- * Scripting: You now can assign fractions without quoting them.
::$a = 1.2; echo $a * 0.5; //0.6
::echo 1.2 + 2.1; //3.3
Note that you have to collaborate with the parser a little. If you do the following, the result might not meet your expectations:
::$a = 0.5; echo $a.2; //0.5.2
The NEW rule: A dot directly followed by a digit is not interpreted as a concatenator but as a decimal separator. A blank after the dot will make the difference here, and quotes play their role, too:
::$a = 0.5; echo $a. 2; //0.52
::$a = 0.5; echo "$a.2"; //0.5.2
::$a = 0.5; echo "$a. 2"; //0.5. 2
So, for what it's worth, you now can "append" fractions to integers like this:
::$a = 1; $b = $a.2; echo $b * 2; //2.4 - ! Scripting: Fixed a couple of glitches in math and comparison.
Saturday, September 20, 2008
v7.60.0019 - 2008-09-20 16:01
Entry Type: Beta Update Posted by XYplorer user : J_C_Hallgren at 10:00 AM