Tuesday, July 20, 2010

v9.30.0003 - 2010-07-20 11:05

Note: BETA versions are a work in progress and might contain fresh bugs.
You have been warned.

  • + Scripting got a new function.
      Name:   inputselect
      Action: Pops a list of strings from which the selected one is
      Syntax: inputselect(header, listdata, [delimiter=], [style=1], _
              [cancel], [width=600], [height=400], [windowcaption])
        header:    First line is printed in bold; any other lines are
                   printed non-bold; leave empty to show no header.
        listdata:  String of list items, delimited by delimiter.
        delimiter: Delimiter; defaults to .
        style:     1 = show file system icons for the items (= default)
                   2 = show checkboxes
                        prefix items with "+" to pre-check them
        cancel:    value to be returned when user cancels
                   if not set then cancel will terminate the script
        width:     Width of window in pixels (minimum: 250; maximum:
                   screen width; default: 600).
                   Percentages of screen width are supported, e.g. 75%.
        height:    Height of window in pixels (minimum: 150; maximum:
                   screen height; default: 400).
                   Percentages of screen height are supported, e.g. 75%.
        windowcaption: Window caption.
        return:   The selected list item. If checkbox style then the
                   checked items are returned, separated by delimiter.
        // header and a list of drives; then go to the selected drive
        goto inputselect("Select Destination", "C:D:E:");
        // same with two-line header
        goto inputselect("Select Destination".."Choose drive:", "C:D:E:");
        // no header
        goto inputselect(, "C:D:E:");
        // use checkboxes and icons (1 OR 2 = 3)
        text inputselect("Select Drives", "C:D:E:", , 3);
        // use checkboxes, pre-check "D:"); return "-" on cancel
        text inputselect("Select Drives", "C:+D:E:", , 3, "-");
  • + Added Logging to File: Now you can optionally have certain events logged to a file named "XYLog-2010-07-20.txt" (date of today) and located in the app data path.
    Events are identified by a number (binary field). Currently only one event is supported: Background Job Triggered (#1). To activate logging for this event use the following new scripting command:
      ::logtofile 1;
    To deactive logging:
      ::logtofile 0;
    To show logging status:
      ::logtofile; //status is displayed in the statubar
    The setting is remembered across sessions.