Tuesday, May 25, 2010

v9.11.0007 - 2010-05-25 16:08

BETA versions are now only available for registered users.
Find the download link at the bottom of the License Lounge.

  • + Toolbar: Added buttons "Map Network Drive" and "Disconnect Mapped Network Drive". Function identical to the same-named commands in menu Tools | Tools Special.
  • * Configuration: Renamed the section "Interface Colors" to "Colors & Styles".
  • * Configuration | Colors & Styles: Reorganized the checkboxes at the bottom of the section:
    - Removed all list style settings (they do not belong here):
      * Highlight focused item
      * Highlight selected rows
      * Show grid
    - Downgraded "Beveled border" to tweak level.
    - Changed some captions.
  • * Menu Tools | Customize List: Now, by factory default, the list styles are applied globally to all tabs in all panes. Before, they were only applied to the current tab of the active pane. This setting is configurable in Configuration Colors & Styles under "Set list style globally". Note that on upgrading it will
    be set to disabled.
    - If "Set list style globally" is off you still can hold SHIFT
      while changing a style property to force having it applied to
      all tabs on all panes.
      BTW, here's another change: Before, holding SHIFT only affected
      the current pane.
    - If the list style is set by an FVS, it is applied only to the
      current tab, of course.
    - The setting of "Set list style globally" only affects *changes*
      in the list style; it does not mean that the styles of all tabs
      are automatically synchronized.
    - So, if "Set list style globally" is on then only the style
      property you actively set (e.g. you select "Autosize Columns")
      will be applied to the other tabs. It does not mean that all
      style properties of the current tab are applied to all other
    - Consequently, tabs can still differ in style and each tab will
      remember its individual style across tab changes and sessions
      even if "Set list style globally" in on.
    - Tip: The toolbar button "Sticky Selection" has all list styles
      in its context menu -- a quicker way than Menu Tools | Customize
  • * Configuration | General: Moved these settings to Advanced (needed
    the space):
      - Dbl-click on empty space goes up
      - Click on status bar toggles info panel
      - Disallow left-dragging from tree and list
      - History without duplicates
      - History per tab
  • - Configuration | General: Removed "Show folders in list". This
    setting is available in the main menu anyway (View Show Items).
  • + Configuration | General: Added "Show item count". If "Show folder sizes in file list" is on then enable "Show item count" to also show the number of items in each folder in the list's Size column. Note that the ShowFolderCounts tweak only takes effect when this feature is disabled. The ShowFolderCounts tweak is still working but deprecated.
  • % List: Less flicker when changing folders with Show Folder Sizes enabled.
  • ! About Box: Drawing glitch with Academic licenses. Fixed.
  • ! Tabs: Drawing glitch with gaps. Fixed.
  • ! List: Selection glitch when Invert Selections resulted in a single selected file. Fixed.