Saturday, October 9, 2010

Blog updates have been and will be temporarily delayed: Sorry!

Publication of recent updates since late August have unfortunately been extensively delayed due to some personal circumstances of your blog author. Sincere apologies for this but will attempt to catch up in next few weeks!

Sunday, August 15, 2010

v9.40.0104 - 2010-08-15 13:31

Note: BETA versions are a work in progress and might contain fresh bugs.
You have been warned.

  • + Menu Help | Various Information: Hold CTRL to get some speed related information about your current settings.

Friday, August 13, 2010

v9.40.0102 - 2010-08-13 17:32

Note: BETA versions are a work in progress and might contain fresh bugs.
You have been warned.

  • + Now you can force opening a folder in the other pane (inactive pane) by holding Ctrl+Shift while triggering the open. This works in the following contexts:
    - All sorts of location menus: History (Back, Forward);
      Breadcrumb; Favorites; Drives; Recent Locations; Hotlist; etc.
    - List: Ctrl+Shift+DblClick an item
      If the item is a file the containing folder is opened and the
      file is selected.
    It does not work in Tree, Catalog, and Address Bar. Quite useful little trick when you work with Dual Pane. Especially nice when the active pane shows a recursive search results listing which you want to explore further on the other pane.
  • * Renaming locked items on Win7: You can now escape the "endless" message loop where Win7 again and again shows the same message by holding ESC down until the message finally disappears for good.
  • ! Catalog did not yet fully support native variables <xydata> etc.). Fixed.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

v9.40.0009 - 2010-08-11 21:10

Note: BETA versions are a work in progress and might contain fresh bugs.
You have been warned.

  • ! History Retains Selections: A selected and focused item was not made the current item. Fixed.
  • ! Tabs: The Clear Type related fix from v9.40.0007 had a bad side effect on tabs with a custom background color. Fixed again.

v9.40.0008 - 2010-08-11 14:43

Note: BETA versions are a work in progress and might contain fresh bugs.
You have been warned.

  • ! Menu Go | Up: Did not work correctly with a Locked Tree and tweak AutoSelectMRUSubfolder=0. Fixed.
  • $ The Home License went up from 19.95 to 29.29 Euro which is still very cheap for its relative value compared to the Pro License, but not such an extreme dumping as before. Actually the price is now identical to that of the Standard Pro License. Additionally now there are also Volume Discounts for the Home License.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

v9.40.0007 - 2010-08-10 20:37

Note: BETA versions are a work in progress and might contain fresh bugs.
You have been warned.

  • + Configuration | General: Added option "Scroll to top after sorting". If enabled the list is auto-scrolled to top when you change the sort order. Additionally, if there are no selections in the list, the focus is auto-shifted to the top item.
    Note that the option is honoured only when no current item is kept in view due to an enabled "Keep current item in view after sorting" (IOW, the latter setting takes precedence). Note that this option elevates the tweak added in v9.40.0005 - 2010-08-09 21:57 to UI level.
  • * Both "Keep current item in view after sorting" and "Scroll to top after sorting" are now enabled by factory default.
  • ! Info Panel | Find Files: Color-marking the tab headers for enabled filters did not work well with Clear Type enabled (color artifacts accumulated). Fixed.
  • ! Tabs: Same issue as above with drag-hovering tabs in Visual Style "XYplorer Classic". Fixed.
  • ! SC getinfo("SelectedItemsPathNames") and getinfo("SelectedItemsNames") returned a trailing delimiter after the last returned item. Fixed. Now delimiters are found only between the items.

Monday, August 9, 2010

v9.40.0005 - 2010-08-09 21:57

Note: BETA versions are a work in progress and might contain fresh bugs.
You have been warned.

  • * List: Before (since v6.00.0014 - 2007-05-23 09:01), holding CTRL while re-sorting the list would invert the setting of "Keep current item in view after sorting". This, however, was a usability nightmare because you needed to know the state of the config setting to know what holding CTRL meant.
    From now on, holding CTRL while re-sorting the list will always keep the current item in view -- no matter whether "Keep current item in view after sorting" is enabled or not. It will even keep the focused item in view when it is not selected, so CTRL gives you even a little more power than the config setting.
  • + Tweak to control whether the list scrolls to top after sorting when no current item is kept in view. Factory default is 1.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

v9.40.0004 - 2010-08-07 10:05

Note: BETA versions are a work in progress and might contain fresh bugs.
You have been warned.

  • + Tweak to toggle the service that selects the recent subfolder (taken from the "Recent Locations" data) when going Up or Down. The factory default (and hitherto hardcoded setting) is 1.
    Additionally to Up and Down (menu Go) this service also sets in when you enter a subfolder via the file list, and (this is new!) when you go to a location via breadcrumb. This tweak is supported by SC tweak:
      tweak("AutoSelectMRUSubfolder", 1);
      tweak("AutoSelectMRUSubfolder", 0);
  • * Configuration | General | Keep focused item in view after sorting:
    Renamed it to "Keep current item in view after sorting" which now fits better.
  • * Updated the help file.
  • ! Recycle Bin: To browse a recycled folder, SYSTEM and HIDDEN items have to be shown (Configuration | General | Show system files and folders) because the real (not the virtual) Recycler is SYSTEM and HIDDEN.
    The bug was that you were not notified about this but ended up on the drive root of the Recycler path you attempted to go to. Fixed.
    Note that this was only an issue in Maxi Tree; the Mini Tree is tolerant about these settings and simple shows the folders you need to see.
  • ! Tree: When switching from Mini to Maxi Tree on a current path that was hidden from the Maxi Tree, there was a bizarre (but hardly visible) drawing glitch, and tree and list got out of synch. Fixed.

Friday, August 6, 2010

v9.40.0003 - 2010-08-06 09:37

Note: BETA versions are a work in progress and might contain fresh bugs.
You have been warned.

  • ! Tree: Keys DEL and F2 did not work in the Tree since v9.40.0002. Fixed.
  • ! Copy/Move Here As... did not honour "Exclude extension on rename" anymore. Fixed.
  • ! List: Would not drop anything into a selected and focused folder (e.g. from one pane to the other). Fixed.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

v9.40.0002 - 2010-08-05 20:12

Note: BETA versions are a work in progress and might contain fresh bugs.
You have been warned.

  • + Menu File | Duplicate: The following commands (originally added v6.40.0033 - 2007-10-31 11:03) have been elevated from CKS | Miscellaneous | File Operations to UI level and are now found in the Duplicate submenu:
    - Copy Here to New Subfolder... (Ctrl+Shift+C), #1042
    - Move Here to New Subfolder... (Ctrl+Shift+X), #1041
    Note that both commands only work on the selected list item(s), and are disabled if the file list is not focused. (They work however in scripting on selected items in a non-focused list.) I'm aware that "Move Here to New Subfolder" does not fit under the heading Duplicate, but hey... I'm confident your brain can handle it.
  • * Main Menu: Removed the word "Suffix" from all captions like "Copy Here with Suffix Date Modified".
    Also "Date Now" has been rephrased to "Current Date", and "Date Modified" to "Last Modified Date".
  • + Configuration | Templates | Date affix: Now the template supports the variable <folder> that is resolved to the moved/copied file's parent folder (only the folder, not the whole path).
    Example for a template:
      *-<date yyyymmdd> (<folder>)
    Note that the presence of this variable in the template is not reflected in the related commands' menu captions, so this variable is rather a very special option that you have to make a mental note about when you use it.
  • * List: Now when changing the sort order and there are no selections the list is auto-scrolled to top and the top item is auto-focused -- regardless of the setting of Configuration | General | Keep focused item in view after sorting. IMO a small change with a big usability gain.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

v9.40.0001 - 2010-08-04 13:25

  • + Configuration | Templates | Date affix (previously "Date suffix"):
    Now this template can define a prefix, a circumfix, or a suffix (previously it could just define a suffix). To this purpose the file base is represented by an asterisk in the pattern. The (optional) date uses the <date ...> syntax known from XY variables.
    This template is employed for example when files are copied or moved using "Copy (Move) Here with Suffix Date Now (Modified)".

