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- * Find By Type: Split Web/Office files into separate types, and added new type "Executable files". Removed "txt" from Web files.
- Web files:
htm, html, shtml, mht, php, php3, php4, php5, asp, xml, swf,
svg, svgz, url, pdf, eml, msg, nws, xps
- Office files:
csv, rtf, doc, dot, docx, dotx, xls, xlt, xlsx, xltx, ppt, pot,
pps, pptx, potx, ppsx, odt, ods
- Executable files:
bat, chm, cmd, com, cpl, exe, hlp, hta, inf, js, jse, lnk, msi,
pif, reg, scr, sys, url, vbe, vbs, wsf, wsh - ! Find By Type: Dropdown was not correctly updated when changing between different Search Results tabs. Fixed.
- ! Text Preview: Ctrl+C did not work. Fixed.
- ! Error "Access Denied". Fix #2.