Publication of this update is out of sequence due to amount of editing required.
BETA versions are now only available for registered users.
Find the download link at the bottom of the License Lounge.
- *** Installer: Now running XYplorer_?.??_Install.exe (the "Install Package") will create a non-portable installation where the application data are located outside the program folder and, if you are Administrator, depending on your choice during installation:
(1) Install for anyone using this computer (Default)
= Application data in %commonappdata%\XYplorer
e.g. C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application
(2) Install just for me
= Application data in %appdata%\XYplorer
e.g. C:\Documents and Settings\Donald\Application
To realize this behavior the installer creates a particular startup.ini file in the program folder depending on the choice.
- "Non-portable installation" only refers to the location of the
application data. It is still true that XYplorer does not change
your system or registry.
- To use XYplorer as portable application install it using the
"No-Install Package" (or "Portable Package" as it will be named
in future), i.e. simply unpack the archive to any folder.
Without the presence of a startup.ini XYplorer will use its own
folder (resp. a subfolder "Data", see below) as application data
path (as it has always been).
- If you install over a previous installation then an existing
startup.ini is never overwritten regardless of the above choice.
- Note that when running the installer under a normal User-account
(no Admin) the above choice is not offered but internally set to
"Install just for me" by default.
- On uninstall (running Uninstall.exe) the application data folder
and startmenu items will be removed with all contents. (You
should install and uninstall under the same account else the
uninstaller will get confused and not remove all files.)
!!! Upgrading to this version !!!
- If you use the installer to upgrade to this version and
you had no startup.ini in the app path then the installer will
create a startup.ini and thereby change your app data path.
In this case a silent automatic operation will copy (not move --
for safety and to avoid any lack-of-rights-induced problems)
your data files to the new app data path. If all works well you
will not even note it.
- HOWEVER, according to Murphy's law, it's probably a good idea to
make a backup of your old app data BEFORE upgrading to this
version (for the unlikely case that anything goes wrong).
- Later you can manually delete the data files from your app path
because they are not used anymore if startup.ini points to a
different path.
* Startup, App Data Path: Now, if
- no app data path is set by command line
- AND no startup.ini is found in app path
- AND no XYplorer.ini is found in app path
then the app data path is auto-set to <xypath>\Data.
Reason: Keeping the variable user data together in one place is a good idea. Even in portable installations which is the typical context for this scenario. - ! Find Files: A search pattern "tag:?*" would also find untagged files when they had a comment. Fixed.