    Examples for copying a file called "Test.txt" using various affix templates:
      *-<date yyyymmdd>       = Test-20100803.txt
      <date yyyymmdd> *       = 20100803 Test.txt
      Copy of *               = Copy of Test.txt
      Copy of * from <date yyyymmdd> = Copy of Test from 20100803.txt

    - If the asterisk is missing the pattern is by default suffixed to
      the file base.
    - Each asterisk is replaced by the base, so you can do bizarre
      things like this:
      ** = duplicates the base of the copied (moved) items
    - When upgrading to this version the Date affix is reset to the
      factory default *-<date yyyymmdd>.
  • + Configuration | Previewed Formats: Now you can add files without any extension as a separate file type to any of the file type groups. To do this state "<none>" (without the quotes) as the extension.
  • * List: Now when right-click DnD'ing some files onto a folder, the target folder is kept highlighted while the popup menu is displayed.
  • * Configuration | General | Keep focused item in view after sorting:
    From now on this setting is ignored if there are no selections in the list.
  • + Tweak to select list items by clicking the whole Name column, not just the caption:
    The tweak is ignored if Full Row Select is enabled.
  • ! Catalog: When adding selected items via context menu, the icons where not immediately updated in the Catalog. Fixed.
  • ! Catalog: Insert a New Category Here Clipboard Item(s) did not work at all due to a false index. Fixed.
  • ! List: Drawing glitches and confusion when using the wheel while lasso selecting. Fixed the glitches and abolished the combination of lasso and wheel. Once you wheel you lose the selections and the lasso.

Monday, August 2, 2010

v9.40.0000 - 2010-08-02 12:00

Main changes since last release:

  • +++ Portable Tabs. Now tabs can be made fully portable by pointing them to a portable path that is resolved depending on the context, for example %userprofile%. Portable Tabs smartly adapt their contents to the current host system.
  • +++ Go to Last Target. Now the copied or moved items found in the target location are auto-selected when you go there using the "Go to Last Target" command. A surprisingly useful little service.
  • +++ History Retains Selections. Now (optionally) if you return to a previous location, any previous selections in this location are restored.
  • +++ Portable File Associations. Now you can define associations for files without extension.
  • +++ Tree. Now tooltips of junctions display the Junction Target.
  • +++ Scripting. This new version comes with a couple of powerful new or improved scripting commands like inputselect(), tab(), listfolder(), and report().
  • +++ Address Bar. Now right-clicking the dropdown arrow pops the breadcrumb menu for the current path.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

v9.30.0029 - 2010-08-01 17:32

Note: BETA versions are a work in progress and might contain fresh bugs.
You have been warned.

  • + SC GetToken enhanced. Now you can pass "count" as second parameter to retrieve the token count in the string. Note that the function returns 0 when the string is empty.
      text gettoken("a,b", "count", ","); // 2
      text gettoken("a,", "count", ","); // 2
      text gettoken(",", "count", ","); // 2
      text gettoken("", "count", ","); // 0

Saturday, July 31, 2010

v9.30.0028 - 2010-07-31 17:48

Note: BETA versions are a work in progress and might contain fresh bugs.
You have been warned.

  • + Menu Scripting: Added command "Run Script..." which opens a multiline edit box where you can enter a script and run it. The command is near identical to "Try Script..." but does not enforce Step Mode. Both commands share the same remembered contents when the dialog is opened again, and also the same last size and position.
    Note that the dialog has context sensitive help: F1 will open the Scripting Commands Reference.

v9.30.0025 - 2010-07-31 12:51

Note: BETA versions are a work in progress and might contain fresh bugs.
You have been warned.

  • * Updated the help file.
  • ! There was a problem with the MIDI preview on some systems. Fixed.

Friday, July 30, 2010

v9.30.0024 - 2010-07-30 18:43

Note: BETA versions are a work in progress and might contain fresh bugs.
You have been warned.

  • + Tree: Now a tree with a horizontal scrollbar auto-scrolls into view when you drag-hover the left or right margins, aka Hot Scrolling.
  • * SC replacelist enhanced. Now if you state only one replace unit, all items in the search list are replaced with that one unit. Removal of items is just a subcase of the rule (replace all items in search list with nothing).
      ::text replacelist("Taxi", "ai", ""); //Tx
      ::text replacelist("Taxi", "ai", "u"); //Tuxu
      ::text replacelist("Taxi", "a,i", "ou", ","); //Touxou
  • * List | Inline Rename. Now it's a three-step circle when you repeatedly press F2 on a filename with extension.
      1) select, extension excluded
      2) select, extension included
      3) unselect, caret to end
    With Configuration | General | Exclude extension on rename ON the circle starts at 1), else at 2).
  • + Tweak to preview audio files in an alternative manner. This might help if XYplorer does not play MIDI files using the factory defaults:
  • + Mini Tree: Non-existing drives or folders now can be removed via context menu ("Hide Folder from Mini Tree").

Thursday, July 29, 2010

v9.30.0023 - 2010-07-29 12:14

Note: BETA versions are a work in progress and might contain fresh bugs.
You have been warned.

  • + Scripting got a new function.
      Name:   listfolder
      Action: Lists the contents of a folder (non-recursive).
      Syntax: listfolder([path=<urpath>], [pattern=*], [filesonly], _
        path:      Path of folder to list; defaults to current list path.
                   Special paths ("Desktop") and portable paths ("?:\")
                   are supported.
        pattern:   Wildcard (?, *) pattern to filter returned items;
                   defaults to "*" (show all).
                   If no wildcards are contained, the pattern is auto-
                   embraced by "*".
          0: show folders and files [default]
          1: show only filees
        separator: Separates the items in the returned list;
                   defaults to | (pipe).
        return:    List of items.
      - The order of items is determined by the OS resp. file system.
        For XP/NTFS and later it's alphabetical, files and folders
      - The possibilities this command brings to scripting are mind-
        //list all items current list folder
        ::text listfolder();
        //list all items in %windir% that contain "y" in the name
        ::text listfolder(%windir%, "y", , <crlf>);
        //list all DLL files in %windir% (typically C:\Windows\)
        //and gives a short report on them
        ::$itemlist = listfolder(%windir%, "*.dll", 1);
          text report("{Name}, {Size B} bytes,
          {Modified yyyy-mm-dd hh:nn:ss},
          ver {FileVersion}<crlf>", $itemlist);
        //list all DLL files in %windir%, select one to goto
        ::$itemlist = listfolder(%windir%, "*.dll", 1);
          goto inputselect("DLLs in %windir%", $itemlist, , 1);
  • + Scripting got a new function.
      Name:   replacelist
      Action: Replaces substrings by list.
      Syntax: replacelist(string, searchlist, [replacelist], _
                  [delimiter], [matchcase])
        string:      String to work on (haystack).
        searchlist:  Substrings to be replaced (needles).
        replacelist: Substrings to replace with.
          empty: All substrings in searchlist are removed.
        delimiter:   Delimites the strings in the lists;
          empty: Each character is taken as a substring.
        matchcase:   Compare method.
          0: A=a [Default]
          1: A<>a
        return:       The new string.
        ::text replacelist("Taxi", "ai", "ia"); //Tixa
        ::text replacelist("Taxi", "ax,i", "-,Rex", ","); //T-Rex
        ::text replacelist("Taxi", "ai"); //Tx
      - As you see from the 2nd example, the strings in search-replace
        pair can have different lengths.
      - If the item count in both list differs, then the smaller count
        is used and the surplus items are ignored.
      - The string is walked on time from left to right; any replaced
        parts are not processed again. So in this example, "Rex" will
        not be replaced by "Bone" in a second pass:
        ::text replacelist("Taxi", "ax,i,Rex", "-,Rex,Bone", ",");
      - The substrings are processed from left to right, first match
        wins. Therefore:
        ::text replacelist("Taxi", "a,ax", "i,ox"); //Tixi
        ::text replacelist("Taxi", "ax,a", "ox,i"); //Toxi
      - This command can be used for interesting things, e.g. to
        (roughly) transliterate e.g. Cyrillic to Latin, or do some
        simple encryption, or clean file names from undesired
  • * SC report(): Merged the "onlyselected" and "itemlist" parameter!
    New syntax:
      report([template], [itemlist], [header], [footer])
          0 or "" = all current list items
          1       = all currently selected list items
          else    = pipe(|)-separated list of items (full path).
    Example for a report about a single specific item:
      text report("
        {Size B} bytes,
        {Modified yyyy-mm-dd hh:nn:ss},
        ver {FileVersion}", "E:\XY\XYplorer\XYplorer.exe");
  • * Menu Go | Go to Last Target: Auto-selection of target items is not dependent on the setting of "History retains selections" anymore. It simply is done always.
  • ! Spot & Jump: Would not spot a pattern when "Configuration | General | Type-ahead find uses sorted column" was enabled and the list was sorted by Ext, Type, or Path. Fixed. Spot & Jump now always works on the Name column independently of this setting.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

v9.30.0022 - 2010-07-28 20:12

Note: BETA versions are a work in progress and might contain fresh bugs.
You have been warned.

