Sunday, March 16, 2008

v6.80.0112 - 2008-03-16 11:37

  • + Scripting got new commands:
      - Add
        Action: concatenates two or three strings
        Syntax: Add OutputVar, [String1], [String2], [String3]
          - OutputVar:   required, anything goes, case matters
          - String1/2/3: the strings
          ::add $x, "a", "b"      = ab
          ::add $x, "a", "b", "c" = abc

      - Mid
        Action: returns a part of a string
        Syntax: Mid OutputVar, String, [Start], [Length]
          - OutputVar: required, anything goes, case matters
          - String:    first string
          - Start:     start of returned part (defaults to 1)
          - Length:    length of returned part
          ::mid $a, "Maxi", 3    = xi
          ::mid $a, "Maxi", 3, 0 = x
          ::mid $a, "Maxi", 3, 1 = x
          ::mid $a, "Maxi", 3, 2 = xi
          ::mid $a, "Maxi", 3, 3 = xi
          ::mid $a, "Maxi", , 2  = Ma

      - Replace
        Action: replaces parts of a string
        Syntax: Replace OutputVar, String, Search, Replacement,
          - OutputVar:   required, anything goes, case matters
          - String:      string to work on (haystack)
          - Search:      string to be replaced (needle)
          - Replacement: string to replace with
          - MatchCase:   compare method
            0: A=a
            1: A<>a
          ::Replace $a, "Maxi", "max", "Min"    = Mini
          ::Replace $a, "Maxi", "max", "Min", 1 = Maxi

      - RegExReplace
        Action: replaces parts of a string using a regular
                expression pattern
        Syntax: RegExReplace OutputVar, String, RegExPattern,
                Replacement, MatchCase
          - OutputVar:    required, anything goes, case matters
          - String:       string to work on (haystack)
          - RegExPattern: string to be replaced (needle)
          - Replacement:  string to replace with; may include
                          backreferences like $1
          - MatchCase:    compare method
            0: A=a
            1: A<>a
          ::RegExReplace $a, "Image[1].png",
            "(?#Remove common IE suffix)^(.+)\[[0-9]+\](\..+)$",
            (= Image.png)
          ::RegExReplace $a, "bob", "b$", "p"
            (= bop)

      - Status
        Action: shows text in statusbar
        Syntax: Status Text
          ::Status Done!
          ::Status It's <dhh:nn:ss>