Friday, August 22, 2008

v7.40.0028 - 2008-08-22 13:26

  • * CKS dialog: In the Scope field you now find additional info on when exactly the action is triggered, either "Triggered on KeyDown" or "Triggered on KeyUp".
    This property is hard-coded for native functions, and the rule behind it is easy: KeyUp for all popup menus (reason: else accelerators in the popped up menu might be triggered when releasing the key), KeyDown for all other functions.
    The property is user-configurable, however, for UDCs (you can set it in the UDC dialog).
  • * Scripting commands inputfile and inputfolder modified:
      - Now, when the path argument is left empty the initial path in
        the select file/folder dialog defaults to <xypath>.
      - Now, when the path argument contains a non-existent path, the
        initial path in the select file/folder dialog defaults to
        <xypath>. You are prompted whether to continue the script.
  • * Scripting commands enhanced:
      - text
        Added argument to set the initial wordwrap.
        Syntax: text text, [width=600], [height=400], [caption], [wrap]
          wrap: [optional] w = wordwrap

      - input
        Modified argument to set the initial wordwrap.
        Syntax: input outputvar, [caption], [default value], [style]
          style: [optional] [empty] = single-line
                                  m = multiline non-wrapped
                                  w = multiline wrapped
  • * POM: Now you can define accelerators in the caption of POM items. It's done by prefixing the "&" (ampersand) character to the desired character. For example, make U the accelerator like this:
      |"Transmogrify &Umlauts" *[äöü]*>::#131;