  • + SC report() enhanced. Added new optional argument "itemlist", where you can state the items that you want a report about.
      report([template], [onlyselected=0], [header], [footer], _
        itemlist: pipe(|)-separated list of items (fullpath).
    Example for a report about a single specific item:
      text report("
        {Size B} bytes,
        {Modified yyyy-mm-dd hh:nn:ss},
        ver {FileVersion}", , , , "E:\XY\XYplorer\XYplorer.exe");

v9.30.0021 - 2010-07-28 11:44

Note: BETA versions are a work in progress and might contain fresh bugs.
You have been warned.

  • + Menu Go | Go to Last Target: Now the copied or moved items found in that target location are auto-selected when you go there using this command. This service is only active when "History retains selections" (which is a similar service) is enabled. Note that any cancelled overwrite prompts are not taken into account here, so the selections are done *as if* all copies/moves actually happened.
    Every new copy/move will overwrite the previous last target data. And, just like the target folder itself, these selections are not remembered beetween sessions.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

v9.30.0020 - 2010-07-27 21:00

Note: BETA versions are a work in progress and might contain fresh bugs.
You have been warned.

  • ! Configuration | Previewed Formats: Focusing the top listbox would cause a total freeze on systems with DBCS codepages (e.g. Chinese). Fixed.

v9.30.0019 - 2010-07-27 10:52

Note: BETA versions are a work in progress and might contain fresh bugs.
You have been warned.

  • + Address Bar: Now right-clicking the dropdown arrow pops the breadcrumb menu for the current path. Ctrl+RClick to get the popup of the MyComputer toolbar button with virtual folders and drives.
  • + Moving or renaming items with XYplorer did not notify the shell about it, so other apps could not auto-update their display accordingly. Now the notification is done.

Monday, July 26, 2010

v9.30.0016 - 2010-07-26 19:52

Note: BETA versions are a work in progress and might contain fresh bugs.
You have been warned.

  • ! Tree: Improved the automatic refresh of the Tree pane for non-current folders. Now all nodes (incl. special paths) should be updated correctly, directly and smoothly, including all folder related data like highlights, tags, favorites, thumbnail caches etc. -- even if those nodes are not shown currently in the tree!
    As long as XY is running then every change to the file system by any other app should be auto-adjusted to in XYplorer's various path related data. That's the goal and we are quite near.
  • ! Portable Tabs: The tab icon was not correctly updated when going to a location under a tab with a "soft locked home zone" (e.g. <xydata>). Fixed.

v9.30.0015 - 2010-07-26 14:31

Note: BETA versions are a work in progress and might contain fresh bugs.
You have been warned.

  • + SC tab enhanced: The operation "get" got a new data parameter:
      text tab("get", "term"); //path with any VF or QS
    Returns the same as Copy Location Term.
  • + Tree: Now if hovering a junction the tooltip displays the Junction Target.
  • ! Inline Rename auto-committed after creating a New Folder or New Text File on some systems under certain circumstances. Fixed.
  • ! Thumbnails: Switching to and from and thumbed search result list would overwrite the disk cache of the previous list under certain conditions. Fixed.
  • * Thumbnails: Thumbnails in a search results list are now kept in memory when you switch to a non-thumb mode or to another tab with a non-thumb mode. So thumbs do not have to be generated again when re-opening the search results list. Note that this is true even if "Configuration | Thumbnails | Cache thumbnails of search results, too" is off!

Sunday, July 25, 2010

v9.30.0014 - 2010-07-25 12:06

Note: BETA versions are a work in progress and might contain fresh bugs.
You have been warned.

  • + SC tab enhanced: The operation "get" got new data parameters:
      text tab("get", "caption"); //caption of a tab (as displayed)
      text tab("get", "name"); //name of a tab (as set by rename)
      text tab("get", "path"); //(resolved) path of a tab
      text tab("get", "data"); //(unresolved) data, e.g. %temp%
    Since "get" is the default operation this way works as well:
      text tab(, "caption");
  • ! Tabs: With Tools | Configuration Tabs | Tabs Captions | Full Path enabled, tab captions were not displayed anymore. Fixed.
  • ! Portable Tabs: Glitch in keeping the branch portable where a sibling folder outside the branch was seen as being inside the branch if it half-matched the branch path. D:\Test2 was seen as child of D:\Test. Fixed.
  • + Portable File Associations: Now you can define an association for files without extension. The pattern to use is "*." (without the quotes). For example, to open all files without extension with UltraEdit:
      "No extension" *.>UEdit32
    Note: This pattern does not match folders.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

v9.30.0012 - 2010-07-24 17:03

Note: BETA versions are a work in progress and might contain fresh bugs.
You have been warned.

  • ~~~ Tabs: Heavy rewriting of the code base became necessary to make portable tabs really shine. You should note nothing of it if all worked out.
    Whatever, it's a good day to make a backup of your app data!!!
  • + Portable tabs: Now when you move within the portable branch the location is kept portable (i.e. the variable part is not resolved). So, you can have a tab pointing to say "%temp%" (and optionally apply a Locked Home Zone to it) and move around within the %temp% branch without losing the portability of the tab.
    Tip: To point a tab to app path in a portable way simply enter nothing in Relocate Tab... -- an alternative to <xypath>.
  • + Portable Home: Menu View | Current Tab | Set Home, Go Home, and Lock Home Zone now also support portable locations. So you can e.g. set the Home to "%temp%" if the current tab is pointing to "%temp%".
  • * SC seltab: Now supports negative indices to point to tabs from the right end, for example:
      seltab;    //select the default tab (if any, else do nothing)
      seltab 1;  //select left most tab
      seltab 0;  //select current tab (reverts to tab's saved settings)
      seltab -1; //select right most tab
  • * SC tab: From now on the index is 1-based, i.e. the first tab has index 1! This is analog to SC seltab. Index 0 can be used to refer to the current tab.
      tab("lock");       //lock toggle current tab
      tab("lock", , 0);  //lock toggle current tab
      tab("lock", , 1);  //lock toggle first tab
      tab("lock", , -1); //lock toggle last tab
  • + SC tab enhanced: New operation "sethome". Sets a Home path to the current or any other tab.
      tab("sethome", '%temp%'); //set home %temp% to current tab
      tab("sethome"); //remove any home from current tab
      tab("sethome", '%temp%', 6); //set home %temp% to tab 6
    Note: If you set the home of a non-current tab then all relevant list settings of the *current* tab are used for the home definition of that other tab.
    Remark: The tab("sethome") operation is currently the only way to *remove* a home from any tab.
  • + New variable: <curtab> = location spec of the current tab.
      text <curtab>;  // %userprofile%
      text <curpath>; // C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\Donald

Limited time offer: 50% off Lifetime Pro license

Big Summer Art Madness! Get the XYplorer Lifetime License Pro for half of the normal price by showing off your art knowledge! Note that this special offer only supports PayPal as payment service. Note that this is a limited time offer that will end on Sunday, August 08th 2010!

Yes, it may take a few clicks to get the correct answer to this 'AD', but it's worth it to save that much on a great product!

Friday, July 23, 2010

v9.30.0010 - 2010-07-23 08:59

Note: BETA versions are a work in progress and might contain fresh bugs.
You have been warned.

  • * XYplorer native variables are now resolved within location terms, so now you can enter things like this into the Address Bar and any other location port (Catalog, Favorites, etc.):
  • + SC tab enhanced: New operation "filter". Applies a Visual Filter to the current or any other tab.
      tab("filter", "*.txt"); //apply filter "*.txt" to current tab
      tab("filter"); //remove any filter from current tab
    Remark: SC filter is now obsolete, but kept for backward compatibility.
  • * SC tab: The operations "lock" and "iconize" now toggle the current state when you pass nothing in the second argument.
      tab("lock"); //toggles locked state of current tab
      tab("lock", 1); //sets locked state of current tab
      tab("lock", 0); //unsets locked state of current tab
  • * Updated the help file.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

v9.30.0009 - 2010-07-22 21:31

Note: BETA versions are a work in progress and might contain fresh bugs.
You have been warned.

