Sunday, July 29, 2007

v6.10.0069 - 2007-07-29 18:01

  • + Find Files: now, you can click the label "Mode:" to cycle the name pattern prefixes: [none], :, >. Just a little, more or less hidden, power user trick for mousies.
  • ! Menu Edit | New | New Folder (Ctrl+N): slightly changed the internal order of actions. This might fix an issue where the list refresh after "New Folder" was too slow for fast typists.
  • ! Toolbar buttons lacked transparency under certain color schemes. Fixed.
  • ! Resizing the Catalog was buggy when DPI was set to a user-defined value like 115%. Very strange VB user control (again!) bug , almost fixed (worked around). The complete fix (removal of the damn User Control) comes next time.