Wednesday, December 30, 2009

v8.80.0005 - 2009-12-30 14:12

BETA versions are now only available for registered users.
Find the download link at the bottom of the License Lounge.

  • + Configuration | Thumbnails: Added option "Create all thumbnails at once". Check it to have all thumbnails in the current list created at once (not just the ones that are currently visible in the viewport).
    Enabling this option is only advisable if also "Cache thumbnails on disk" is enabled because then the work will have to be done only once. Otherwise browsing large image folders will become slow again and again.
    Note that even with "Cache thumbnails on disk" enabled this new setting makes browsing a bit slower on fully cached folders. So, if all or most of your folders are already fully cached, you can (very) slightly increase speed by disabling "Create all thumbnails at once".
  • + Toolbar: The context menu of the buttons related to list views now features a command "Create All Thumbnails Now". Here you can have all thumbnails in the current list created for *this* list, without having the global "Create all thumbnails at once" enabled in Configuration | Thumbnails.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

v8.80.0004 - 2009-12-29 22:45

BETA versions are now only available for registered users.
Find the download link at the bottom of the License Lounge.

  • ! Image Preview: PNG images that were larger than PreviewMaxArea displayed a wrong color depth "Colors: 2 (1-bit)". Fixed. Now it displays "Unknown" because images larger than PreviewMaxArea are not scanned for color depth.
  • ! Address Bar: Fixed some glitches with the new shell context menu.
  • ! Minimize to Tray: XYplorer's icon on the tray did not survive the restart of Explorer.exe. Fixed.

Monday, December 28, 2009

v8.80.0003 - 2009-12-28 21:58

BETA versions are now only available for registered users.
Find the download link at the bottom of the License Lounge.

  • + Address Bar: Now, right-clicking the icon will pop up the shell context menu for the item (folder or file) currently displayed in the Address Bar. This will always be the standard shell context menu, without any XYplorer-only custom items.
  • ! Tree, List: Hidden items with icon overlays weren't shown ghosted anymore since yesterday. Fixed.
  • ! Tree: Autorefresh on rename of subfolders of special paths did not reliably happen. Fixed.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

v8.80.0002 - 2009-12-27 20:38

BETA versions are now only available for registered users.
Find the download link at the bottom of the License Lounge.

  • * User Buttons: From now on the commands "Click", "Edit..." and "Customize Toolbar..." from a User Button's context menu are never stepped even if step mode is on. Reason: This step was superfluous and just disturbing the work
    flow (on step mode enabled).
  • ! Recycle Bin: Did not work as Favorite Folder. Fixed.
  • ! List: Ctrl+RightClick on a single selected item lead to run-time error 9. Fixed.
  • ! List: Icon Overlays were not always auto-updated. Fixed.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

v8.80.0001 - 2009-12-24 10:29

BETA versions are now only available for registered users.
Find the download link at the bottom of the License Lounge.

  • + SCs html(), input(), and text now support width and height parameters that are relative to the screen size. Simply append a % character to the values and they are interpreted as percentage.
      html("<b>Size is relative to screen!</b>", 75%, 75%);
  • + New variable <get screen [width|height|dpi]> returns width or height of screen in pixels, resp. DPI (dots per inch).
      echo <get screen width>;
      echo <get screen height>;
      echo <get screen dpi>;
  • + Tree Context Menu: Added special functionality to the context menu of Junctions. You now have these extra commands:
      Go to Junction Target
      Copy Junction Target Name
  • * Spot & Jump: Now spaces work as alternative pattern separators. Makes it easier to type.
      >chuck berry = spot all "chuck" and all "berry"
      >chuck|berry = (same)
    The old | only has to be used when spaces are part of a pattern:
      >chuck berry| = spot all "chuck berry"
      >ab|a b       = spot all "ab" and all "a b"
  • ! Icon Overlays: Did not show for LNK and URL files. Fixed.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

v8.80.0000 - 2009-12-22 12:00

Main changes since last release:

  • +++ Recycle Bin Deluxe. Finally you get the Recycle Bin special folder in XYplorer as well. But not the spartan kind of bin you know from other file managers like e.g. Explorer. XYplorer's Recycle Bin gives you more...
  • +++ Edit Mini Tree. Now you can directly edit XYplorer's famous Mini Tree. Add the branches you need to see and delete what's just in your way.

Monday, December 21, 2009

v8.70.0156 - 2009-12-21 22:48

BETA versions are now only available for registered users.
Find the download link at the bottom of the License Lounge.

  • ! The tweak to support Firefox 3.* image drops did not support dropping hyperlinked images. Fixed.
  • ! The new shell open code from v8.70.0003 - 2009-12-02 09:42 did not set the correct working directory for the opened apps. Fixed.

v8.70.0154 - 2009-12-21 11:45

BETA versions are now only available for registered users.
Find the download link at the bottom of the License Lounge.

  • - Menu Tools | Tools Special: Removed the following commands which have been rendered useless by the new Recycle Bin support:
      Open Recycle Bin...
      Empty Recycle Bin...
      Recycle Bin Stats...
    Also removed the "Open Recycle Bin" toolbar button.
  • * Updated the help file.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

v8.70.0153 - 2009-12-19 20:08

BETA versions are now only available for registered users.
Find the download link at the bottom of the License Lounge.

  • + Scripting got a new function.
      Name:   isunicode
      Action: Analyzes a text string for the presence of wide characters.
      Syntax: isunicode(string, [mindcodepage])
        string: [required] string (any length) to analyze.
        mindcodepage: [optional]
          1 = do not count wide characters that
              have a narrow pendant in the current codepage.
          true = wide characters contained
        echo isunicode("abc"); //False
        echo isunicode("abc", 1); //False
        echo isunicode(chr(20000)); //True
        echo isunicode(chr(20000), 1); //True
        echo isunicode("€"); //True (U+20AC EURO SIGN)
        echo isunicode("€", 1); //False! e.g. on 1252 Western codepage,
            where the Euro sign is mapped to 0x80
      Also these refer to the Euro sign:
        echo isunicode(chr(8364), 0); //True
        echo isunicode(chr(8364), 1); //False on 1252 Western codepage
  • + Scripting got a new function.
      Name:   filetype
      Action: Analyzes a file by its contents.
      Syntax: filetype(file)
        file:   [required] full path/file name to analyze.
          Ascii   It's an ASCII text file.
          Unicode It's a UNICODE text file (has UTF-16 BOM).
          Binary  It's a binary file.
          Empty   It's an empty file.
          Cannot  Cannot open file.
          Nofile  It's not an existing file.
        echo filetype(<curitem>);
  • ! On a Rename Special a locked tree was refreshed and changed when it was neither necessary nor correct. Fixed.
  • ! Raw View misinterpreted UTF-16 files as binary files when they contained a certain ambiguous byte pattern (a double null across double byte borders). Fixed.
  • ! SC report: Fields {tag} and {comment} did not return anything when neither the Tag nor the Comment column were visible in the list. Fixed.
    Note that "Show tags and comments in file list" must be enabled in Configuration | Tags, else SC report will not return any tags or comments.
  • ! SC break: Would not jump to the expected line when the broken structure was surrounded by an if-block, for example:
      if (1) {
        while (1) {
        msg 'foo'; // never gets executed

Thursday, December 17, 2009

v8.70.0152 - 2009-12-17 15:28

BETA versions are now only available for registered users.
Find the download link at the bottom of the License Lounge.