  • +++ Fully portable tabs: Yes, finally you can make your tabs fully portable! A tab location now can be anything that resolves to a path:
      Absolute Path: C:\Myfolder
      Relative Path: appdata
      Portable Path: ?:\
      Environment Variable: %temp%
      Native Variable: <xydata>
    These terms are remembered as such (unresolved) between sessions.
    But how do you define such a location? See next paragraph...
  • + Menu View | Current Tab: Added "Relocate Tab..." where you can enter a new location for the current or any non-current tab (when opening the menu via right-click on a tab header). If you do it for the current tab, it will browse to the new location.
    Usage Tips:
    - You can see each tab's "real" location, e.g. %temp%, in the
      tooltip when you hover the tab.
    - Of course, you would usually lock a tab after you relocated it
      to a variable. Otherwise it will lose the variable location on
      the next location change.
  • + SC tab enhanced: New operation "relocate", analog to "Relocate Tab..." above.
      // relocate current tab to %tmp%
      // note the single quotes to avoid premature resolution
      tab("relocate", '%tmp%');
  • + SC tab enhanced: New operation "lock".
      // lock current tab
      tab("lock", 1);
      // unlock current tab
  • * SC tab: Dropped the support for numerical values for the "operation" argument.
  • * Address Bar: From now on the Address Bar contents are not auto-changed to the current new path anymore when going to this path was triggered via the Address Bar itself, be it through a script or an environment variable or whatever.

v9.30.0007 - 2010-07-22 09:14

Note: BETA versions are a work in progress and might contain fresh bugs.
You have been warned.

  • ! SC tab glitches fixed.
  • + SC inputselect enhanced: Added cancel argument at position 5!!
    Update your scripts.
    See updated change log of v9.30.0003.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

v9.30.0006 - 2010-07-21 19:54

Note: BETA versions are a work in progress and might contain fresh bugs.
You have been warned.

  • + SC tab enhanced: Now the operation can be defined using named arguments, not just numbers. Also tabs can be pointed to from the right end by using negative indices.
    See updated change log of v9.30.0005.
      // name the last tab "Godzilla"
      tab("rename", "Godzilla", -1);
  • ! Catalog: Would not show icon when you stated a Visual Filter with caption, e.g. |"Exe" *.exe;*.dll. Fixed.

v9.30.0005 - 2010-07-21 17:22

Publication of this update is out of sequence due to amount of editing required.
Note: BETA versions are a work in progress and might contain fresh bugs.
You have been warned.

  • + Configuration | Advanced: Added "Remember list settings per tab". The button "Apply To..." allows to further refine which list properties you want to retain per tab. Factory default is checked and applying to all list properties. Note that this factory default is what was hard-coded in the past.
    So the new thing you get here is the option NOT to remember certain list properties per tab but have them globally per pane. Note that this feature is in a slight natural conflict with FVS (Folder View Settings) in that it wins over FVS on tab change: if you switch to a tab that had been shaped by FVS, then any list properties that are NOT remembered per tab will be inherited from the current tab.
  • - Tweak RetainListSettingsAcrossTabs is replaced by the above.
  • + Configuration | Advanced: Added "History retains selections". If checked the selected items are stored with the History. If you return-by-history to a location you have visited during the current session, the location's previous selections are restored.
    The selections are NOT remembered between sessions. Factory default is OFF because it can take quite some memory.
  • * History per Tab: From now on right-clicking the Back and Foreward buttons will only show the current tab's history, not the global history anymore.
  • + Scripting got a new function.
      Name:   tab
      Action: Opens a new tab or modifies a tab.
      Syntax: tab([operation], [data], [index])
        operation: operation, identified by name or index
          0, "get" = [default] just return a value depending on data
              (first tab = 0)
              "c", "count"
                return: tab count
                return: index of the current tab (first tab = 0)
          index: unused
          1, "new" = create new foreground tab
            data: location (if empty then current tab is cloned)
            index: tab to clone from (if missing then current tab)
            return: index of the newly created tab
          2, "newb" = new background tab
            data: location (if empty then current tab is cloned)
            index: tab to clone from (if missing then current tab)
            return: index of the newly created tab
          3, "rename" = rename current tab
            data: new name (if empty then any name is removed)
            index: tab to rename (if missing then current tab)
            return: index of the current tab
          4, "iconize" = iconize current tab
            data: 0 = [default] de-iconize
                  1 = iconize
            index: tab to iconize (if missing then current tab)
            return: index of the current tab
        If index is negative then position is calculated from the right
        end. If index is invalid then the current tab's index is used.
        The function only affects tabs on the active pane.
        text tab(); //ret index of current tab (first tab = 0)
        text tab(, "c"); //ret tab count
        text tab("new"); //clones the current tab; ret index of new tab
        tab("new", "C:\"); //new foreground tab at "C:\"; as above
        tab("newb", "D:\"); //new background tab at "D:\"; as above
        tab("rename", "Godzilla"); //name the current tab "Godzilla"
        tab("rename"); //remove any name from the current tab
        tab("iconize", 1); //iconizes the current tab
        tab("iconize"); //de-iconizes the current tab
        tab("iconize", 1, 0); //iconizes the first tab
        tab("iconize", 1, -1); //iconizes the last tab
  • + SC inputselect enhanced: Added a way to show checkboxes.
    See updated change log of v9.30.0003.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

v9.30.0004 - 2010-07-20 21:45

Note: BETA versions are a work in progress and might contain fresh bugs.
You have been warned.

  • + Added a tweak to retain the list settings (sort order, columns, style, view) across tabs (= on tab switch).
    Note that the list settings will not spread across the panes, just across the tabs of each pane. Neither will they spread across different list modes, so e.g. a Search Results tab (list is in Find mode) will not be affected when you change the list settings (say the sort order) in a tab in normal Browse mode.
  • + Added a tweak to reverse history numbering.
    Set to 1 to show the oldest item as number one.
  • + Logging To File: New event and new IDs:
      eLTFBackgroundJobAdded = 1
      eLTFBackgroundJobTriggered = 2
    To log both:
      ::logtofile 3;

v9.30.0003 - 2010-07-20 11:05

Note: BETA versions are a work in progress and might contain fresh bugs.
You have been warned.

  • + Scripting got a new function.
      Name:   inputselect
      Action: Pops a list of strings from which the selected one is
      Syntax: inputselect(header, listdata, [delimiter=], [style=1], _
              [cancel], [width=600], [height=400], [windowcaption])
        header:    First line is printed in bold; any other lines are
                   printed non-bold; leave empty to show no header.
        listdata:  String of list items, delimited by delimiter.
        delimiter: Delimiter; defaults to .
        style:     1 = show file system icons for the items (= default)
                   2 = show checkboxes
                        prefix items with "+" to pre-check them
        cancel:    value to be returned when user cancels
                   if not set then cancel will terminate the script
        width:     Width of window in pixels (minimum: 250; maximum:
                   screen width; default: 600).
                   Percentages of screen width are supported, e.g. 75%.
        height:    Height of window in pixels (minimum: 150; maximum:
                   screen height; default: 400).
                   Percentages of screen height are supported, e.g. 75%.
        windowcaption: Window caption.
        return:   The selected list item. If checkbox style then the
                   checked items are returned, separated by delimiter.
        // header and a list of drives; then go to the selected drive
        goto inputselect("Select Destination", "C:D:E:");
        // same with two-line header
        goto inputselect("Select Destination".."Choose drive:", "C:D:E:");
        // no header
        goto inputselect(, "C:D:E:");
        // use checkboxes and icons (1 OR 2 = 3)
        text inputselect("Select Drives", "C:D:E:", , 3);
        // use checkboxes, pre-check "D:"); return "-" on cancel
        text inputselect("Select Drives", "C:+D:E:", , 3, "-");
  • + Added Logging to File: Now you can optionally have certain events logged to a file named "XYLog-2010-07-20.txt" (date of today) and located in the app data path.
    Events are identified by a number (binary field). Currently only one event is supported: Background Job Triggered (#1). To activate logging for this event use the following new scripting command:
      ::logtofile 1;
    To deactive logging:
      ::logtofile 0;
    To show logging status:
      ::logtofile; //status is displayed in the statubar
    The setting is remembered across sessions.

Monday, July 19, 2010

v9.30.0002 - 2010-07-19 19:58

Note: BETA versions are a work in progress and might contain fresh bugs.
You have been warned.

  • ~~~ Some heavy changes (reorganization of a number of modules and about 80 procedures) had been necessary for internal reasons. You should note nothing of this, but just in case: The affected areas are Native Variables, Scripting, and Undo.
  • * Configuration | Colors & Styles: Renamed "Underline highlighted selected rows" to "Underline selected rows", and "Use zebra striping in grid" to "Zebra striping". Both pop an informative message when ticked.
  • * Menu Help: Renamed "Make List of Functions..." to "Make List of Commands...".
  • * Background Jobs dialog: Items are not ellipsed anymore.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

v9.30.0001 - 2010-07-18 20:48

Note: BETA versions are a work in progress and might contain fresh bugs.
You have been warned.

