Thursday, May 27, 2010

v9.11.0012 - 2010-05-27 13:09

BETA versions are now only available for registered users.
Find the download link at the bottom of the License Lounge.

  • +++ Aliases. Aliases are user-definable variables where you can freely choose the name of the variable and their value. When you enter such a alias into the Address Bar (or any other location port) it will be resolved to its value before further processing.

    Format Of Aliases:
    Aliases are marked by a prefixed @ (at-sign). The alias name may contain any letter apart from "=". It may even be completely empty, so you can have one minimal alias that's simply @! The alias value may contain any letter, including "=". Also quotes are okay in name and value. Note, however, that line breaks do not count as "letters" and are not allowed in name or value.

    Usage Of Aliases:
    Aliases can be added, edited, or removed directly through the Address Bar:
      @AliasName=value define AliasName as an alias to value
                       adds a new alias or overwrites any existing
                       alias of the same name
      @AliasName       goto/execute value associated with AliasName
      @AliasName=      undefine AliasName (= remove it)
    For example:
      @home=C:\mystuff\blah\blub\ [ENTER]
      Now typing @home into the Address Bar will carry you to
    Another way to edit aliases is through Tools | List Management

    Further Remarks:
    - Aliases are resolved very early, before any other special
      syntaxes are resolved. This means you can have e.g. small
      scripts, DOS commands, Spot and Jump commands, Visual Filters
      etc. defined as value of an alias and they will be treated as
      expected. Of course, they must fit in one line -- line breaks
      are not allowed.
      Example for defining an alias for a script:
        @hi=::msg "Hi!"; [ENTER]
      Now @hi will pop "Hi!".
    - If you enter a non-existing alias it is not resolved and treated
      as relative path (which is probably not existing, but who
    - The Address Bar icon for aliases is a blue heart. It turns red
      when you add/edit an alias.
      Credits and thanks for the icons goto Alessandro Rei,
    - Aliases are case-sensitive: @hi is not the same as @Hi.
    - Of course, aliases are retained across sessions.
    - The number of possible aliases is not limited by XYplorer.
  • + New variable <get alias [name]> returns the value of the alias "name". If the alias does not exist then the name itself is returned unchanged.
    For example, if
      @hi=::msg "Hi!";
       echo <get alias hi>; //returns ::msg "Hi!";
    So, the variable <get alias ...> allows you to use aliases within other strings.
  • + Tweak to customize what's displayed for empty folders in the Size column when showing folder sizes.
    Factory default is "[Empty]".
  • * Background Processing: Now, when XYcopy.exe is not found or too old the buttons related to Background Processing are disabled resp. show a warning symbol and let you know what's the problem.
  • * Copy/Move to New Subfolder: Now the edit box supports automatic word breaking (dbl-click selection, moving cursor with CTRL). Recognized word boundaries: .:,; _-~(){}[]<>/\^°*?!§$%&=+#"'
  • ! Fixed more drawing glitches with non-standard DPI settings.