Sunday, January 17, 2010

v8.80.0027 - 2010-01-17 17:00

BETA versions are now only available for registered users.
Find the download link at the bottom of the License Lounge.

  • + Scripting got a new command.
      Name:   copyas
      Action: Copies item(s) under a pattern-based name.
      Syntax: copyas [pattern], [targetpath], [itemlist]
        pattern    = Name pattern where
                     * stands for the file base, and
                     ? stands for the file extension (without dot).
                     Variables are allowed.
                     If empty then you get prompted.
        targetpath = Path to copy the items to;
                     If empty then the current list path is used.
        itemlist   = -separated list of items (full path) to copy.
                     If empty then the current list selections are
      Number suffixes are appended as needed to avoid collisions.
      - Copies all selected items to the current list path under the
        name ["Copy" + original Extension]:
        ::copyas "Copy.?"
      - (see description in next section below):
        ::copyas "*_backup_.?";
      - Same as doing menu File Duplicate Copy Here As...:
      - Copies all selected items to D:\ under their original name.
        ::copyas "*.?", "D:\"
      - Copies two specific files to D:\ under a pattern-based name.
        ::copyas "*-    copy.?", "D:\", "E:\Test\alpha.pngE:\Test\beta.png";
  • + Copy Here As..., Move Here As...: Now you can state a wildcard pattern and variables to define the target names of the operation.
      Wildcard * stands for the file base.
      Wildcard ? stands for the file extension (without dot).
    For example, the pattern
      *_backup_<date yyyymmdd>.?
    applied to files
    would create copies named
    in the same folder.
    If you'd do the same thing again on the same day the following copies would be created:
    FYI, the format of the number suffix is defined in Configuration | Templates.
  • * Configuration | Previewed Formats: Removed these checkboxes
    - Automatically show non-previewed file types
      using the shell
    - Automatically show non-previewed file types
      in ASCII/Hex mode (Raw View)
    Reason: They proved to be too confusing. The settings continue to exist as tweaks. They are reset to factory defaults when upgrading to this beta version or later:
  • % Made app exit more robust against missing folders or rights.