  • + Find Files | Size: Now supports units GB and TB.
    FYI, you may also state fractions. E.g.
      0.0001 GB         (= 100 KB).
      0.000000000001 TB (= 1 byte).
  • ! List: Allowed to drag and drop a file onto itself. Fixed: Not possible anymore.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

v9.30.0000 - 2010-07-15 12:00

Main changes since last release:

  • +++ Folder Tree. Now the tree state can optionally be fully retained across sessions. So when reopening XYplorer you find your tree exactly (all expanded nodes, selected node, scroll position) as you left it last time. Which other file manager can do this?
  • +++ Thumbnails Caching. Improved cache management now auto-adjusts the cache to any renamed or moved folders. No thumbnail has to be created again anymore just because you renamed or moved a folder.
  • +++ Color Filters. Now you can optionally apply the color filter patterns to files only and thus avoid that folders are colored when they match a pattern.
  • +++ Image Preview. Now the frame count is displayed for animated GIFs.
  • +++ Media Preview. Now you can optionally play only the beginning of a sound or video file, and then stop, loop, or auto-jump to the next file (depending on the Loop settings). The number of seconds to be played can be freely defined.
  • +++ Folder Tree. Now can optionally expand or collapse the current tree node by a single click on the name. Saves you many clicks.
  • +++ Creating New Files. Now you can create a bunch of new files in one go by simply entering a list of names into a multi-line edit field.
  • +++ Statusbar. Now you can hide the Statusbar.
  • +++ Find Files. The interface is now 100 pixels wider so that you have more space for your search patterns.
  • +++ PDF Thumbnails. PDF thumbnail blow ups can now be enlarged to an actually readable size. The same holds for any other format whose thumbnails are driven by a shell extension.
  • +++ Drag'n'Drop Context Menu. The new command "Go to Dragged Item" allows you to go to the dragged item's containing folder and select the item, or simply open the folder if the item is a folder. A typical use-case would be when dragging items or paths from other apps into XYplorer. It's a kind of "Go to by Drag'n'drop" -- revolutionary and very useful if you ask me.

v9.20.0208 - 2010-07-15 10:51

Note: BETA versions are a work in progress and might contain fresh bugs.
You have been warned.

  • ! Find Files: Search Results were not updated on deletion when at least one folder was among the deleted items. Fixed.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

v9.20.0207 - 2010-07-14 21:28

Note: BETA versions are a work in progress and might contain fresh bugs.
You have been warned.

  • * Updated the help file.
  • * Upgrading: Auto-assigning unused default keyboard shortcuts to their function now only happens if no other shortcuts already point to that function.
    FYI, this feature was added in v8.80.0318 - 2010-02-21 19:24.

Monday, July 12, 2010

v9.20.0206 - 2010-07-12 20:58

Note: BETA versions are a work in progress and might contain fresh bugs.
You have been warned.

  • * Info Panel | Find Files: Made the controls area 100 pixels wider and stretched those controls that could need a stretching. In particular you now got more space for Name and Location.
  • ! Tree: Moving the current folder into another not yet opened folder under a special node (e.g. Desktop) resulted in a wrong situation since v9.20.0205. Fixed.
  • ! Using scripting and a bit of (bad) luck it was possible to launch two backup operations simultaneously which is currently not supported and leads to undetermined results. Fixed: Now you cannot launch a backup operation by any means while another one is still in progress.

v9.20.0205 - 2010-07-12 14:39

Note: BETA versions are a work in progress and might contain fresh bugs.
You have been warned.

  • * List: Now in an unfocused List any selected but not focused items are not drawn with a gradient anymore but with a plain color (as defined in Configuration | Colors & Styles | Sel. Items Back). This way they are better distinguished from the focused+selected item.
  • * Configuration | Shell Integration: Now, if you try to change these settings and fail because you are not admin, you get this message:
    "You need administrator rights to change this setting."
  • * Raw View: Now the selection colors conform to the global Windows color schemes.
  • ! Raw View: Would not view a selected file on startup. Fixed.
  • ! Configuration | Colors & Styles: Fixed some glitches in the color previews (some fields were not set).

Saturday, July 10, 2010

v9.20.0204 - 2010-07-10 14:54

Note: BETA versions are a work in progress and might contain fresh bugs.
You have been warned.

  • +++ Configuration | General: Added option "Remember state of tree".
    Tick it to remember which nodes are expanded in the Maxi Tree (the Mini Tree state is remembered anyway ever since).
    The tree state is retained across sessions and also when switching between Maxi and Mini Tree. It also works with a Locked Tree. Also the scroll position is remembered. So now you have a pretty good chance that you find your tree exactly as you left it last time (unless another app changed the folder structure). Of course, recreating the tree does involve additional browsing, so the startup time will be slightly longer depending on the complexity of the tree.
    Cool feature, not every file manager can do this.
  • + Configuration | Preview: Added option "Keep playing when info panel is hidden". Tick it to keep a running audio/video preview busy when you close the Info Panel.
    Note that "keep playing" was the hard-coded default before, but now it's optional and defaults to unticked (= stop preview on panel down).

Friday, July 9, 2010

v9.20.0203 - 2010-07-09 15:36

Note: BETA versions are a work in progress and might contain fresh bugs.
You have been warned.

  • + Thumbnails Caching: Now, in the thumbnails cache folder a file "XYThumbs.txt" is created and maintained. This file contains an index of your cache files which is used to handle renaming or moving of cached folders gracefully, i.e. avoiding the need to recreate a cache from scratch only because a folder has been
    renamed or moved.
    The overwhelmingly cool thing about it is that it also works in non-thumbs view and non-cache mode and with non-current folders. So you don't have to think about your thumbs anymore, and no thumb has to be created twice. Whenever you rename or move a folder within XYplorer, any affected thumbs cache is adjusted to the change in the background.
    The format of the index file is simple and self-explaining, so that you can even edit it manually or programmatically if needed. Note that the folder list is expected to be sorted.
    Of course, all of the above only applies when you use disk caching for thumbnails, i.e. when "Configuration | Thumbnails | Cache thumbnails on disk" is ticked.

    *** Upgrade Note ***
    To add an already existing cache to the index file, you have to browse to the cached folder once in thumbnails view. This will auto-add the folder's cache to the index. Only folders that have been added to the index enjoy the service described above.

    *** SAFETY NOTE ***
    As always, remember this is BETA stuff and might be only near to perfection but not quite there. If you have many GBs of thumbnail data on your disk you should change your thumb cache to some temp folder (under Configuration | Thumbnails | Cache thumbnails on disk) before testing this version.
  • + Configuration | Color Filters: Added option "Apply name patterns to files only". Check it to avoid that folders are colored when they match a pattern.
    FYI, "name patterns" describe the name of the items to color (usually with the help of wildcards), whereas "attribute patterns" define a file attribute and always begin with a "/".
  • + Media Preview: Now the context menu (orange button) of the Preview tab has a toggle "First [...] Seconds Only". Gives you quick access to this setting.
  • ! Panes: The size of the second pane wasn't always correcly saved between sessions when starting up in minimized state. Fixed.
  • ! Mini Tree: Unavailable drives stored in the Mini Tree were sorted below Network and Recycle Bin nodes instead of above. Fixed.
  • ! Command Line: Wouldn't select file by command line if XYplorer was already open. Fixed.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

v9.20.0202 - 2010-07-07 10:58

Note: BETA versions are a work in progress and might contain fresh bugs.
You have been warned.

  • + Media Preview: Now you can optionally play only the beginning of a sound or video file, and then stop, loop, and jump to the next file (depending on the Loop settings).
    The number of seconds to be played can be defined in Configuration | Preview | Play only the first seconds. Untick the checkbox or enter value 0 to play the whole file (= factory default).
    Note that for technical reasons the stop time cannot be exact to the millisecond but will usually be plus-minus 30 milliseconds off.
  • * Configuration | Preview: Renamed "Play with panel down" to "Play also when info panel is hidden".
  • - Configuration | Advanced: Removed setting "Quick scripting". Quick scripting (the ability to pass scripts through the Address Bar and similar ports by prefixing :: to them) is now internally always enabled. If you deem scripting too risky you can always turn it off completely using "Configuration | Features | Scripting".
  • ! List: Since v9.20.0201, list styles that were turned off were not re-applied anymore to the current list when "Configuration | Colors & Styles | Apply list styles globally" was off. Fixed.
  • ! List: In the white space context menu the New folder icon missing when the New Items folder was empty. Fixed.
  • ! Variable <cursize> did not work for certain hard-to-access system files like pagefile.sys and hiberfil.sys. Fixed.
  • ! List: Drawing glitch (selection remained partly visible) when renaming drive in the drives listing. Fixed.
  • ! Office Preview: Would not preview Office files with wide characters (e.g. Chinese) in the name. Fixed.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

v9.20.0201 - 2010-07-06 11:31

Note: BETA versions are a work in progress and might contain fresh bugs.
You have been warned.

