BETA versions are now only available for registered users.
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- + History: Now the sort order is stored with History. If you return-by-history to a location you have visited during the current session, the location's previous sort order is restored. This history-bound sort order is NOT remembered between sessions.
- + Action Log: Now the dialog is resizable. Size and position are stored between calls and sessions.
- + Raw View: Added option to view the "tail" of a file, i.e. to jump to the end directly after opening the Raw View. Find the option in the context menu of the Raw View, resp. in the orange button drop down menu.
- * Quick File View: Now the Hex View remembers its own width independently of the Text View width.
- * Quick File View and Raw View: Now TAB characters are expanded (by system default drawn as 8 spaces). Before, they were internally replaced by 2 spaces.
- ! Menu View | Current Tab | Go Home would write the Home props to the current folder's FVS if "Auto-save changes" was on. Fixed.