Tuesday, April 22, 2008

v7.00.0046 - 2008-04-22 13:34

  • + PFA/POM: Now, command line parameters are supported in XYplorer's Portable File Assocations! The syntax is identical to all the other places where command line parameters are supported: Catalog (Open Selected Item(s) With), UDC Open With, scripting "openwith". It's basically one simple rule: The application must be quoted when command line parameters are used.
    For example:
      jpg;png;gif;tif>"ACDSee32" /v
      jpg;png;gif;tif>"C:\Programme\ACDSee32\ACDSee32.exe" /v
    By the way, quoting is also okay (but not necessary) when you have no parameters:
  • * PFA/POM: The new support for command line parameters makes it necessary to slightly change the syntax concerning captions (as introduced only yesterday). Now, captions have to be prefixed to the pattern part of the PFA. For example:
      "ACDSee in View Mode" jpg;png;gif;tif>"ACDSee32" /v
    Note that prefixed | (pipe) character in POM-only PFAs has to precede the caption:
      |"ACDSee in View Mode" jpg;png;gif;tif>"ACDSee32" /v
  • * POM: Now, the pattern "*" does only match all files (but not all folders). If you want to match all files and all folders then use the pattern list "*;\".
  • - Menu View: removed command "Refresh Drives", and added its functionality to Refresh Tree (F4).
  • * Statusbar: changed the icon for most messages to a white-on-green "ok/ready" tick.
  • + Additional remark to script files in UNICODE format: Those files must begin with the UTF-16 LE BOM (2 bytes: FF FE) to be correctly recognized.
  • ! Scripting command "input" aborted the script (instead of going on) after "OK" if the multi-line parameter ("m") was set . Fixed.