  • * Changed the predefined Portable File Association coming to your home with a virgin run to this one:
      |"Copy file size in bytes" *>::copytext <cursize>
  • * Folder Sizes: Now when you turn on Show Folder Sizes then the folder sizes are only calculated for the visible pane(s). Before, they would be also calculated for an invisible background pane, which lead to not immediately understandable delays.
  • ! Under certain conditions the current file on the back pane was not updated correctly internally which surfaced as the need to focus the pane before a dbl-click would open the file. Fixed.
  • ! List: List styles were applied globally also across list modes (e.g. pane 1 shows drives, pane 2 shows folder contents). Fixed:
    Now list styles are applied only to lists / tabs with the same mode as the current list.
  • ! List: When moving between different list modes (e.g. Recycle Bin and a normal folder listing) using the history (Back, Forward) the sort order got confused uder certain conditions. Fixed.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

v9.20.0103 - 2010-07-03 09:21

Note: BETA versions are a work in progress and might contain fresh bugs.
You have been warned.

  • ! Find Files: The Name field was ignored since v9.20.0102. Fixed.

Friday, July 2, 2010

v9.20.0102 - 2010-07-02 10:39

Note: BETA versions are a work in progress and might contain fresh bugs.
You have been warned.

  • * Tree: With Configuration | General | Expand tree nodes on single-click ON and Tools | Customize Tree | Rename on slow double-click OFF, you now can also *collapse* the current tree node by a single click on the name. Saves you many clicks if you are one of those who like the single click mode. I'm almost converted myself...
  • ! Command Line: Would not process "Recycle Bin" (or whatever it is called in your locale) as startpath. Fixed.
  • ! Image Preview: The compression ratio was not calculated correctly for animated GIFs. Fixed.
  • ! Tabs: When right-clicking the Tab Bar to get the Tablist it always took you to the first tab, no matter which tab in the list you've chosen. Fixed.
  • ! Preview: Crash on renaming a previewed ICO file. Fixed.
  • ! Tags: After a cancelled Move operation, Tags and Comments of the source were still attributed to a target item of the same name as the source. Fixed.
  • ! Find Files: The combination of Name * and Inverted should return an empty list but did not. Fixed.
  • ! MP3 Info Tip: Depending on your locale and certain characters in the filename (e.g. ñ under Czech locale) hovering an MP3 file could lead to the creation of a zero-length file with a similar name (some characters altered, e.g. ñ replaced by n) in the same folder. Fixed.
    The bug could also surface in the image preview, the font preview, and some other places. All these places are fixed as well.

Monday, June 28, 2010

v9.20.0008 - 2010-06-28 10:43

Note: BETA versions are a work in progress and might contain fresh bugs.
You have been warned.

  • + Image Preview: Now the frame count is displayed for animated GIFs.
  • ! List: If you created a New Folder before ever popping the list's white space context menu, then any icons in the context menu were not created and the New Items submenu was not populated. Fixed.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

v9.20.0007 - 2010-06-23 11:37

Note: BETA versions are a work in progress and might contain fresh bugs.
You have been warned.

  • + New variable: <cursize> = file size in bytes of the current list item. Files only. If the current item is a folder the variable returns "" (empty string).
  • + Menu Go: Added command Aliases... where you can select an alias from a list of all aliases you have defined. I know that the blue hearts here are completely redundant but they serve to give you an immediate visual hint about where you are. If you don't remember what an alias stands for, you can check in List Management | Aliases, and maybe find a better name for it.
  • * Aliases: Now they are kept alphabetically sorted. Before, the latest addition was added to the top of the list. (Sort order is not relevant for processing but for looking up an alias in List Management.)

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

v9.20.0006 - 2010-06-22 20:39

Note: BETA versions are a work in progress and might contain fresh bugs.
You have been warned.

  • + List | White Space Context Menu: Added command "New Text File" to the top section.
  • * Menu Edit | New: Renamed items "New Textfile ..." to "New Text File ...". Appears to be the more common way to write it.
  • + SC sel enhanced: Added argument "startfromtop":
      Syntax: sel [position/pattern], [count], [startfromtop]
        startfromtop: 0 = [Default] start from current position
                      1 = start from top of list
                      startfromtop is ignored if the first argument is
                      not a pattern.
        // Select "Test.txt" in the file list:
        sel "[Test.txt]", , 1;
        - You can pass item-names-only or the full-path-names,
          independently of the list mode (Browse, Find, ...).
        - On no match any current selections are unselected.
  • + SC selfilter enhanced: Added argument "add":
      Syntax: selfilter [pattern], [type (fd)], [column], [add]
        add: 0 = [Default] new selection
             1 = add to current selection
        // First select all TXT files, and then add
        // all items starting with "a"
        selfilter "*.txt"; selfilter "a*", , , 1;
  • * Menu File | Rename (in List): Now, always the focused item is renamed, completely independent of the current selections. If you want to rename the selected item(s) use Shift+F2 (Batch Rename). This means you now can rename individual items out of a group of selected items without renaming the other selected items and without changing any selections.
    I'm aware that this behavior differs from Explorer. Time will tell if it is really better... it's an experiment.
  • ! SC sel: In a search results listing, it would not select a file defined by pattern if the full path was not included with the pattern. Fixed. Now, if no path is passed, it tries to match by name only.
  • ! List: Inline rename box did not auto-scroll into view when necessary. Fixed.
  • ! Address Bar: Launching DOS commands via "!"-prefix did not work when the current path was a special path like Desktop. Fixed.
  • ! Thumbnails: Did not show thumbnails for PSD files that were created using Adobe Photoshop CS5. Fixed.

Friday, June 18, 2010

v9.20.0005 - 2010-06-18 11:04

Note: BETA versions are a work in progress and might contain fresh bugs.
You have been warned.

  • * Menu File | Rename (in List): Now, if the focused item is not selected it is inline-renamed without selecting it or changing any current selections. And if the focused item is selected then it is inline-renamed if there is only one selection, else batch rename is triggered for all selected items.
    Note that the Batch Rename command (Shift+F2) still functions as before and applies to the selected items regardless of the focus.
  • ! Menu Edit | New | New Folder (...): If the new folder template contained a dot everything right of the last dot was falsely interpreted as an extension, and any number suffix was inserted before that extension. Fixed.
  • ! Command Line: Selecting a file directly from command line did not work. Fixed. Now you can do
    XYplorer "C:\Folder\File.txt"
    and XY opens at C:\Folder\ and selects File.txt.
  • ! Dropdown Lists: Could crash when the current item contained a "[" without a matching "]". Fixed.
  • ! Panes: Since 3 days ago: Possible focus confusion after copying items from pane to pane. Fixed.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

v9.20.0003 - 2010-06-16 11:29

Note: BETA versions are a work in progress and might contain fresh bugs.
You have been warned.

  • + Menu Edit | New: Added command "New Files...". Here you can enter a list of new files (one per line) that will be created in one go. The functionality is like the one of the "New Folders..." command:
    - Paths can be absolute or relative (to current path).
    - Non-existing path are created on the fly.
    - They can be stated in any order.
    - XY native variables and environment variables are supported.
    - Files that already exist are silently ignored (and not
    - The last list is remembered within the session.
    Example for a list:
      New <date yyyymmdd>.txt
  • ! List: Selection glitch (selection remained sticky) when a script using SC selfilter resulted in a single selected file. Fixed.
  • ! Find by Tag: Didn't always find newly tagged file depending on its sort position within the already tagged files. Fixed.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

v9.20.0002 - 2010-06-15 14:59

Note: BETA versions are a work in progress and might contain fresh bugs.
You have been warned.

