Wednesday, June 24, 2009

v8.00.0006 - 2009-06-24 10:40

  • + SC Report(): Added a couple of special fields that will retrieve meta properties from all file types that support this:
      - {DocTitle}
      - {DocSubject}
      - {DocAuthor}
      - {DocCategory}
      - {DocComments}
      ::echo report("{Fullname}: Title={DocTitle}, _
        Subject={DocSubject}, written by {DocAuthor}<crlf>", 1);
  • + Font Preview: Now, when you right-click an item on the info frame you get a mini context menu "Copy Item to Clipboard".
  • * Font Preview: Now, when you de/activate a font by clicking its name on the info frame you get a feedback on the statusbar.
  • ! Menu Tools | Control Panel...: Showed a double Control Panel on x64. Fixed, part 2.
  • ! List would lose focus after right-mouse MDBU on thumbnail. Fixed.
  • ! A little history glitch could lead to consecutive duplicates. Fixed.
  • ! SC tag: did not update the list correctly when itemlist was passed.