  • + New variable <get path [pane]> returns the unslashed path of any of the two panes. The optional "pane" argument can be:
      a = [default] active pane
      i = inactive pane
      1 = pane 1
      2 = pane 2
    For example:
      <get path>   //active pane's path
      <get path i> //inactive pane's path
    As always, SC getinfo supports the same argument:
      echo getinfo("path");    //active pane's path
      echo getinfo("path", i); //inactive pane's path
  • + New variable <get userrole>. Returns the user's membership (resp. his security role in the current process) in one of the following security groups: Admin, User, Guest, Power User. If any other groups apply then "Other" is returned. As always, SC getinfo supports the same argument:
      echo getinfo("userrole");
  • % Recycle Bin: Improved refresh of listing and icon.
  • * Configuration | Preview | Mouse Down Blow Up: Renamed "Full screen" to "Use whole screen".
  • - Removed the tweak FixOddThing. The mysterious bug could finally be fixed (see below) turning the tweak pointless. The tweak had been added in v7.90.0100 - 2009-02-02 12:00.
  • ! Fixed mysterious caret position error in Tree/List inline rename on DBCS systems (Chinese, Japanese ...).
  • ! Tree: Did not refresh the caption of drives reliably when they were renamed via the properties dialog. Fixed.
  • ! SC writefile: When using the "t" argument a file would falsely be auto-saved as UTF-16 when it contained no wide chars apart from € and the likes which on various common code pages are mapped to the ANSI table. Fixed: Now such a file will be saved as normal ASCII text.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

v8.70.0151 - 2009-12-16 15:02

BETA versions are now only available for registered users.
Find the download link at the bottom of the License Lounge.

  • * Recycle Bin: Now the Recycle Bin icon displays the empty/non-empty state. It is not 100% reliable due to unknown reasons but mostly seems to work alright.
  • * The tweak to support Firefox 3.* image drop now attempts to get the images from the local cache first; only on failure it will download them from the web.
    The tweak itself has not changed:
  • ! Native variables <curbase> and <curext> would also parse the names of existing folders although only file names have extensions. Fixed.
  • ! Recycle Bin: Did not refresh on Undo/Redo. Fixed.
  • ! Preview: Crash on BMPs with top-down DIB. Fixed.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

v8.70.0150 - 2009-12-15 12:46

BETA versions are now only available for registered users.
Find the download link at the bottom of the License Lounge.

  • +++ Recycle Bin Deluxe. Finally, after only 5 years of waiting, you get the interpreted version of the Recycle Bin. But it's not the spartan kind of bin you know from other file managers like e.g. Explorer. XYplorer's Recycle Bin gives you more:
    - The real path/name for each item is displayed in a separate
      column "Recycled Name". Ctrl+P will copy that info
      to the clipboard.
    - The context menu's custom command "Go to Real Location" will
      beam you to the real location of the item and select it in
      XYplorer's raw recycle bin view.
    - The context menu's custom command "Go to Original Location" will
      beam you to the original location of the item.
    - You can open (Enter, Dbl-Click) a deleted folder to browse its contents.
    - You can show the recursive folder sizes of deleted folders right
      in the list (as usual in the Size column).
    - You can see the Space Used or Real Size of deleted items
      (Explorer shows only Space Used).
    - Apply Visual Filters to the Recycle Bin.
    - Sort folders separately from files.
    - Color code deleted items.
    - Spot and jump to items
    - Compare deleted items.
    - Preview deleted items.
    - Open deleted items.
    - And, last not least, it's faster.

    - The Shell default action (Enter, Dbl-Click) for Recycle Bin
      items is to show the item's Properties dialog. This will happen
      in XY as well, unless you have a PFA defined for the file type
      in question.
    - The Recycle Bin is a pretty singular construct superimposed onto
      the regular file system and comes with a couple of pecularities:
    - It is slower than "normal" folders.
    - No drag'n'drop to or from the Recycle Bin.
    - No renaming or cutting or moving or duplicating.
    - No pasting.
    - No custom File Info Tips, just the default ones.
    - The Len column refers to the original Path/Name, not to the
      Recycled Name.
    - The Info Panel refers to the Recycled Name because this is the
      file that exists, has properties, and can be previewed.
    - XYplorer's raw recycle bin view is still available on each drive,
      of course.
  • + Configuration | General: Added option "Show Recycle Bin" to Show/Hide the Recycle Bin in the Tree. Changing this option will force a rebuild of the Tree (unless you are in Mini Tree mode).
  • + SC Report(): Added special field {Basename}. Return the base (file name without extension) of each file. Folder names are returned unchanged.
  • + Environment Variables: New XY only environment variable:
      %recycler% = Name of the Recycle Bin special folder
    Typically on English systems it will return "Recycle Bin".
  • - Menu View | Show Items: Removed option "Show My Network Places". Reason: This just duplicated the identical option in Configuration | General, and it's a typical Set & Forget setting.
  • * Quick File View: Now the same KS that opened the dialog will also close it. So, by factory default, F11 will open and close the dialog.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

v8.70.0102 - 2009-12-10 12:06

BETA versions are now only available for registered users.
Find the download link at the bottom of the License Lounge.

  • + Configuration | General: Added option "Mixed sort on date columns". Check to use a mixed sort (mix folders and files when sorting) always on the Date columns. This promotes the former tweak "SortMixedOnDates" to a GUI setting.
  • + Menu Tools | List Management: Added command "Mini Tree". Here you can edit the current Mini Tree. Note that in a Mini Tree definition the first path points to the current path.
  • + Toolbar | Mini Tree | Context Menu: Added command "Edit Mini Tree...". Opens the List Management dialog for Mini Tree.
  • ! Generic icons for network locations were drawn too generic when the tree was locked. Fixed.
  • ! Startup on a locked maxi tree did not select the current folder if it was visible. Fixed.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

v8.70.0101 - 2009-12-09 21:05

BETA versions are now only available for registered users.
Find the download link at the bottom of the License Lounge.

  • ! The tweak to make dropping images from Firefox 3 work did not work with Firefox 3.5. Fixed.
    The tweak itself has not changed:
    If set to 1, the images are actually *downloaded* from their web location to your harddisk into the current folder.
  • ! Image Preview: Some formats (e.g. BMP, GIF) would not be previewed on some systems when they had non-ANSI characters in the name. Fixed.
  • ! Locked Tree: When choosing an unavailable location in the Tree the List remained blocked when going to an available location via tab change. Fixed.
  • ! Info Panel | Report: Non-ANSI characters are not supported in report file names. Before you were allowed to use them anyway and run into trouble. Fixed. Now you are politely asked to choose another name.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

v8.70.0013 - 2009-12-08 10:43

BETA versions are now only available for registered users.
Find the download link at the bottom of the License Lounge.

  • ! Menu Tools | Tools Special | Reconnect All Mapped Network Drives: Did not work reliably under Vista/Win7. Fixed?
  • ! Connecting to mapped network drives, fix #2.

Monday, December 7, 2009

v8.70.0012 - 2009-12-07 21:28

BETA versions are now only available for registered users.
Find the download link at the bottom of the License Lounge.

  • ! Connecting to mapped network drives after Windows had booted did not always work as expected. Might be fixed.

v8.70.0011 - 2009-12-07 14:46

BETA versions are now only available for registered users.
Find the download link at the bottom of the License Lounge.

  • - Reverted this change from v8.70.0006 - 2009-12-04 11:51:
      * Manage User-Defined Commands Dialog: Removed the buttons Apply
      and Reset from the Command Properties section. ...
    Reason: Complications under certain conditions. Not worth the
    pain fixing this.
  • * Undo/Redo Delete: Improved refreshing of Tree within special folders.
  • * Updated the help file.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

v8.70.0010 - 2009-12-06 21:13

BETA versions are now only available for registered users.
Find the download link at the bottom of the License Lounge.

  • + Tweak to exclude the Date columns from "Sort Folder Apart", i.e. to use a mixed sort (mix folders and files when sorting) always on the Date columns:
  • ! Tabs: Unnaming a tab would revert always to the "Full path" caption format temporarily. Fixed.

v8.70.0009 - 2009-12-06 14:57

BETA versions are now only available for registered users.
Find the download link at the bottom of the License Lounge.

  • * Configuration | Tabs: Rewrote the customization of the tab captions. Now you have a dropdown "Tab captions" with 3 choices:
      - Full path
      - Folder only
      - Custom
    The last one can be further defined by using the Custom button.
    While the factory default is
      <drive>: <folder>
    you can do anything that crosses your mind, e.g.
      <folder> (<drive>)
      <folder> on <drive>:
  • * Configuration | File Info Tips: The list below "Show custom file info tips" is now always enabled. Makes it easier to see what's available even when the checkbox is not ticked.
  • ! Configuration | Tag | Database Clean-Up: When you chose "Check fixed drives only", it only left the drive letter and tag number for the other drives (bug since v8.70.0005). Fixed.
  • ! List: Opening files with the shell-associated application still failed in some instances. Fixed #4.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

v8.70.0008 - 2009-12-05 19:20

BETA versions are now only available for registered users.
Find the download link at the bottom of the License Lounge.