  • + Menu Window: Added toggle "Show Statusbar". So, finally, you can hide the Statusbar. Note that if the Statusbar is hidden then also the Background Bar goes away.
  • * Background Processing: Shell-owned replace prompts would pop in the background (likely covered by XY's main window) when the CTRL key was down when the file operation was initiated (e.g. CTRL+Drag to force a Copy). Fixed partly. Still Windows may take control unpredictably and pop the prompt in the background. The animated icon on the Background Bar will tell you whether a background process is in progress or waiting for input. Under XP you also get a flashing taskbar icon, not in Win7 though.
    The better and 100% safe strategy is to use the right mouse button for such drag operations and then choose Copy from the context menu.
  • ! Running an EXE by dbl-click did not always produce the same behavior as running it via Shell context menu Open. For example, trying to run a 16-bit EXE under Win64 should generate an error message. Fixed.

Monday, June 14, 2010

v9.20.0001 - 2010-06-14 11:52

Note: BETA versions are a work in progress and might contain fresh bugs.
You have been warned.

  • + Drag'n'drop context menu: Added command "Go to Dragged Item". Will go the dragged item's containing folder and select the item, or simply open the folder if the item is a folder. If more than one item is dragged the first item is taken.
    Note: The command is only available for the List and the current Tab of the active pane. But, of course, each hovered tab becomes the current tab after a configurable while.
    Main usage is probably when dragging items or paths from other apps into XYplorer. It's a kind of "Go to by Drag'n'drop" -- revolutionary if you ask me.
  • * MouseDownBlowUp on PDF preview and thumbnails: The shell driven preview of PDF files now can be enlarged using a new tweak. By default it is limited to 384 x 512 pixels. Set
    to enlarge it to a square of 80% of the smaller screen dimension.
    On a 1920 x 1080 screen this would be 0.8 * 1080 = 864 pixels.
    Note that SC tweak supports this tweak, so you can do this through the Address Bar:
      tweak("MDBUPdfLarge", 1);
    Note: Whether the enlarged PDF blow up actually works depends on your system and RAM size. It's not easily predictable. Try it out.
  • * Web & Office Preview: Now, no more address/title and status info on top and bottom of the Preview tab is displayed be factory default. This way the preview area is quite a bit higher than before. If you still want it the old way you can use a tweak:
  • ! Tabs: The selected tab of the inactive pane was not highlighted when drag-hovered. Fixed.
  • * Info Panel: Now when the Info Panel is shown or a new IP tab is selected and there is no current item (i.e. the IP tabs Properties, Version, Preview, and Raw View are blank), then the currently focused list item is automatically made the current item if it is in selected state. Very useful, should have done this
    about 10 years ago!
    FYI, the state focused/selected/non-current can be caused e.g. by drag-selecting a focused file, or passively when copied files are selected-on-paste.
  • * Configuration | General | Show item count: Renamed it to "Show item count with folder sizes" and removed the indent.
    Now it is also enabled if "Show folder sizes in file list" is OFF because it also applies on View | Calculate Folder Sizes.
  • ! Tree: Non-current folder captions were not always reliably refreshed after a script-driven rename. Fixed.

Friday, June 11, 2010

v9.20.0000 - 2010-06-11 12:00

Main changes since last release:

  • +++ Aliases. Aliases are user-definable variables where you can freely choose the name of the variable and their value. When you enter such an alias into the Address Bar it will be resolved to its value before further processing. A real time saver.
  • +++ User Folder. Added a new special folder [User] to the Tree pointing to the current user's profile folder.
  • +++ Special Folders. Now you can easily show/hide all top special folders in the Tree:
    - Desktop
    - Documents
    - User
    - Network
    - Recycle Bin
    Toggling those folders works on-the-fly without rebuild of the whole tree.
  • +++ User Buttons. Increased their number from 16 to 32.
  • +++ Folder Sizes. Now you can show the number of items in each folder in the list's Size column.
  • +++ Environment Variables. Now you can quickly display a list of all environment variables. Might come in handy.
  • +++ Previewed Formats. Massively improved configuration interface.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

v9.11.0031 - 2010-06-10 11:20

  • + Configuration | Previewed Formats: DEL and INS keys now work on the extensions list.
  • * Type Filter: Changed the format of the tweak to add custom extensions. Now the extension lists should be dot-separated (before, they were comma-separated):
    Your current settings are upgraded automatically.
  • ! Configuration | Previewed Formats: Fixed minor glitches.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

v9.11.0030 - 2010-06-09 20:45

  • *** Configuration | Previewed Formats: Rewrote the interface from scratch. Faster loading, better handling, more information, and some minor bugs fixed. And:
    - Now you can enable/disable the preview for a whole type of
      files, e.g. for all Image files.
    - User-added extensions are colored green (resp. color "Marked
      Text 2"). They can be excluded from preview by unticking them,
      or completely removed from the list using the Remove button.
  • * Configuration | Colors & Styles: The factory default for "Sel. Items Back" is now a light blue.
  • ! List: Horizontal dual pane splitter position was not correctly restored when starting the app in minimized state. Fixed.
  • ! List: Currently selected folder was not scrolled into view after calculating its size using View | Calculate Folder Sizes. Fixed.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

v9.11.0029 - 2010-06-08 13:34

  • + Preview: Added WPD (WordPerfect Document) to the previewed Office files. Of course, the preview will only work if you have WordPerfect installed.
  • * Info Panel: Removed shadow effect from the tab headers by factory default (no change for upgraders). Reason: Don't like it anymore.
    Tip: You can still turn it on by tweaking TabIPVisualStyle=0 in the INI. In Windows Classic theme, however, the "shadow style" is ignored anyway, even if tweaked.
  • ! Info Panel: Drawing glitch in Windows Classic theme. Fixed.
  • ! List: Type-Ahead Find would not recognize character #. Fixed.
  • ! List: Drawing glitch (needlessly ellipsed captions) with font "Courier" Bold due to Windows API bug. Worked around.

Monday, June 7, 2010

v9.11.0028 - 2010-06-07 11:40

  • * Menu Help: The last commands dropped their ellipses:
      Environment Variables
      Various Information
      About XYplorer
  • ! Configuration | Fonts | Tree and List: Any changes here were not correctly reset on cancelling the Configuration dialog and would eventually be applied to the controls. Fixed.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

v9.11.0027 - 2010-06-05 12:08

  • + Menu Help: Added command "Environment Variables...". Shows the current state of the Environment Variables.
    Note that the bottom of the list, starting with %computer%, are XY-internal variables.
  • - Removed SC env (Show Environment Variables).
    Replaced by the new command in menu Help (#728;).
  • * Some clipboard functions in menu Edit | Paste Special were only available in Browse mode. Now they are always available.

Friday, June 4, 2010

v9.11.0026 - 2010-06-04 14:04

  • ! Some icons in some popup menus were missing for a couple of versions. Fixed
  • ! Tabs: For a couple of versions locked tabs got overwritten on location change other than by tree. Fixed.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

v9.11.0025 - 2010-06-03 17:44

  • * Increased the official Win7 compatibility, guided by the "Windows 7 Client Software Logo Toolkit". 100% compliance with the Windows 7 Software Logo requirements is not yet reached but near.
  • * Updated the help file.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

v9.11.0021 - 2010-06-02 10:56

  • + Aliases. Now also Quick Searches (QS) support aliases. For example this works now in the Address Bar if you have an alias "home":
    Will find all items beginning with "a" in the path that alias "home" points to.
    Of course, if you have defined an alias "home?a*" (i.e. if you are crazy) it will be resolved before being parsed as a QS.
  • + Aliases. You now can use aliases also in the Location field on the Find Files tab.
  • + Menu Scripting | Load Script File: Now folder links are followed within the Load Script File dialog.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

v9.11.0020 - 2010-06-01 13:58

  • * DPI awareness: Now also Tab icons, Statusbar icons, and the icons in various small lists are DPI aware, i.e. they are shown larger when you raise your DPI settings.
  • ! Win7: Fixed a number of glitches in connection with custom DPI settings.

Monday, May 31, 2010

v9.11.0015 - 2010-05-31 11:49

  • + Menu Scripting | Load Script File: Now also shortcuts to script files (LNK files) are supported.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

v9.11.0014 - 2010-05-30 13:51

BETA versions are now only available for registered users.
Find the download link at the bottom of the License Lounge.

  • ! Tree: Icon drawing glitch with junctions under Win7. Fixed.
  • ! Catalog: Fixed some minor icon drawing glitches that came about when recently adjusting to Win7's new image list organization.
  • ! Menu View | Calculate Folder Sizes: Statusbar was not updated anymore. Fixed.
  • ! Tree, List: Since v9.10.0025 - 2010-05-19 10:33 the inline rename box lost focus but stayed up on app switch. This had some unwelcome consequences. Fixed. Now any pending rename is executed when the app loses focus.

