resource, [label], [resource type]
          resource:    required, scriptfile or script
            scriptfile can be relative to app path
            script     can be any script conforming to the syntax of
              script files
          label: optional, will directly run the script of that number
            (first script = 1) or label without popping a menu
          resource type: optional, f = file (default), s = script
          ::load "msg A loaded script.;", , s

      - Input
        Now the input field can be multiline.
        Syntax: inputtext [variable name], [caption],
          [default value], [m]
          m: optional, if set then input is multiline.
          ::input $s, Enter script, "type here...", m; text $s;
          ::input $s, Enter script, "type here...", m; load $s, , s;
        Note that the combination of "input" and "load" is pretty much
        what "write" does in one go, only that with "input" you have
        more control over the default, and with "load" you can
        specify a label, for example:
          ::input $s, Enter several scripts with labels, , m;
            input $label, Enter the label of the script to run now;
            load $s, $label, s;
  • * Scripting command changed/dropped:
      - CopyText
        Syntax: copytext text, [a]
          text: text to be copied
          a:    optional; if set text is appended
          ::copytext Blah, a
            = append "Blah" to the clipboard
      - CopyTextA
  • ! Tab header was not updated when going home. Fixed.