  • ! List: Opening files with the shell-associated application still failed in some instances. Fixed #3.

v8.70.0007 - 2009-12-05 12:51

BETA versions are now only available for registered users.
Find the download link at the bottom of the License Lounge.

  • + SC getinfo got a new named argument "regcmd". Rather for debugging purposes (but who knows) this is a way to quickly retrieve the default verb and command line (the one triggered by dbl-click) for any registered file type from the registry.
    Syntax: getinfo("regcmd", extension)
      extension: [required] any registered file extension
      return:    Verb=Command
                 Nothing if the extension does not exist.
    For example, the following line:
      text getinfo("regcmd", "mp3");
    will return (on my system)
      Play="C:\Programme\Winamp\winamp.exe" "%1"
    which is made of the verb and value of this key:
  • ! List: Opening files with the shell-associated application still failed in some instances. Fixed #2.

Friday, December 4, 2009

v8.70.0006 - 2009-12-04 11:51

BETA versions are now only available for registered users.
Find the download link at the bottom of the License Lounge.

  • + Preview: Added audio format FLAC (Free Lossless Audio Codec). As always you just need the codec on your system to actually be able to preview *.flac files.
  • * Manage User-Defined Commands Dialog: Removed the buttons Apply and Reset from the Command Properties section. From now on any command property changes are auto-applied. To undo any changes you made simply Cancel the dialog.
  • * List Management Dialog: Slightly reorganized the buttons. Now the Browse button sits right under the Edit button.
  • ! List: Opening files with the shell-associated application still failed in some instances. Fixed.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

v8.70.0005 - 2009-12-03 10:00

BETA versions are now only available for registered users.
Find the download link at the bottom of the License Lounge.

  • * Configuration | Tag | Database Clean-Up: Now also the capitalization of the item names is checked and corrected if necessary.
  • * Find Files: Now found items are displayed at once in the search results list. Before, they were displayed in packets of at least 64 items, which meant that you would not see any results for a while even if there were results already.
  • ! List: Opening media files associated with Media Player by dbl-click did not work anymore since last version. Fixed.
  • ! List: Opening various types of executable files (e.g. *.vbs) by dbl-click did not work anymore since last version. Fixed.
  • * Find Files: Now the capitalization of the path spec in the Location field is internally auto-corrected (you won't see this in the GUI) when a search is triggered.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

v8.70.0003 - 2009-12-02 09:42

BETA versions are now only available for registered users.
Find the download link at the bottom of the License Lounge.

  • * Rewrote opening a file with the shell-associated application (triggered e.g. by Dbl-Click or Enter on a file in the list). Now it should correctly trigger the default command for the file type as defined in the registry, including any command line switches. Before, those command line switches had been ignored.
  • * Backup: Backup log is now opened from "View log?" prompt with PFA-associated app (if any). Before, it was opened using the shell-associated application.
  • ! Find Files: After a metadata search or tag/cmt search you could not do a normal name search anymore because a flag was not reset internally. Fixed.
  • ! Find Files: With search results to "Current tab" the tab caption and location was not always correctly updated. Fixed.
  • ! Address Bar: Could become unresponsive for a while when typing into the edit box while unavailable network locations where listed in the Address Bar's MRU dropdown. Fixed.
  • ! Catalog: Shift+Del did not work anymore to remove an item from Catalog without prompt. Fixed.

Monday, November 30, 2009

v8.70.0000 - 2009-11-30 12:00

Main changes since last release:

  • +++ Metadata Search. Now you can search for files by all available metadata, e.g. version, owner, date taken, image dimensions, artist, duration and so on. Wildcards, Boolean Logic, and Regular Expressions are supported.
  • +++ Tags & Comments 2.0. Now you can search for files by their tags or comments. Wildcards, Boolean Logic, and Regular Expressions are supported.
  • +++ Find Files. Now you can search for files by the length of their names. You can for example find all files with names larger than 260 characters.
  • +++ Find Files. The Name field now supports comparison operators.
  • +++ Backup. Backup operations enhanced by making the behavior on name collision configurable.
  • +++ Help. Now the help comes in Windows 7 compatible CHM (Compiled HTML Help) format.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

v8.60.0119 - 2009-11-29 12:33

BETA versions are now only available for registered users.
Find the download link at the bottom of the License Lounge.

  • ! List: In view mode "List" horizontal scrolling into view did not work when a single column was wider than the whole list. Fixed.

v8.60.0118 - 2009-11-29 12:12

BETA versions are now only available for registered users.
Find the download link at the bottom of the License Lounge.

  • * Configuration | General | Disallow dragging from tree and list: Renamed to "Disallow left-dragging from tree and list" because that's what it does.
  • ! The default PFA/POM "Append modified date" that's coming with a fresh install as example was buggy. It did not give the expected results when more than one file was selected because double quotes were used instead of single quotes around the date variable. Fixed.
  • ! Menu File | Settings: Changes in a User Button were not registered. An asterisk (*) should be prefixed to the "Save Configuration" item to mark it dirty, and the color of the "Save All Settings" TB button should change from green to brown. Fixed.
  • * Updated the help file.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

v8.60.0117 - 2009-11-26 09:18

BETA versions are now only available for registered users.
Find the download link at the bottom of the License Lounge.

  • ! Find Files: Searching for a string that coincided with one of the supported field prefixes (e.g.: tag) did not work as expected anymore because it was falsely interpreted as a field prefix. Fixed.
  • ! Find Files | Name & Location: Clicking the Mode label to cycle the mode prefixes did not work alright when the search term had a field prefix. Fixed.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

v8.60.0116 - 2009-11-25 14:44

BETA versions are now only available for registered users.
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  • * Command Line Switches: Now the order of switches is not relevant
    anymore. Only the startup path must be last.
    So both orders work now:
    XYplorer.exe[ /win=minmaxnormal][ /ini=myini][ mystartpath]
    XYplorer.exe[ /ini=myini][ /win=minmaxnormal][ mystartpath]
  • ! Batch Rename: When applied to files in different locations (in a recursive Search Results listing), numbers were suffixed where it was not really necessary -- while a file of the same name already existed it was in a different location so no collision was to be avoided. Fixed.
  • ! Menu File | Restart without Saving: Didn't restart XYplorer with the appropriate command line switches. Fixed.
  • ! Backup Operation: Preserving item dates did not work as expected on all systems when items were read-only. Fixed.
  • ! Rename Preview: The last lines of the lists only partially displayed under certain font / DPI settings. Fixed.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

v8.60.0113 - 2009-11-24 15:17

BETA versions are now only available for registered users.
Find the download link at the bottom of the License Lounge.

  • * File Info Tips: Now with "Show custom file info tips" OFF the Name of the hovered item is added to the top of the tip.
  • ! SC setkey: Did not take care that spaces in the value are not lost when the value is read back using getkey. Fixed.
  • ! Auto-Refresh on Cut and Paste between panes: Cut items were not removed from source pane. Fixed.
  • ! Tabs: Dragging over a tab header with an X-close button let to a display glitch in visual style XYplorer Classic. Fixed.
  • ! Action Log: Error on writing the Action Log to disk when a single action needed more than 32767 bytes in the database (action.dat), which can easily happen e.g. on large copy jobs with several thousands files. Fixed.
  • ! Undo: Undoing a copy of many items (> 1000) with "Delete to recycle bin" enabled was very slow. Now it's fast.

Monday, November 23, 2009

v8.60.0112 - 2009-11-23 10:10

BETA versions are now only available for registered users.
Find the download link at the bottom of the License Lounge.

  • ! Scripting: Possible hickup on extremely malformed scripts. Fixed.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

v8.60.0111 - 2009-11-22 20:59

BETA versions are now only available for registered users.
Find the download link at the bottom of the License Lounge.

