Thursday, August 21, 2008

v7.40.0027 - 2008-08-21 15:21

  • + INI-Tweak to define the default rename mode when calling Rename on multiple files. This for example would default to RegExp Rename:
    Possible values:
      b: Batch Rename [Default]
      r: RegExp Rename
      s: Search & Replace
      k: Keep Particular Chars
      e: Set Extension
  • * Scripting command inputfile. You now get a message and are offered auto-correction (default to MyDocuments) when you pass a non-existent path. Before, the script was terminated at that point.
      You passed a non-existent path to scripting command inputfile:

      Press OK to use the following path instead:
      C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\Donald\Eigene Dateien\
      OK Cancel
  • * Menu View | Columns: Renamed the following captions:
      Define Current Column Setup as Default
      Restore Column Setup from Default
      Define Current Column Layout as Default
      Restore Column Layout from Default
  • * CKS: Non-number numpad keys (+-/*,), alone and combined with Shift, will now not work as shortcuts when the focus is in an edit box. For example, if you have Numpad Add assigned to a function (with global scope), the function will not be called if you press Numpad Add inside an edit box. It is assumed that you rather want to write the "+" sign.
  • ! Menu User: Did not always show the expected icons. Fixed.
  • ! Menu File | Restart without Saving: Did not work more than 2 times in a row. Funny bug, Fixed.