Friday, November 21, 2008

v7.80.0012 - 2008-11-21 10:27

  • ! MiniTree: Fixed some glitches.
  • * MiniTree: Remarks on collapsing and expanding nodes if MiniTree is ON.
    - If you Fully Collapse a tree node (Numpad Divide) it is not only
      collapsed but reset to initial state: When you expand it in the
      tree it will do a fresh browse and show all existing subfolders.
    - OTOH, if you just collapse the node by clicking the minus-icon
      and then expand it again, no browsing will happen and the
      minimal tree state is preserved.
    - A destination node is never expanded.
  • * MiniTree: Now, when you de/activate MiniTree, the whole tree is rebuilt, so you have an immediate effect.
  • * Menu View | Rebuild Tree: Now the expansion state of the current node is preserved.
  • + List: Now you can toggle-select different groups of files dragging the mouse and holding CTRL. This is standard Windows behavior, and it's finally added to all List Views.