  • * Updated the help file.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

v8.60.0110 - 2009-11-21 11:59

BETA versions are now only available for registered users.
Find the download link at the bottom of the License Lounge.

  • * Improved the Help file. Everything should be alright now. (Apart from updating to the latest features.)

Friday, November 20, 2009

v8.60.0109 - 2009-11-20 15:23

BETA versions are now only available for registered users.
Find the download link at the bottom of the License Lounge.

  • + Toolbar | Auto-Refresh button: The context menu now features a new setting "Include Removable Drives". The factory default is OFF. Enable it to have Auto-Refresh on USB sticks etc.
  • * Toolbar | Auto-Refresh button: Inverted the setting "Suspend Refresh During File Operations". It's now called "Refresh During File Operations". The value is now saved between sessions.
  • * SC setting and settingp: The parameter "NoWatchDuringFileOp" has been replaced by the inverted "WatchDuringFileOp".
  • ! Help: CHM help did not work on 64-bit systems with WOW64-Redirection disabled. Fixed.
  • ! Help: CHM help opened modally. Fixed.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

v8.60.0108 - 2009-11-19 11:13

BETA versions are now only available for registered users.
Find the download link at the bottom of the License Lounge.

  • *** Help: Now in CHM (Compiled HTML Help) format.
  • * Find Files: Instead of "comment:" you can now alternatively prefix "cmt:" to your comment-searching search term. Save the atmosphere.
  • + Support for horizontal mouse wheel. Part 2.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

v8.60.0107 - 2009-11-17 10:34

BETA versions are now only available for registered users.
Find the download link at the bottom of the License Lounge.

  • +++ Find Files: The Name field now supports comparison operators! This means you can e.g. list all files from A to M.
        <  Less than
        >  Greater than
        <= Less than or equal to
        >= Greater than or equal to
    The operators must be surrounded by spaces and are prefixed to the patterns.
    When strings are compared it's about alphabetical order:
    - Find all files before "m":
      Name: < m
    - Find all files from "d.txt" and before "m.txt"
      Name: : >= d.txt AND < m.txt
      Watch the double space after AND: " AND " must be surrounded by
      spaces as well! The leading ":" is the inline Boolean marker.
    When numbers are compared it's about numerical values.
    - Find all items whose full name is longer than 100 characters:
      Name: len: > 100
        (see next paragraph)

    - Patterns with comparison operators should not contain wildcards;
      they make no sense here anyway and will just be treated as
      characters "*" and "?" in the comparison.
    - The settings "Whole words" and "Fuzzy" are ignored with patterns
      using comparison operators.
      But, of course, the settings are applied with non-comparison-
      patterns. E.g., with "Whole words" enabled, the following term
      will match "a d.txt" but not "ad.txt", and not "d a.txt"
      (because it's > c.txt):
        Name: :a AND < c.txt
      In words: Find all items, that contain "a" as a whole word, and
      are alphabetically sorted before "c.txt".
      - It does not make sense to combine comparison operators with
      RegExp patterns; the RegExp will not be analyzed but simply be
      used as a string in the comparison.
  • + Find Files: Now you can search by the length of an item name. Simply prefix "len:" to the search term in the name field.
    - Find all items whose full name is longer than 260 characters:
      Name: len: > 260

Monday, November 16, 2009

v8.60.0106 - 2009-11-16 21:07

BETA versions are now only available for registered users.
Find the download link at the bottom of the License Lounge.

  • +++ Find Files: Now you can directly search for Tags and Comments!
    Simply prefix "tag:" or "comment:" (case does not matter) to the search term in the name field, and the whole term is matched against the tag respectively comment of each file instead of against the name. All other things work as usual, including Boolean and RegExp search.
      - tag:"red"             //find all items with tag "red"
      - tag:!"red"            //find all items with no tag "red"
      - tag::"red" or "green" //with tag "red" or "green"
        the second ":" after "tag:" is the inline Boolean search marker
      - tag:"red";"green"     //same using "Loose Boolean Match" syntax
      - tag:r                 //find all items with "r" in the tag
      - comment:2009;2008     //with 2008 or 2009 in the comment field
        employing the "Loose Boolean Match" syntax with ";" separator
    Note that also Quick Name Search supports the new syntax, for example:
  • +++ Find Files: Now you can directly search for the extended properties of file items, as also known from the File Info Tips.
    Their names and indices vary strongly between different Windows versions. A list is available in Configuration | File Info Tips.
    The syntax is like above with "tag:" or "comment:", only with yet another field for the actual property. To identify properties by their index prefix "#" to the number.
      - prop:fileversion:8.60   //find all items with version *8.60*
      - prop:fileversion:"8.60" // with version 8.60
      - prop:#8:Donald          // with owner *Donald*
      - prop:#26:"1024 x 768"   // with dimensions "1024 x 768"
    NOTE: While this new feature adds enormous power to XY's file search, it is not extremely fast because retrieving extended properties via the shell is rather slow.
  • + Support for horizontal mouse wheel.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

v8.60.0105 - 2009-11-14 12:43

BETA versions are now only available for registered users.
Find the download link at the bottom of the License Lounge.

  • + SC backupto enhanced:
      Syntax: backupto location, [source], [on_collision], _
              [preserve_dates], [create_log]
          (only applied if the file itself is copied)
          Empty = Use global setting from Configuration.
          0 = Whether/which dates are copied depends on OS.
          1 = All three dates are copied.
          Empty = Use global setting from Configuration.
          0 = Don't.
          1 = Do.
        // backup selected items; on collision suffix date now;
        // preserve dates; create log
        backupto "E:\Test", , 5, 1, 1;
  • * Configuration | Backup & Report: Changed order of items.
  • ! Configuration | Backup & Report | Preserve item dates: The setting was not yet actually implemented, whoops. Fixed.
  • * Tabs: Now wheeling the tabs, either scroll thru tabs (Wheel) or move tabs (Shift+Wheel), will not wrap around the edges anymore.

Friday, November 13, 2009

v8.60.0104 - 2009-11-13 13:00

BETA versions are now only available for registered users.
Find the download link at the bottom of the License Lounge.

  • + Configuration | Backup & Report | On name collision: Added a further option called "Overwrite never". Copies only files that don't exist in the destination, otherwise does nothing.
  • + SC backupto enhanced: Now you can set the behavior on collision right in the call.
      Syntax: backupto location, [source], [on_collision]
          0 = [Default] Use global setting from Configuration | Backup
              & Report | On name collision
          1 = Overwrite only older files
          2 = Overwrite always
          3 = Overwrite never
          4 = Suffix number
          5 = Suffix date now
          6 = Suffix date modified
        // backup selected items; on collision suffix date now
        backupto "E:\Test", , 5;
        // backup selected items; on collision do what's stated in
        // Configuration Backup & Report On name collision
        backupto "E:\Test";
  • ! Wheel: Several wheel driven operations had reversed the expected direction after adding support for high-resolution mouse wheel recently. Fixed.
  • ! Enhanced drag'n'drop crashed on any OS <>

Thursday, November 12, 2009

v8.60.0102 - 2009-11-12 20:05

BETA versions are now only available for registered users.
Find the download link at the bottom of the License Lounge.

  • + Configuration | Backup & Report: Backup operations enhanced by adding two configuration options:
    - Preserve item dates: Here you can decide whether the three item
      dates (created, modified, accessed) are preserved with the copy.
      Before, it was hard-coded to YES (preserve).
    - On name collision: Here you can configure what happens on a name
      collision. Before, there was only one hard-coded option:
      overwrite if target is older than source. Now you have the
      choice between five options:
        * Overwrite only older files [factory default]
          (do nothing if the target file is same age or younger)
        * Overwrite always
        * Suffix number
        * Suffix date now
        * Suffix date modified
      This means you now have the popular copy-avec-rename-on-
      collision in XYplorer!
  • * Configuration: Renamed page "Reporting" to "Backup & Report".

