Thursday, January 29, 2009

v7.90.0082 - 2009-01-29 21:29

  • + SC report(): Now supports Tags & Comments. Browse and Find mode support the fields {Tag} and {Comment}.
    There's an additional Special Field {TagID} which is obviously set to the item's Tag ID. If the item has a comment but no color tag assigned {TagID} returns "0"; if the item is not tagged at all {TagID} returns "".
      ::text report("{name}, {tag} (ID={tagID}), {comment}<crlf>");
  • * File Tags: The database accepts Tag IDs not only from 0 to 15 but from -2147483648 to 2147483647. You can already set these IDs manually (but forget names and colors! -- anything beyond #15 is just numbers for the time being); they will be shown in the Tag column as 3-digit (for better sorting, and tribute to James Bond) numbers and can be used for sorting (and later for VFOs).
  • ! List | Comment Column: Item "Last Comment" would break menu layout when the last comment contained commas. Fixed.
  • ! Info Panel | Version: Fixed an issue with corrupt version info. Now even a corrupt version info can be displayed (thanks to a smart workaround) and you get no crash when even the workaround doesn't work.