- +++ New DropDown Control.
- supports Unicode
- supports Auto-Complete path/file names
- supports Auto-Complete recently used items
- supports TABbing through the items
- F4, Up, Down: all open the list; F4 closes again; next Up or Down select list items; selection wraps around ends
- shows icons for edit box and list items (where applicable)
- list supports mouse wheel
- edit box ignores mouse wheel (that's good!)
- is not a so-called UserControl (that's very good!) and not made of MS parts but fully hand-made, and hence incredibly powerful and enhanceable, extremely fast and low in memory consumption Test the new control e.g. in the Go To dialog (Ctrl+G). Later it will be added to various places of the app. and will eventually replace the current Address Bar.
+ Configuration: Added option "Auto-optimize tree". Check to automatically collapse non-current nodes in Tree. Rule: Auto-optimize sets in when you expand the current tree node.
! SC setkey: Now supports creating UNICODE files. Your existing INI files will work as before but newly created ones will be in UTF-16 and thus support double byte characters sets.
! SC compare(): Buggy when they were a different number of digits at each slot. Fixed.
::echo compare("1.3", "1.12", "v"); // 1 (30 > 12)
::echo compare("1.0.0002", "1.0.001", "v"); // -1 (2 < 10)
+ SC confirm() enhanced:
Name: confirm
Syntax: confirm(text, [linebreaker])
::echo confirm("Should#I#stay#or#should#I#go#?", "#");
Saturday, September 27, 2008
v7.60.0032 - 2008-09-27 20:26
Entry Type:
Beta Update
Posted by
XYplorer user : J_C_Hallgren
2:25 PM