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

v8.60.0100 - 2009-11-11 12:00


  • +++ Bug fixes related to Undo/Redo.
  • +++ Enhanced File Info Tips.
  • +++ Improved drag'n'drop to other applications.

v8.60.0008 - 2009-11-11 10:14

BETA versions are now only available for registered users.
Find the download link at the bottom of the License Lounge.

  • + Info Panel | Preview: Added "Zoom smaller originals to fit preview area" to the preview panel's orange-icon-menu for video files.
  • * List: Now auto-refresh is suspended while you are drawing a selection box on the list.
  • * Menu Go | Go to from Here: Now supports relative paths. They are resolved relative to the current path (whereas in the normal "Go to" and Address Bar they are resolved relative to app path).
  • ! Tree: Glitch when drag-moving the current folder into a non-expanded folder. Fixed.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

v8.60.0007 - 2009-11-10 15:19

BETA versions are now only available for registered users.
Find the download link at the bottom of the License Lounge.

  • + Tree: Now also supports the better dragging (see v8.60.0006).
  • * Undo/Redo: Improved refreshing of Tree within special folders.
  • ! Action Log, Toolbar Undo Menu: Misleading captions when an action was triggered off the current path, e.g. by using a script. Fixed.

Monday, November 9, 2009

v8.60.0006 - 2009-11-09 22:17

BETA versions are now only available for registered users.
Find the download link at the bottom of the License Lounge.

  • + Now you can right-drag items to the outside and get the context menu you expect to see, including "Create Shortcut(s) Here" and other stuff depending on the dragged items. The probably biggest and oldest mystery in the history of XY development looks like solved. Holy Dragon Drop!

Sunday, November 8, 2009

v8.60.0005 - 2009-11-08 12:54

BETA versions are now only available for registered users.
Find the download link at the bottom of the License Lounge.

  • + Configuration | File Info Tips: Added option "Show custom file info tips". Before, this option was implicitly ON always. Now it's by factory default OFF. Having it OFF will show the default file info tips, which are exactly the ones you would see if you used Windows Explorer. This has a couple of advantages:
    - You can see specific 3rd party extensions of the file info tips
      (e.g. by MediaInfo) which are not shown in XYplorer when you
      turn "Show custom file info tips" ON.
    - Using the default tip (and with "Show MP3 info tips" OFF), you
      can now see the ID3v2 (XY internally only supports ID3v1) info
      of mp3 files in the file info tip if your shell/OS supports it.
  • * Configuration | File Info Tips: Increased the number of items in the "custom file info tips" list, depending on OS: Under Vista/Win7 you will have 267 different fields now, and under XP or lower 41 different fields.
    Also the indices, starting with 0 (zero), are now shown in the list. You can use these indices with SC property() in scripts like:
      msg property("#2"); //type of current item
  • * Configuration | File Info Tips: The XYplorer-only "extra fields" are now listed in a separate list.
  • ! Toolbar | Undo, Action Log: Could crash on certain filenames because of a buggy ellipse routine working on trimming the captions. Fixed.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

v8.60.0003 - 2009-11-07 11:19

BETA versions are now only available for registered users.
Find the download link at the bottom of the License Lounge.

  • + Color Filters: Added "Junction" to the factory default color filters.
  • ! Action Log: Captions had empty strings when actions were done on search results. Fixed.
  • ! Undo/Redo: Tree was not always correctly updated in the special folders section. Fixed.
  • ! Tabs: Selecting a Search Results tab so that the mouse pointer ended up right on the X close button could under certain conditions lead to closing that tab when releasing the mouse button. Fixed.
  • ! Scripting: Things like ::html(""); did not work anymore since v8.60.0002. Fixed.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

v8.60.0002 - 2009-11-05 12:04

BETA versions are now only available for registered users.
Find the download link at the bottom of the License Lounge.

  • + List Context Menu: Added special functionality to the context menu of Junctions. You now have these extra commands:
      Go to Junction Target
      Copy Junction Target Name
  • * Menu File | Settings | Save All Settings: Now this command, besides saving all your settings, also writes the current Action Log from memory to disk (to file "action.dat") if "Remember the logged actions between sessions" is ON.
    Note that the Action Log is always saved on exit if (and only if) "Remember the logged actions between sessions" is ON (even if "Save settings on exit" is off).
  • * Search Results: Now right-clicking multiple items in a recursive (= include subfolders) search results listing will pop the Shell context menu only if those items are located in the same folder. Otherwise a shorter replacement menu is shown. Reason: The Shell commands simply do not work correctly for multiple items in different locations.
  • ! Crash when the Edit Text font defined in configuration was not existing on the system. Fixed.
  • ! List: After dragging a subfolder of the current folder Tree-to-Tree the List was not updated (the subfolder did not disappear from the list). Fixed.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

v8.60.0000 - 2009-11-03 12:00

Main changes since last release:

  • +++ Multi-Level Undo/Redo. Now you can undo/redo the file operations Move, Copy, Rename, Delete, and New.
  • +++ Action Log. Now you get a detailed log about what you have done and when, optionally remembered across sessions so you can finally find out what you did yesterday.
  • +++ Wheel. Support for high-resolution mouse wheel.
  • +++ Memory. Further reduced memory usage.

Monday, November 2, 2009

v8.50.0039 - 2009-11-02 22:26

BETA versions are now only available for registered users.
Find the download link at the bottom of the License Lounge.

  • ! Crash when dismounting TrueCrypt drives. Fixed.

v8.50.0037 - 2009-11-02 12:56

BETA versions are now only available for registered users.
Find the download link at the bottom of the License Lounge.

  • + SC getinfo "username" now supports Unicode names.
  • * Updated the help file.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

v8.50.0036 - 2009-11-01 13:51

BETA versions are now only available for registered users.
Find the download link at the bottom of the License Lounge.

  • % Tree, Catalog, List: Improved smoothness of high resolution mouse wheel scrolling, part #2.
  • * User Buttons: Increased number from 10 to 16.

v8.50.0035 - 2009-11-01 11:24

BETA versions are now only available for registered users.
Find the download link at the bottom of the License Lounge.

  • % Tree, Catalog, List: Improved smoothness of high resolution mouse wheel scrolling.
  • * Preview | MDBU: Now the blow up does not over- or underlap the taskbar anymore.
  • * Preview | MDBU: Improved the panning of large blow ups that don't fit the view port.
  • ! Statusbar: Tooltips did not always appear over the expected section. Fixed.
  • ! Refresh Tree added floppies even if Show Floppies was OFF since a couple of weeks ago. Fixed.
  • ! Rename Special | Batch Rename: A file called ".txt" was treated as having no extension. Fixed: Now it's treated as TXT file with an empty base name.
    This means when you rename ".txt" with pattern "new" you'll get "new.txt".

Friday, October 30, 2009

v8.50.0033 - 2009-10-30 12:14

BETA versions are now only available for registered users.
Find the download link at the bottom of the License Lounge.

  • * Menu File | Duplicate: From now on, the created copies are auto-selected (when the target path is identical with the current list path). Before, the originals kept their selections.
    Exception: The command "Copy Here ("Copy of...")" where Windows keeps it a secret how the copy is named.
  • - Menu File | Settings: Removed "Save Action Log". Reason: Actions aren't settings.
  • % Improved the action captions in various ways.
  • ! Catalog: Adding special path items (e.g. Desktop\Downloads\) to a Category via drag-n-drop converted them silently to their real path equivalents. Fixed.
  • ! Undo button dropdown action log could crash under certain conditions. Fixed.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

v8.50.0029 - 2009-10-28 11:46

BETA versions are now only available for registered users.
Find the download link at the bottom of the License Lounge.

  • * Configuration | Undo & Action Log: Added option "Prompt before delete". If checked then you are prompted before undoing Copy or New, which both involve deletions. This prompting in accordance with Explorer behavior and the factory default is ON.
    Also, from now on, prompts before deletions show the "warning" icon as opposed to the normal "information" icon.
  • * Undo: Now also partially aborted (= partially successful) actions are logged. Before, only actions without any abortions (user pressed "cancel" or "no" at some point during progress) were logged.
    Note that on undoing a partial action you might get a message about actions that cannot be undone because they never were done in the first place.
    Note also that on redoing a partial action you will not in any case get the same prompts as on the original action because redo uses its own routines for better performance. This can mean that redoing an action that was partially aborted the first time might now run through without any prompts or abortions.
  • * Undo Move: Now when the original path of the moved item does not exist anymore, undoing the move will attempt to recreate it before moving the item back to it.
  • ! Variable <get username> was imperfect. Fixed.
  • ! Menu File | Move/Copy/Backup To: The MRU submenus would not recognize any portable paths (e.g. "?:\") or XY variables (e.g. <date yyyy>) or environment variables. Fixed.

