Friday, November 13, 2009

v8.60.0104 - 2009-11-13 13:00

BETA versions are now only available for registered users.
Find the download link at the bottom of the License Lounge.

  • + Configuration | Backup & Report | On name collision: Added a further option called "Overwrite never". Copies only files that don't exist in the destination, otherwise does nothing.
  • + SC backupto enhanced: Now you can set the behavior on collision right in the call.
      Syntax: backupto location, [source], [on_collision]
          0 = [Default] Use global setting from Configuration | Backup
              & Report | On name collision
          1 = Overwrite only older files
          2 = Overwrite always
          3 = Overwrite never
          4 = Suffix number
          5 = Suffix date now
          6 = Suffix date modified
        // backup selected items; on collision suffix date now
        backupto "E:\Test", , 5;
        // backup selected items; on collision do what's stated in
        // Configuration Backup & Report On name collision
        backupto "E:\Test";
  • ! Wheel: Several wheel driven operations had reversed the expected direction after adding support for high-resolution mouse wheel recently. Fixed.
  • ! Enhanced drag'n'drop crashed on any OS <>