Friday, May 28, 2010

v9.11.0013 - 2010-05-28 10:54

BETA versions are now only available for registered users.
Find the download link at the bottom of the License Lounge.

  • + SCs copyto, moveto, backupto enhanced: The "source" argument now can point to the source control by setting it to ":list", ":tree", or ":catalog". This is a neat way to avoid the "focus list (tree, catalog);" line that was necessary in previous versions to ensure that the current list (tree, catalog) selections were taken; and, of course, it also avoids the undesired focus switch.
    So the "source" argument can now be used in three ways:
      [source] The items that will be copied or moved:
      (Empty) = selected items of the focused control (List, Tree,
      Item(s) = -separated list of items
      Control = selected items of the specified control
                format: ":list", ":tree", or ":catalog"
    //copy all selected list items to "C:\Temp"
      ::copyto "C:\Temp", ":list";
    //copy the selected tree item to "C:\Temp"
      ::copyto "C:\Temp", ":tree";
  • * SCs copyto, moveto, backupto: Additionally to the above these commands now *default* to the List as source control unless Tree or Catalog have the input focus. So now you can run this through the Address Bar:
      ::copyto "C:\Temp";
    and you won't meet the nagging message
      "Nothing selected, or what is selected cannot be copied."
    anymore if there are selections in the List.
  • + UDC: The above enhancements also apply to the "Source" argument of the Copy To, Move To, Backup To UDCs.
  • * List: Now, when retrieving the folder size fails, the size column shows [Access Denied], BUT ONLY when no bytes or counts were returned at all. If only any subfolder was denied access you will not see this in the list but will be shown the sums of bytes and counts that actually could be accessed.
  • * Info Panel Tabs: From now the tab style is controlled by the setting of Configuration | Tabs | Visual Style. However the IP tab style is overwritten by the TabIPVisualStyle tweak if it is set to 1 (Classic style).
  • ! Dropping images from Firefox 3.*: Some images were dropped with an HTM extension attached. Fixed.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

v9.11.0012 - 2010-05-27 13:09

BETA versions are now only available for registered users.
Find the download link at the bottom of the License Lounge.

  • +++ Aliases. Aliases are user-definable variables where you can freely choose the name of the variable and their value. When you enter such a alias into the Address Bar (or any other location port) it will be resolved to its value before further processing.

    Format Of Aliases:
    Aliases are marked by a prefixed @ (at-sign). The alias name may contain any letter apart from "=". It may even be completely empty, so you can have one minimal alias that's simply @! The alias value may contain any letter, including "=". Also quotes are okay in name and value. Note, however, that line breaks do not count as "letters" and are not allowed in name or value.

    Usage Of Aliases:
    Aliases can be added, edited, or removed directly through the Address Bar:
      @AliasName=value define AliasName as an alias to value
                       adds a new alias or overwrites any existing
                       alias of the same name
      @AliasName       goto/execute value associated with AliasName
      @AliasName=      undefine AliasName (= remove it)
    For example:
      @home=C:\mystuff\blah\blub\ [ENTER]
      Now typing @home into the Address Bar will carry you to
    Another way to edit aliases is through Tools | List Management

    Further Remarks:
    - Aliases are resolved very early, before any other special
      syntaxes are resolved. This means you can have e.g. small
      scripts, DOS commands, Spot and Jump commands, Visual Filters
      etc. defined as value of an alias and they will be treated as
      expected. Of course, they must fit in one line -- line breaks
      are not allowed.
      Example for defining an alias for a script:
        @hi=::msg "Hi!"; [ENTER]
      Now @hi will pop "Hi!".
    - If you enter a non-existing alias it is not resolved and treated
      as relative path (which is probably not existing, but who
    - The Address Bar icon for aliases is a blue heart. It turns red
      when you add/edit an alias.
      Credits and thanks for the icons goto Alessandro Rei,
    - Aliases are case-sensitive: @hi is not the same as @Hi.
    - Of course, aliases are retained across sessions.
    - The number of possible aliases is not limited by XYplorer.
  • + New variable <get alias [name]> returns the value of the alias "name". If the alias does not exist then the name itself is returned unchanged.
    For example, if
      @hi=::msg "Hi!";
       echo <get alias hi>; //returns ::msg "Hi!";
    So, the variable <get alias ...> allows you to use aliases within other strings.
  • + Tweak to customize what's displayed for empty folders in the Size column when showing folder sizes.
    Factory default is "[Empty]".
  • * Background Processing: Now, when XYcopy.exe is not found or too old the buttons related to Background Processing are disabled resp. show a warning symbol and let you know what's the problem.
  • * Copy/Move to New Subfolder: Now the edit box supports automatic word breaking (dbl-click selection, moving cursor with CTRL). Recognized word boundaries: .:,; _-~(){}[]<>/\^°*?!§$%&=+#"'
  • ! Fixed more drawing glitches with non-standard DPI settings.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

v9.11.0011 - 2010-05-26 16:06

BETA versions are now only available for registered users.
Find the download link at the bottom of the License Lounge.

  • * Configuration | Colors & Styles: Downgraded "Flat plus-minus icons in tree" to tweak level.
      Key: FlatPlusMinus
  • * Installer: Now you face the prompt "Please close any running XYplorer instance before you continue." if any XY instance is running.
  • ! Video Preview: On DPI settings other than 96 the available preview space was not correctly calculated. Fixed.
  • ! Fixed some other drawing glitches with non-standard DPI settings.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

v9.11.0009 - 2010-05-25 20:33

BETA versions are now only available for registered users.
Find the download link at the bottom of the License Lounge.

  • * Configuration | Colors & Styles: Renamed "Set list style globally" to "Apply list styles globally".
  • ! Might have fixed a focus glitch on selecting IP tabs.
  • ! Auto-updating of Icon Overlays should be improved.
  • ! Tabs: Drawing glitch with gaps. Fixed #2.

v9.11.0007 - 2010-05-25 16:08

BETA versions are now only available for registered users.
Find the download link at the bottom of the License Lounge.

  • + Toolbar: Added buttons "Map Network Drive" and "Disconnect Mapped Network Drive". Function identical to the same-named commands in menu Tools | Tools Special.
  • * Configuration: Renamed the section "Interface Colors" to "Colors & Styles".
  • * Configuration | Colors & Styles: Reorganized the checkboxes at the bottom of the section:
    - Removed all list style settings (they do not belong here):
      * Highlight focused item
      * Highlight selected rows
      * Show grid
    - Downgraded "Beveled border" to tweak level.
    - Changed some captions.
  • * Menu Tools | Customize List: Now, by factory default, the list styles are applied globally to all tabs in all panes. Before, they were only applied to the current tab of the active pane. This setting is configurable in Configuration Colors & Styles under "Set list style globally". Note that on upgrading it will
    be set to disabled.
    - If "Set list style globally" is off you still can hold SHIFT
      while changing a style property to force having it applied to
      all tabs on all panes.
      BTW, here's another change: Before, holding SHIFT only affected
      the current pane.
    - If the list style is set by an FVS, it is applied only to the
      current tab, of course.
    - The setting of "Set list style globally" only affects *changes*
      in the list style; it does not mean that the styles of all tabs
      are automatically synchronized.
    - So, if "Set list style globally" is on then only the style
      property you actively set (e.g. you select "Autosize Columns")
      will be applied to the other tabs. It does not mean that all
      style properties of the current tab are applied to all other
    - Consequently, tabs can still differ in style and each tab will
      remember its individual style across tab changes and sessions
      even if "Set list style globally" in on.
    - Tip: The toolbar button "Sticky Selection" has all list styles
      in its context menu -- a quicker way than Menu Tools | Customize
  • * Configuration | General: Moved these settings to Advanced (needed
    the space):
      - Dbl-click on empty space goes up
      - Click on status bar toggles info panel
      - Disallow left-dragging from tree and list
      - History without duplicates
      - History per tab
  • - Configuration | General: Removed "Show folders in list". This
    setting is available in the main menu anyway (View Show Items).
  • + Configuration | General: Added "Show item count". If "Show folder sizes in file list" is on then enable "Show item count" to also show the number of items in each folder in the list's Size column. Note that the ShowFolderCounts tweak only takes effect when this feature is disabled. The ShowFolderCounts tweak is still working but deprecated.
  • % List: Less flicker when changing folders with Show Folder Sizes enabled.
  • ! About Box: Drawing glitch with Academic licenses. Fixed.
  • ! Tabs: Drawing glitch with gaps. Fixed.
  • ! List: Selection glitch when Invert Selections resulted in a single selected file. Fixed.