Some blog updates were or will be temporarily delayed: Sorry!

Publication of update v8.50.0020 is still not completed due to extensive amount of editing required.

Monday, October 26, 2009

v8.50.0028 - 2009-10-26 13:27

BETA versions are now only available for registered users.
Find the download link at the bottom of the License Lounge.

  • ! Undo Delete: Did not work on Vista/Win7. Fixed #4.

v8.50.0027 - 2009-10-26 09:25

BETA versions are now only available for registered users.
Find the download link at the bottom of the License Lounge.

  • + Scripting got a new function.
      Name:   hexdump
      Action: Displays a string as hex dump.
      Syntax: hexdump(string, [unicode])
        string:  [required] String to display.
        unicode: [optional]
                 0 = one byte/char [Default]
                 1 = two bytes/char
        text hexdump(chr(20000), 1), 700;
        text hexdump("<clipboard>", 1), 700; //show current clipboard
        I know it's bloat in a file manager, but it's extremely useful
        when you want to know what's *really* on the clipboard.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

v8.50.0026 - 2009-10-25 22:42

BETA versions are now only available for registered users.
Find the download link at the bottom of the License Lounge.

  • ! Undo Delete: Did not work on Vista/Win7. Fixed #3.
  • ! Tree, Catalog, List: Wheel scrolling failed or did not work as it expected with high resolution mouse drivers. Fixed.
  • ! Edit User Button dialog: Crash after first okaying and then canceling the dialog. Fixed.
  • ! User Button: A button script that closes the app would result in an error. Fixed.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

v8.50.0025 - 2009-10-24 17:38

BETA versions are now only available for registered users.
Find the download link at the bottom of the License Lounge.

  • + SC getinfo got a new named argument "username".
        echo getinfo("username");
        echo "<get username>";

Friday, October 23, 2009

v8.50.0024 - 2009-10-23 20:52

BETA versions are now only available for registered users.
Find the download link at the bottom of the License Lounge.

  • ! Undo Rename: List selections were lost or wrong when items were renamed and repositioned due to their new name. Fixed #2: Now it works also with batch rename.
  • ! Undo Delete: Did not work on Vista/Win7. Fixed #2.
  • ! Tree: Inline-renaming subfolders of special folders (Desktop etc.) did not update the tab header. Fixed.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

v8.50.0023 - 2009-10-22 19:21

BETA versions are now only available for registered users.
Find the download link at the bottom of the License Lounge.

  • + Titlebar: Now the TitlebarTemplate tweak knows the variable . Here is an example for how to get the current pane number
    into the titlebar:
      TitlebarTemplate=[<get pane>] <path>- <app> @ <ini> - <ver>
  • * Undo: Now cumulative undo will skip items the are undone already, and cumulative redo will skip items that are redone already resp. not yet undone.
  • * Action Log: Now you can select items in the actions list with the right mouse button (and pop the context menu right away).
  • ! Undo Rename: List selections were lost or wrong when items were renamed and repositioned due to their new name. Fixed.
  • ! Undo Delete: Did not work on Vista/Win7. Fixed.
  • ! Undo SC copyitem: Logged time was invisible. Fixed.
  • ! Tree: Inline-renaming subfolders of special folders (Desktop etc.) did not update the tree node when auto-refresh was off. Fixed.
  • ! Tree: Removable drives using traditional floppy letters (A:, B:) were not auto-detected on plug-in. Fixed.
  • % Tree: Generally improved auto-refreshing on added/removed removable drives. Smoother, faster, more reliable.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

v8.50.0022 - 2009-10-21 18:24

BETA versions are now only available for registered users.
Find the download link at the bottom of the License Lounge.

  • + Action Log: Now you can right-click the selected item in the action list and do several interesting things to it:
    - Undo or Redo (depending on the state of the action)
      Note that this is non-sequential undo/redo and the current
      action (green highlight) will not move automatically.
    - Make Current Action
      Make this action the current action. This is the only way to
      move around in action history without actually undoing or
      redoing anything. The toolbar buttons will adjust after the
      Action Log window is closed.
      Such a move can be useful when you want to cumulatively undo a
      set of actions somewhen in the past. After setting the current
      action you would then trigger the cumulative undo using the
  • + Folder thumbnails now also look for PNG images in the folder.
  • * Tabs: Improved algorithm for squeezing tabs into the available space in a fair way.
  • * Features: Removed "Show Tree" from Menu and Toolbar when feature Catalog is off.
  • ! Custom Tag icons had a white instead of a colored border for a couple of versions. Fixed.
  • ! A suspended auto-refresh could get auto-unsuspended after a file operation. Fixed.
  • ! Menu Edit | Paste Special: Menu turned disabled forever under certain conditions. Fixed.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

v8.50.0021 - 2009-10-20 13:28

BETA versions are now only available for registered users.
Find the download link at the bottom of the License Lounge.

  • + Menu File | Settings: Added "Save Action Log".
    Note that the Action Log will be saved on exit if (and only if) you tick "Remember the logged actions between sessions" (even if "Save settings on exit" is off), so pressing "Save Action Log" is not necessary unless you expect XY to crash.
    Note also that if you click "Save Action Log" the Action Log will be saved even if "Remember the logged actions between sessions" is off. Only you can know why you should do that...
  • * Undo: Now you are prompted before "Undo New" deletes a folder that is not empty anymore (i.e. it has been filled after being created). This is implemented with no GUI, IOW as a tweak with factory default = 1. You can turn it off here (but it's not extremely advisable to do so):
    The same prompt is shown for files that are not empty anymore because you actually used and modified them after creation.
  • ! Undo Rename: Just changing the case could not be undone. Fixed.
  • ! Undo Rename: Swap Names was not logged. Fixed.
  • ! Tags & Comments were not updated on Swap Names. Fixed.
  • * Quick File View: Now, if only the first part of a file is viewed the text "... [continues]" is shown at the bottom of the data.

Monday, October 12, 2009

v8.50.0010 - 2009-10-12 19:04

  • * Mouse Down Blow Up on Thumbnails: Now the blow up is positioned directly over the thumb. Before this was only done when the blow up had the same (small) size as the thumb (which was also buggy in recent versions). Also greatly improved the panning of large images that don't fit the view port.
  • ! Thumbnails: Under certain conditions some rows of thumbnails were not displayed on startup. Fixed.
  • ! List: Fixed a scrolling issue in thumbnails mode where under certain conditions the list started to scroll by itself.
  • ! List: Sorted column highlighting was not removed on manual sorting. Fixed.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

v8.50.0009 - 2009-10-10 15:55

BETA versions are now only available for registered users.
Find the download link at the bottom of the License Lounge.

  • ! Line Numbers: Display glitch on scrolling. Fixed.
  • ! Thumbnails: Fixed the years old white-thumbs bug that appeared on some systems where thumbnails turned out as 100% white empty nothing when "Super-fast thumbnails" was enabled.
  • % The above fix speeds up thumbnail creation for JPEGs and other images types without transparency in "Super-fast thumbnails" mode.

Friday, October 9, 2009

v8.50.0007 - 2009-10-09 21:40

BETA versions are now only available for registered users.
Find the download link at the bottom of the License Lounge.

