Tuesday, September 23, 2008

v7.60.0026 - 2008-09-23 13:11

  • %%% Tabs: Now the List updates much smoother on tab change. Browsing to particular files (not just folders) also got much smoother. There are no limits to optimization...
  • + Scripting got a new function.
      Name:   Compare
      Action: Compare two strings.
      Syntax: compare(string1, string2, [method=b])
        method: b = [default] binary, bytes: strings are compared
                i = same as b, but case-insensitive: A=a
                n = numeric: strings are converted to numbers (fractions
                    use dot) and then compared numerically
                v = version: compares file versions of formats like
                    #.## or #.##.#### or #.##.##.##
        return: -1 if string1 < string2
                 0 if string1 == string2
                 1 1 if string1 > string2
        ::echo compare("a", "b"); // -1
        ::echo compare("a", "A"); // 1
        ::echo compare("a", "A", "i");  // 0
        ::echo compare("2", "12", "b"); // 1
        ::echo compare("2", "12", "n"); // -1
        ::echo compare("10.20.0025", "7.60.0026", "b"); // -1
        ::echo compare("10.20.0025", "7.60.0026", "v"); // 1