Saturday, June 28, 2008

v7.20.0025 - 2008-06-28 18:03

  • + Scripting commands enhanced:
      - GetKey
        New: Added argument to specify the name of the INI file
        Syntax: getkey OutputVar, Key, Section, [INIfile]
          INIfile: [optional] filename (with ext), can be absolute or
            relative to app data path; the file is expected to
            conform to the format of INI files.
          ::GetKey $a, "timeout", "boot loader", "C:\boot.ini"; msg $a;

      - SetKey
        Same as in GetKey above.
    This enhancement means that you can use XYplorer to read and write from/to any INI file in any location on the computer. If you write to a file that does not yet exist it will be created.
  • * Tree and List: Now, scrolling the control while a the rename ox is up will finalize the rename operation. Before, it would abort the rename operation. The new behavior is common standard in Windows.
  • ! Toolbar: Button "Show Navigation Panel" took a one-day vacation. It's back.
  • * Menu Edit | Compare: Added icons to the result dialog. Thanks for providing free icons to via
  • * Rename Special: Made the dialogs wider (was 538, now 650 pixels).
  • * Info Panel: Removed scrolling through the tabs by mouse wheel. It was mostly rather disturbing than helpful, and not working 100% reliably.