  • + Custom Toolbar Buttons: Now you can skip stating the caption when you use an internal icon. The internal caption and keyboard shortcut will be used. For example:
      "|:hotlist" button "hotlist"
    will show "Hotlist Ctrl+H" in the popup menu.
  • * Custom Toolbar Buttons: Now a button can have a right-click event only (and do nothing on left-click).
  • * Tree: When moving the focused folder by drag'n'drop within the Tree this folder now remains the focused one and consequently the List does not change its contents. Before, the focus switched to the new parent of the moved folder.
  • * Window Class had changed from ThunderRT6FormDC to ThunderRT6Form. This has been undone: it's back to ThunderRT6FormDC.
  • ! Might have fixed an issue where CPU utilization jumps to 15-20% and stays there when XYplorer is running in a virtual machine.
  • ! Switching tabs with the mouse wheel crashed when item was selected in the opened tab. Fixed.
  • ! Moving tabs using Shift+Wheel did not work anymore. Fixed.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

v8.50.0004 - 2009-10-07 13:54

BETA versions are now only available for registered users.
Find the download link at the bottom of the License Lounge.

  • * Now Auto-Refresh is suspended during file operations in a more radical manner which should fix certain delay issues on certain systems, and also should contribute to the speed of the operations.
    BTW, you will now also see the AR toolbar button switching state while a file operation is in progress.
  • ! Search Results Caching: A new search results tab cloned from the current search results tab was not cached immediately, and would start searching again on being selected the second time. Fixed.
  • ! Font preview: Corrupt font could crash app. Fixed.
  • ! Folder Report: Would not work on special folders (e.g. Desktop). Fixed.
  • ! Address Bar: Icon drawing glitch fixed.
  • ! Info Panel: Drawing glitch fixed.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

v8.50.0002 - 2009-10-06 20:36

BETA versions are now only available for registered users.
Find the download link at the bottom of the License Lounge.

  • * Configuration | Tags | Database Clean Up: Now you are prompted (after OKing the first prompt) whether to check all drives or just fixed drives. Choose the latter if you want to clean your database but leave tags from removable drives untouched.
  • % Reduced the number of GDI objects in memory from around 432 to around 359 (exact values depend on your configuration).
  • * Installer:
    - Renamed items in program group and fixed an icon display glitch.
    - Now downgrading is allowed, i.e. you can install an older
      version over a newer one.
  • * Backup operations: Now Auto-Refresh is auto-suspended while a backup operation is in progress. Makes it smoother and faster.
  • ! If using a permanent startup path (Configuration | Startup & Exit) any existing Folder View Setting for that startup path was not applied. Fixed.
  • ! Environment Variables: Added another degree in smartness.
  • ! Tweak CEA_ListRightClickOnWhite: On CEA_ListRightClickOnWhite = 1 would attempt to paste into selected list item. Fixed.

Monday, October 5, 2009

v8.50.0000 - 2009-10-05 12:00

Main changes since last release:

  • +++ Manual Sorting. Now you can directly manipulate the displayed order of items by dragging them to a new position. Very useful together with batch rename operations.
  • +++ Custom Toolbar Buttons. Now you can define a separate script for a user button's right-click event.
  • +++ New Folders. Now you can enter a list of new folders or whole new paths that will be created in one go.
  • +++ Tabs. Now you can opt to display just the child folder names in the tab headers. Saves loads of space.
  • +++ Scripting. Now you can show icons in script-generated popup menus.
  • +++ Full Screen Preview/Thumbnails. Added file formats DWG and DWF (Vista/Win7 only).

Sunday, October 4, 2009

v8.40.0122 - 2009-10-04 09:45

BETA versions are now only available for registered users.
Find the download link at the bottom of the License Lounge.

  • ! Environment Variables: "%temp%\test.tmp" did not work anymore since v8.40.0121. Fixed.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

v8.40.0121 - 2009-10-03 18:46

BETA versions are now only available for registered users.
Find the download link at the bottom of the License Lounge.

  • + Menu Edit | New | New Folders...: Now also XY native variables and environment variables are supported. For example:
      New <date yyyymmdd>
  • * Menu Edit | New | New Path...: Now also XY native variables and environment variables are supported. For example:
      E:\Test\%username%\<date yyyymmdd>
    will create path E:\Test\Donald\20091003 and go there.
  • * Script captions: Now also environment variables are supported (native variables had been supported already).
  • ! Menu Edit | Select | Selection Filter: When the selection filter selected exactly one item, it (the item) would be stuck in the selected state even if you clicked on a different item. Fixed.
  • * Environment Variables: Enhanced the smartness in disambiguation of environment variables within paths. Now "C:\%appdata%\" is left unchanged, whereas "C:\%username%\" is resolved to "C:\[username]\".
    Rule: An environment variable that returns a full path is not resolved when found within a path.

Friday, October 2, 2009

v8.40.0120 - 2009-10-02 13:41

BETA versions are now only available for registered users.
Find the download link at the bottom of the License Lounge.

  • + Menu Edit | New: Added command New Folders. Here you can enter a list of new folders (one per line) that will be created in one go.
    - The folder paths can be absolute or relative (to current).
    - They can be slashed or unslashed.
    - They can be whole new paths, or just new subfolders to existing
    - They can be stated in any order.
    - The last list is remembered within the session.
    Example for a list:
  • ! Rename Special Search and Replace: The last character in a
    replace list (e.g. ABC>>abc) was not replaced. Fixed.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

v8.40.0117 - 2009-10-01 12:20

BETA versions are now only available for registered users.
Find the download link at the bottom of the License Lounge.

  • * SC setkey: Now setkey takes care that any quotes or spaces in the value are not lost when the value is read back using getkey. In other words: setkey will quote the value when necessary. Note that getkey always unquotes values that have a double-quote at both ends.
  • * Updated the help file.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

v8.40.0116 - 2009-09-30 12:33

BETA versions are now only available for registered users.
Find the download link at the bottom of the License Lounge.

  • * Configuration | Advanced: Removed option "No refresh during file operations". The setting is now internally hard-coded to TRUE, because it's simply much better and will greatly improve the performance of huge file move/copy operations.
    Tip: If you really need the Auto-Refresh during file operations you can still enable it in the context menu of the Auto-Refresh toolbar button (untick "Suspend Refresh During File Operations"). However, this setting will only hold within the current session and will be reset to TRUE on the next restart of the app. Note that the parameter "NoWatchDuringFileOp" of SCs setting and settingp is still available and functional.
  • * Mini Tree: The coming and going of removable drives was reflected by the Mini Tree. Not anymore. Only explicit (user-triggered) browsing or refreshing will add nodes to the Mini Tree, and only explicit hiding will remove nodes from it.
  • ! Special folder names ("MyComputer", "Desktop" etc.) did not support Unicode. Fixed.
  • ! Thumbnails view in Search Results: Thumbnails were not immediately displayed in the search results listing when staying on the same tab. Fixed.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

v8.40.0115 - 2009-09-29 11:54

BETA versions are now only available for registered users.
Find the download link at the bottom of the License Lounge.

  • +++ Added Manual Sorting to the file list. In Manual Sorting mode you can direcly manipulate the displayed order of items by dragging them to a new position. You can drag single as well as multiple items -- the latter even when the selections are non-contiguous in which case they are inserted as a contiguous group to the new position.
    Manual Sorting mode has been implemented as a List Style (and as such it is stored with tabs and across sessions). In case you wonder why it's not found in the Sort By submenu: Manual Sorting mode is not a particular sort order but rather a special function of dragging. If Manual Sorting is enabled then dragging does sort items, else dragging does move/copy items.
    If you exit Manual Sorting mode (untick the List Style) then the manual sort order is preserved until anything of the following happens:
      - You resort the list (press column headers etc).
      - You refresh the list (F5).
      - You switch to another tab and then back to this tab.
      - You exit and restart the app.

    A good use of Manual Sorting is to prepare mass renaming where you want the files in a particular order before the rename is applied. In future it will also become very useful for Virtual Folders (which actually will remember a custom sort order!).

