Monday, September 15, 2008

v7.60.0009 - 2008-09-15 12:51

  • ! Scripting: The ternary conditional was repeatedly processed with unpredictable results. Fixed.
  • ! SC "download" failed when target path/file name was passed (since yesterday). Fixed.
  • + Scripting: Now comparisons of two values are evaluated in-place.
    The "comparison" has the form
        "a" operator "b"
    where "a" and "b" are whole strings (yet without any concatenators, but this will change soon...), and "operator" can be one of the following:
      == Equal
      != Not Equal
      <  Less than
      >  Greater than
      <= Less than or Equal to
      >= Greater than or Equal to
    NOTE: To prevent ambiguities with XY internal variables
    (<curpath>, <xyver>...) the comparison operators must be
    surrounded by blanks!
    If the comparison evaluates as True it is set to "1", else it is
    set to "0".
      ::msg "a" == "a";
        = shows '1'
      ::msg ("a" == "a") . ("a" == "b");
        = shows '10'
      ::$r = ("a" == "a"); $r = ($r == 1?"True":"False"); msg $r;
        = shows 'True' (note that the parentheses are optional)
      ::$comparison = "a == a"; assert $comparison == "a == a";
        = no assertion error
      ::$minver="7.60.0009"; assert <xyver> >= $minver,
        "This script needs at least XY $minver!"
  • * Scripting, ternary conditionals:
    NOTE: To prevent ambiguities with XY internal variables (<curpath>, <xyver>...) the comparison operators must be surrounded by blanks!
  • * Scripting Tip: It's strongly recommended that you (double- or single-) quote your strings because more and more characters acquire a special meaning in scripting. The following are (or soon will be) such special characters:
  • * Scripting | Step dialog: Now the options menu also appears on right-clicking any of the two lists.
  • ! Icon Overlays were not always correctly auto-refreshed in Tree and List. Fixed.