    - Manual Sorting just concerns display. The files are not touched
      at all.
    - When Manual Sorting is enabled you cannot drag items from the
      list to any other controls using the left mouse button. Right
      button drag however works as usual.
    - The manual sort order is temporary and not remembered in a tab
      or between sessions. Also on a List Refresh it's gone. Therefore
      Auto-Refresh is suspended while a manual sort order is in effect
      to protect it from an unwanted List Refresh.
    - Manual Sorting also works with Find Results and other list
      modes (not necessarily extremely useful though with any mode).
    - WE has Manual Sorting as well, but only in Thumbnails and Tiles
      view. XYplorer now has it in all views.
  • ! List: Selecting a focused but non-selected item by pressing Space did not work anymore for a couple of versions. Fixed.
  • ! List: Quitting a drag-n-drop operation by ESC and with the mouse hovering the list lead to deselection of all selected items (as if MouseUp on white). Fixed: Selections are preserved.
  • ! List / Tabs: In the past the focused item of a list resp. tab was remembered by its position, not by its name. Hence it was possible that the focused item was not correctly remembered if the contents of the folder had changed. Fixed. Now focused items are remembered by name.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

v8.40.0112 - 2009-09-26 15:49

BETA versions are now only available for registered users.
Find the download link at the bottom of the License Lounge.

  • + Menu Edit | New Items: Added command "Go to New Items Folder" to the bottom of the list.
    Also, on a fresh installation a file "New.txt" and a folder "New" are auto-created in the New Items folder, to get things going.
  • * Custom Toolbar Buttons: Just a remark: If your button scripts have line wraps within quoted literals they cannot be preserved between sessions. For example, this script:
      msg "Hello
    will come back like this after save and restart:
      msg "Hello   there!"
    See also next paragraph.
  • * Scripting: Generally, line feeds within quoted strings are DEPRECATED! They still work (apart from UB scripts, see above) but this cannot be guaranteed forever.
      For example, this is deprecated:
        msg "Hello
      Do this instead:
        msg "Hello there!"
      Or this:
        msg "Hello " .
    Reason: The problem is not the parsing as such, but the storage (folding) of a multi-line script in one line, which is necessary when scripts are stored in an INI file (as opposed to a free format binary file).
  • ! SC continue did not work correctly when inside the ELSE section of an IF block. Fixed.

Friday, September 25, 2009

v8.40.0111 - 2009-09-25 14:59

BETA versions are now only available for registered users.
Find the download link at the bottom of the License Lounge.

  • + Configuration | Tabs | Show X buttons on tabs: Completely revised the options and algorithms. Now you have the following options:
      - Never
      - Selected tab [factory default]
      - All tabs
      - All tabs on hover
    Note that "All tabs" and "All tabs on hover" will show the X buttons on each tab (except iconized) regardless how small it is.
  • + Configuration | Tabs: Added option "Display folder name only".
    Check to have only the current child folder name in the tab headers.
  • * Menu Tools:
      - Moved a couple of commands to a new sub menu "Tools Special".
      - Renamed "Edit Configuration File..." to "Open Configuration
        File...". Reason: This is what the command does. The editing is
        something you can do afterwards...
      - Moved the following submenus from menu View to menu Tools:
          Tree Style
          List Style
          Size Column Format
          Date Column Format
        Reason: These are mostly "Set And Forget" options that belong to
        the configuration department (traditionally located under menu
        Tools) rather than the View department. Others (e.g. Sticky
        Selection) have not much to do with "View".
  • ! Report: On a locked tree it did not report on the current list location but the focused tree node's location, which was the less expected one to use when both differed. Fixed.
  • * Report: Now, after saving the report To File, XY obeys PFA when offering to open the created report.
  • * Tabwise find settings: The tab_#.dat files in the panes subfolders are now internally renamed from *.dat to *.ini. They had been named *.dat before only to avoid name potential collisions. This is not necessary anymore.
  • * Search Templates: Now Search Template Caching is possible independently of Search Tab Caching, i.e. it works also (read & write) when Configuration | Find Files | Cache Search Results is turned OFF.
  • ! Custom Toolbar Buttons: Fixed two glitches concerning popup menu position and captions.
  • * Find Files | Contents: Added option "Wildcards". Check it to allow wildcards * and ? in the pattern. Uncheck it to allow searching for characters * and ? in the file contents.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

v8.40.0109 - 2009-09-23 15:28

Publication of this update was delayed due to amount of editing required.
BETA versions are now only available for registered users.
Find the download link at the bottom of the License Lounge.

  • + Scripting got a new function.
      Name:   datediff
      Action: Returns the number of time intervals between two dates.
      Syntax: datediff(date1, [date2=now], [interval=d])
        date1:    [required] First (earlier) date/time.
        date2:    [optional] Second (later) date/time.
                  Defaults to now.
        interval: [optional] Time interval you want to use as the unit
                  of difference between date1 and date2.
                  Defaults to "d" (days).
                    y = years
                    m = months
                    w = weeks
                    d = days [default]
                    h = hours
                    n = minutes
                    s = seconds
        return: Number of time intervals between date1 and date2.
                Negative if date1 is later than date2.
        ::text "The Beijing Olympics were opened " . _
          datediff("2008-08-08") . " days ago.";
        ::text "The current file is " . datediff("",,"h") . _
          " hours old.";
  • + Full Screen Preview/Thumbnails: Added file formats DWG (AutoCAD Drawing Database File) and DWF (Design Web Format File).
    Note: This is Vista/Win7 only (unless you install 3rd party shell extensions) since the Vista/Win7 shell natively offers thumbnail previews for DWG and DWF files (which means XYplorer can do it as well).
  • + Scripting: The following commands are now DEPRECATED (but still supported) and have been converted to functions:
      inputfile, inputfolder, self
    The first argument of the old statement syntax is now the return value of the new function syntax.
    That's it with this type of conversions. The remaining commands with the old syntax from the pre-function era are:
      set, unset, incr
    They will not be converted to functions since the statement syntax makes sense here.
  • * List: Now only the first 2000 characters or first 20 lines are displayed in the tooltips. This limitation is especially useful for huge comments that will pop up when you hover the Comment column.
  • * List: Now there's a maximum column width of 1024 pixels.
  • * History: Quit reverse numbering. Now menus and lists displaying the history are numbered in analogy to MRU: The youngest item has number 1 and is displayed on top.
  • ! Scripting: Unary operators + and - were not always parsed correctly. These work now as they should:
      ::echo -2 + -1; //-3
      ::echo -2 - +1; //-3
      ::echo -2 - -1; //-1
      ::echo -2 * -1; //2
      ::echo 5 - -2 + 1; //8
      ::echo -5 - -2 * -2 + -1; //-10
  • * Tabs: Increased the height of the yellow highlight that marks the selected tab (and the active pane). Applies to Classic style tabs only.
  • ! Tree and Tabs: Sometimes when a removable drive got (un)available the drive's icon in Tree or Tabs did not match the new state. Fixed.
  • ! Saving Configuration: The current tab of each pane was not correctly stored to INI in its actual state when triggering "Save Configuration" manually (as opposed to automatically using "Save settings on exit"). Fixed.

Monday, September 21, 2009

v8.40.0108 - 2009-09-21 13:37

BETA versions are now only available for registered users.
Find the download link at the bottom of the License Lounge.

  • + Menu Edit | Compare: Added "Compare Current File on Both Panes". Checks whether the currently focused file is same or different from the file currently focused on the other pane.
    Default KS: Ctrl+Alt+K
  • + Custom Toolbar Buttons: Now, you can have a UB trigger at MouseDown. In the Edit User Button dialog you find a new option "Fire click on mousedown". The button will be displayed with an arrow overlay in the toolbar.
    Note that you should typically use this option only if your Click script creates a popup menu, in which case it will save you one click because MouseDown will open the menu and MouseUp will select the desired item.
  • * Custom Toolbar Buttons: Now, when you open the Customize Toolbar dialog from the context menu of a User Button, the buttons keys are displayed for reference.
  • + Custom Toolbar Buttons: It might happen that you construct an invalid script that will corrupt the context menu of a user button, in which case you'd not be able to reach the Edit dialog via the button's context menu anymore to correct the bad script.
    To escape from this deadlock you now can hold CTRL while right-clicking the user button, and you will get the default context menu for user buttons.
  • * Tags & Comments: Line wrapping in the Edit Comment dialog is now stored between calls and sessions.
  • ! Under certain conditions refreshing an empty folder would change to Details view. Fixed.